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Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization(1997) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Gene I. Rochlin
발행년도 1997-03-17
판수 1판
페이지 294
ISBN 9780691010809
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 50,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization(1997)


  • Voice mail. E-mail. Bar codes. Desktops. Laptops. Networks. The Web. In this exciting book, Gene Rochlin takes a closer look at how these familiar and pervasive productions of computerization have become embedded in all our lives, forcing us to narrow the scope of our choices, our modes of control, and our experiences with the real world. Drawing on fascinating narratives from fields that range from military command, air traffic control, and international fund transfers to library cataloging and supermarket checkouts, Rochlin shows that we are rapidly making irreversible and at times harmful changes in our business, social, and personal lives to comply with the formalities and restrictions of information systems.

    The threat is not the direct one once framed by the idea of insane robots or runaway mainframes usurping human functions for their own purposes, but the gradual loss of control over hardware, software, and function through networks of interconnection and dependence. What Rochlin calls the computer trap has four parts: the lure, the snare, the costs, and the long-term consequences. The lure is obvious: the promise of ever more powerful and adaptable tools with simpler and more human-centered interfaces. The snare is what usually ensues. Once heavily invested in the use of computers to perform central tasks, organizations and individuals alike are committed to new capacities and potentials, whether they eventually find them rewarding or not. The varied costs include a dependency on the manufacturers of hardware and software--and a seemingly pathological scramble to keep up with an incredible rate of sometimes unnecessary technological change. Finally, a lack of redundancy and an incredible speed of response make human intervention or control difficult at best when (and not if) something goes wrong. As Rochlin points out, this is particularly true for those systems whose interconnections and mechanisms are so deeply concealed in the computers that no human being fully understands them.

  • Preface xi
    Acknowledgments xv
    1 Introduction 3
    Prologue 3
    Enter the Computer 5
    Compliance and Control 7
    The Structure of the Argument 11
    The Structure of the Book 13
    2 Autogamous Technology 15
    Introduction 15
    A Brief Historical Essay 16
    Operating Systems 23
    The Dynamics of Growth 29
    The Hegemony of Design 32
    3 Networks of Connectivity: Webs of Dependence 35
    Introduction 35
    From Anarchy to Networks 38
    The Interconnected Office 46
    Conclusion 48
    4 Taylorism Redux? 51
    Introduction 51
    The Search for Managerial Control 53
    The Deskilling Controversy 61
    Expertise Lost 67
    Heterogeneous Systems 69
    Conclusion 71
    5 Computer Trading 74
    Introduction 74
    Markets and Exchanges 76
    Automating Markets 82
    Conclusion 88
    6 Jacking into the Market 91
    The Demise of Barings P L C 91
    Trading in Cyberspace 94
    Global Markets 99
    Conclusion 105
    Epilogue 106
    7 Expert Operators and Critical Tasks 108
    Having the Bubble 108
    Pilot Error 112
    The Glass Cockpit 115
    Air Traffic Control 119
    Industrial and Other Operations 123
    The Computer in the Loop 125
    Conclusion 128
    8 Smart Weapons, Smart Soldiers 131
    Introduction 131
    Industrial War 132
    Techno-Industrial War 135
    The Postwar Transition 137
    Quantity versus Quality 140
    Trading Tooth for Tail 144
    Conclusion 147
    9 Unfriendly Fire 150
    Introduction 150
    A "Reasonable Choice of Disaster" 152
    The USS Stark 154
    Tragedy over the Persian Gulf 156
    Conclusion 166
    10 The Logistics of Techno-War 169
    Introduction 169
    The Gulf War 171
    Redefining Effectiveness 182
    Computers and the Transformation of War 184
    11 C3I in Cyberspace
    Introduction 188
    The Ways and Means of Modern Warfare 191
    Moving toward Cyberspace 199
    The Virtual Battlefield 202
    Conclusion 207
    12 Invisible Idiots 210
    Introduction 210
    Standardization and Slack 212
    Virtual Organizations in a Real World 214
    Conclusion 216
    Notes 219
    Bibliography 265
    Index 285

  • Gene I. Rochlin is Professor of Energy and Resources at the University of California, Berkeley. He has been the recipient of a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Individual Fellowship for Research and Writing in International Security and of a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship.

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선택된 옵션

  • Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization(1997)