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The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure(1995) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Bartle
발행년도 1995-02-28
페이지 192
ISBN 9780471042228
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 68,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure(1995)


  • The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that have become recognized classics in their respective fields. With these new unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend the life of these important works by making them available to future generations of mathematicians and scientists. Currently available in the Series: T. W. Anderson The Statistical Analysis of Time Series T. S. Arthanari & Yadolah Dodge Mathematical Programming in Statistics Emil Artin Geometric Algebra Norman T. J. Bailey The Elements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the Natural Sciences Robert G. Bartle The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure George E. P. Box & George C. Tiao Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis R. W. Carter Simple Groups of Lie Type William G. Cochran & Gertrude M. Cox Experimental Designs, Second Edition Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus, Volume I Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus, Volume II Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume I Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume II D. R. Cox Planning of Experiments Harold M. S. Coxeter Introduction to Modern Geometry, Second Edition Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to Finite Groups and Orders, Volume I Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to Finite Groups and Orders, Volume II Bruno de Finetti Theory of Probability, Volume 1 Bruno de Finetti Theory of Probability, Volume 2 W. Edwards Deming Sample Design in Business Research Amos de Shalit & Herman Feshbach Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Volume 1 ―Nuclear Structure J. L. Doob Stochastic Processes Nelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, Part One, General Theory Nelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, Part Two, Spectral Theory―Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space Nelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, Part Three, Spectral Operators Herman Feshbach Theoretical Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Reactions Bernard Friedman Lectures on Applications-Oriented Mathematics Phillip Griffiths & Joseph Harris Principles of Algebraic Geometry Gerald J. Hahn & Samuel S. Shapiro Statistical Models in Engineering Morris H. Hansen, William N. Hurwitz & William G. Madow Sample Survey Methods and Theory, Volume I―Methods and Applications Morris H. Hansen, William N. Hurwitz & William G. Madow Sample Survey Methods and Theory, Volume II―Theory Peter Henrici Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 1―Power Series―Integration―Conformal Mapping―Location of Zeros Peter Henrici Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 2―Special Functions―Integral Transforms―Asymptotics―Continued Fractions Peter Henrici Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 3―Discrete Fourier Analysis―Cauchy Integrals―Construction of Conformal Maps―Univalent Functions Peter Hilton & Yel-Chiang Wu A Course in Modern Algebra Harry Hochstadt Integral Equations Erwin O. Kreyszig Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications William H. Louisell Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation Ali Hasan Nayfeh Introduction to Perturbation Techniques Emanuel Parzen Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications P. M. Prenter Splines and Variational Methods Walter Rudin Fourier Analysis on Groups C. L. Siegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume I―Elliptic Functions and Uniformization Theory C. L. Siegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume II―Automorphic and Abelian Integrals C. L. Siegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume III―Abelian Functions & Modular Functions of Several Variables J. J. Stoker Differential Geometry J. J. Stoker Water Waves: The Mathematical Theory with Applications J. J. Stoker Nonlinear Vibrations in Mechanical and Electrical Systems

  • 1. Introduction
    2. Measurable Functions
    3. Measures
    4. The Integral
    5. Integrable Functions
    6. The Lebesgue Spaces Lp
    7. Modes of Convergence
    8. Decomposition of Measures
    9. Generation of Measures
    10. Product Measures
    11. Volumes of Cells and Intervals
    12. The Outer Measure
    13. Measurable Sets
    14. Examples of Measurable Sets
    15. Approximation of Measurable Sets
    16. Additivity and Nonadditivity
    17. Nonmeasurable and Non-Borel Sets

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  • The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure(1995)