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Partial Order Methods in Verification: Dimacs WorkshopJuly 24-26, 1996 - Series in discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Vol.29(1997) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Doron A. Peled
발행년도 1997-01-01
판수 1판
페이지 404
ISBN 9780821805794
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Partial Order Methods in Verification: Dimacs WorkshopJuly 24-26, 1996 - Series in discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Vol.29(1997)


  • This book presents surveys on the theory and practice of modeling, specifying, and validating concurrent systems. It contains surveys of techniques used in tools developed for automatic validation of systems. Other papers present recent developments in concurrency theory, logics of programs, model-checking, automata and formal languages theory. The volume contains the proceedings from the workshop, Partial Order Methods in Verification, which was held in Princeton, NJ, in July 1996. The workshop focused on both the practical and the theoretical aspects of using partial order models, including automata and formal languages, category theory, concurrency theory, logic, process algebra, program semantics, specification and verification, topology, and trace theory. The book also includes a lively e-mail debate that took place about the importance of the partial order dichotomy in modeling concurrency.

  • Prefix function view of states and events by A. Mazurkiewicz
    Elements of an automata theory over partial orders by W. Thomas
    Algebraic manipulations and vector languages by M. W. Shields
    Refinement with global equivalence proofs in temporal logic by S. Katz
    A complete axiomatization of a first-order temporal logic over trace systems by W. Penczek and M. Srebrny
    Interleaved progress, concurrent progress, and local progress by W. Reisig
    Teams can see pomsets by G. Plotkin and V. Pratt
    Presheaves as transition systems by G. Winskel and M. Nielsen
    On topological hierarchies of temporal properties by C. Baier and M. Kwiatkowska
    Linear time temporal logics over Mazurkiewicz traces by M. Mukund and P. S. Thiagarajan
    A solution of an interleaving decision problem by a partial order technique by A. R. Meyer and A. Rabinovich
    Stubborn set methods for process algebras by A. Valmari
    Partial order reduction: Linearand branching temporal logics and process algebras by D. Peled
    History dependent verification for partial order systems by U. Montanari and M. Pistore
    Transition systems with independence and multi-arcs by T. T. Hildebrandt and V. Sassone
    On the costs and benefits of using partial-order methods for the verification of concurrent systems by P. Godefroid
    Partial order verification with PEP by E. Best
    Rapide: A language and toolset for simulation of distributed systems by partial orderings of events by D. C. Luckham

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  • Partial Order Methods in Verification: Dimacs WorkshopJuly 24-26, 1996 - Series in discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Vol.29(1997)