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A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem(1997) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Gary King
발행년도 1997-03-17
판수 1 edition판
페이지 346
ISBN 9780691012407
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 29,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem(1997)


  • This book provides a solution to the ecological inference problem, which has plagued users of statistical methods for over seventy-five years: How can researchers reliably infer individual-level behavior from aggregate (ecological) data? In political science, this question arises when individual-level surveys are unavailable (for instance, local or comparative electoral politics), unreliable (racial politics), insufficient (political geography), or infeasible (political history). This ecological inference problem also confronts researchers in numerous areas of major significance in public policy, and other academic disciplines, ranging from epidemiology and marketing to sociology and quantitative history. Although many have attempted to make such cross-level inferences, scholars agree that all existing methods yield very inaccurate conclusions about the world. In this volume, Gary King lays out a unique--and reliable--solution to this venerable problem.

    King begins with a qualitative overview, readable even by those without a statistical background. He then unifies the apparently diverse findings in the methodological literature, so that only one aggregation problem remains to be solved. He then presents his solution, as well as empirical evaluations of the solution that include over 16,000 comparisons of his estimates from real aggregate data to the known individual-level answer. The method works in practice.

  • List of Figures xi

    List of Tables xiii

    Preface xv


    1. Qualitative Overview 3

    1.1 The Necessity of Ecological Inferences 7

    1.2 The Problem 12

    1.3 The Solution 17

    1.4 The Evidence 22

    1.5 The Method 26

    2. Formal Statement of the Problem 28


    3. Aggregation Problems 37

    3.1 Goodman's Regression: A Definition 37

    3.2 The Indeterminacy Problem 39

    3.3 The Grouping Problem 46

    3.4 Equivalence of the Grouping and Indeterminacy Problems 53

    3.5 A Concluding Definition 54

    4. Non-Aggregation Problems 56

    4.1 Goodman Regression Model Problems 56

    4.2 Applying Goodman's Regression in 2 x 3 Tables 68

    4.3 Double Regression Problems 71

    4.4 Concluding Remarks 73


    5. The Data: Generalizing the Method of Bounds 77

    5.1 Homogeneous Precincts: No Uncertainty 78

    5.2 Heterogeneous Precincts: Upper and Lower Bounds 79

    5.2.1 Precinct-Level Quantities of Interest 79

    5.2.2 District-Level Quantities of Interest 83

    5.3 An Easy Visual Method for Computing Bounds 85

    6. The Model 91

    6.1 The Basic Model 92

    6.2 Model Interpretation 94

    6.2.1 Observable Implications of Model Parameters 96

    6.2.2 Parameterizing the Truncated Bivariate Normal 102

    6.2.3 Computing 2p Parameters from Only p Observations 106

    6.2.4 Connections to the Statistics of Medical and Seismic Imaging 112

    6.2.5 Would a Model of Individual-Level Choices Help? 119

    7. Preliminary Estimation 123

    7.1 A Visual Introduction 124

    7.2 The Likelihood Function 132

    7.3 Parameterizations 135

    7.4 Optional Priors 138

    7.5 Summarizing Information about Estimated Parameters 139

    8. Calculating Quantities of Interest 141

    8.1 Simulation Is Easier than Analytical Derivation 141

    8.1.1 Definitions and Examples 142

    8.1.2 Simulation for Ecological Inference 144

    8.2 Precinct-Level Quantities 145

    8.3 District-Level Quantities 149

    8.4 Quantities of Interest from Larger Tables 151

    8.4.1 A Multiple Imputation Approach 151

    8.4.2 An Approach Related to Double Regression 153

    8.5 Other Quantities of Interest 156

    9. Model Extensions 158

    9.1 What Can Go Wrong? 158

    9.1.1 Aggregation Bias 159

    9.1.2 Incorrect Distributional Assumptions 161

    9.1.3 Spatial Dependence 164

    9.2 Avoiding Aggregation Bias 168

    9.2.1 Using External Information 169

    9.2.2 Unconditional Estimation: Xi as a Covariate 174

    9.2.3 Tradeoffs and Priors for the Extended Model 179

    9.2.4 Ex Post Diagnostics 183

    9.3 Avoiding Distributional Problems 184

    9.3.1 Parametric Approaches 185

    9.3.2 A Nonparametric Approach 191


    10. A Typical Application Described in Detail: Voter Registration by Race 199

    10.1 The Data 199

    10.2 Likelihood Estimation 200

    10.3 Computing Quantities of Interest 207

    10.3.1 Aggregate 207

    10.3.2 County Level 209

    10.3.3 Other Quantities of Interest 215
    11. Robustness to Aggregation Bias: Poverty Status by Sex 217

    11.1 Data and Notation 217
    11.2 Verifying the Existence of Aggregation Bias 218

    11.3 Fitting the Data 220

    11.4 Empirical Results 222
    12. Estimation without Information: Black Registration in Kentucky 226

    12.1 The Data 226

    12.2 Data Problems 227

    12.3 Fitting the Data 228

    12.4 Empirical Results 232 13. Classic Ecological Inferences 235

    13.1 Voter Transitions 235

    13.1.1 Data 235

    13.1.2 Estimates 238

    14. Non-Ecological Aggregation Problems 249

    14.1 The Geographer's Modifiable Areal Unit Problem 249

    14.1.1 The Problem with the Problem 250

    14.1.2 Ecological Inference as a Solution to the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem 252

    14.2 The Statistical Problem of Combining Survey and Aggregate Data 255

    14.3 The Econometric Problem of Aggregating Continuous Variables 258

    14.4 Concluding Remarks on Related Aggregation Research 262
    15. Ecological Inference in Larger Tables 263

    15.1 An Intuitive Approach 264

    15.2 Notation for a General Approach 267

    15.3 Generalized Bounds 269

    15.4 The Statistical Model 271

    15.5 Distributional Implications 273

    15.6 Calculating the Quantities of Interest 276

    15.7 Concluding Suggestions 276

    16. A Concluding Checklist 277

    A. Proof That All Discrepancies Are Equivalent 295

    B Parameter Bounds 301

    B.1 Homogeneous Precincts 301

    B.2 Heterogeneous Precincts 302

    B.3 Heterogeneous Precincts 303

    C Conditional Posterior Distribution 304

    C.1 Using Bayes Theorem 305

    C.2 Using Properties of Normal Distributions 306

    D The Likelihood Function 307

    E The Details of Nonparametric Estimation 309

    F Computational Issues 311
    Glossary of Symbols 313

    References 317

    Index 337

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  • A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem(1997)