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The Universe Unfolding(1998) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Hermann Bondi.Miranda
발행년도 1998-06-25
판수 1판
페이지 406
ISBN 9780198511885
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 96,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Universe Unfolding(1998)


  • This volume collects the personal reflections of 20 of the world's foremost astronomers. These original, vibrant and sometimes controversial lectures provide a unique record of trends in astrophysics during the last two decades. Accessible to the general reader, they cover topics ranging from comets to cosmic rays, from astrology to eclipses, from the origins of life to the age of the universe. As an overview of the most dazzling accomplishments of modern science, these writings offer an unprecedented opportunity to hear Nobel Prize winners and world-famous cosmologists tell about their insights and discoveries in their own words.

  • 1: Sir Fred Hoyle: Comets: a matter of life and death. 
    2: R A Lyttleton: Gravitation, ancient eclipses, and mountains. 
    3: S Chandrasekhar: E A Milne: his part in the development of modern astrophysics. 
    4: Sir Martin Rees: Our universe and others. 
    5: T G Cowling: Astrology, religion and science. 
    6: A W Wolfendale: The origin of cosmic rays. 
    7: D G Kendall: Statistics, geometry and the cosmos. 
    8: D G King-Hele: The Earth's atmosphere: ideas old and new. 
    9: Sir William McCrea: Time, vacuum and cosmos. 
    10: W A Fowler: The age of the observable universe. 
    11: Sir Michael Atiyah: Geometry, topology and physics. 
    12: V Radhakrishnan: Polarization - its message in astronomy. 
    13: T Gold: Carbon - the element of life: what is its origin on Earth. 
    14: D W Sciama: Cosmology and particle physics: a new synthesis. 
    15: Freeman Dyson: Hunting for comets and planets. 
    16: Malcolm Longair: Modern cosmology - a critical assessment. 
    17: J H Taylor: Binary pulsars and relativistic gravity. 
    18: R Kirshner: Taking the measure of the universe: How big? How old? How do we know?. 
    19: J C Mather: Observing the Big Bang. 
    20: Professor Sir Roger Penrose: The complexity of our singular universe

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  • The Universe Unfolding(1998)