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Reading Shakespeare's Dramatic Language (Arden Sharkespeare) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Adamson Hunter
발행년도 2000-12-14
판수 1판
페이지 334
ISBN 9781903436295
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Reading Shakespeare's Dramatic Language (Arden Sharkespeare)


  • This accessible and interdisciplinary volume addresses a fundamental need in current education in language, literature and drama. Many of today's students lack the grammatical and linguistic skills to enable them to study Shakespearean and other Renaissance texts as closely as their courses require. This practical guide will help them to understand and use the structures and strategies of written and dramatic language. Eleven short essays on aspects of literary criticism and performance by an eminent team of contributors are followed by a more detailed exploration of the history of language use, grammar and spelling, plus a glossary of terms offering definitions, contexts and examples. Together these provide an informed and engaging historical understanding of dramatic language in the early modern period.

  • Part 1 The language of shakespeare's plays
    1 Heightened language
    2 Style, rhetoric and decorum
    3 The grand style
    4 Shakespeare's metre scanned
    5 Puns and parody
    6 Description
    7 Narrative
    8 Persuasion
    9 Dialogue
    10 Characters in order of appearance
    11 Shakespeare's language in the theatre
    12 Language and the body

    Part 2 Reading shakespeare's english
    13 Varieties and variation
    14 Understanding shakespeare's grammar: studies in small words
    15 Shakespeare's new words
    16 Shakespeare's sounds

    Part 3 Resources for readers
    An a-z of rhetorical terms
    A guide to further reading


  • Lynette Hunter is Professor of the History of Rhetoric at the University of Leeds and a professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of California, Davis. Her research interests include Renaissance rhetoric, particularly in the areas of science, women's history, and politics. She has worked in many areas of theater practice including acting, directing, stage management, and make-up, and has developed an international reputation for a series of performance pieces relating to critical theory and library texts.


    Lynne Magnusson is Professor of English at the University of Toronto. She is the author of a book entitled Shakespeare and Social Dialogue: Dramatic Language and Elizabethan Letters, and her articles on Shakespeare have appeared in Shakespeare Survey, Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide, and various other publications. Her other research interests include letter writing and early modern women writers.


    Sylvia Adamson is Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Sheffield, where she is also Chair of Renaissance Studies in the School of English. Her main interests lie in the evolution and history of the English language. Her articles in The Cambridge History of the English Language entitled "The Literary Language" constitute the first modern attempt to explain the history of literary style from the Renaissance to present. She is the author of more than two dozen articles on the English language.

    This accessible and interdisciplinary collection looks at some of the challenges faced by today's students in studying the rich complexity of Shakespeare's language. Rooted in practical examples, it pulls together discussions from the fields of literary criticism, performance, and the history of language, and focuses on a selection of the more frequently studied Shakespearean texts. The organization of topics is intended to encourage students to recognize the many similarities between the writing and language use of Shakespeare's time and our own, as well as to understand and appreciate the differences.


    This guide to reading Shakespeare's dramatic language includes:


    Twelve short essays on aspects of literary criticism and performance, bringing together practical criticism, an understanding of renaissance rhetoric, and modern conversation theory, with some issues of reading writing, and staging.


    Four essays by historians of English, exploring Shakespeare's sounds, grammar, and word-making strategies, as well as his rich repertoire of regional and social varieties.


    An A-Z of literary and language terms that would have been familiar to readers and writers in the early modern period, and which are common to us today although often under different names.


    An annotated bibliography of further reading.

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  • Reading Shakespeare's Dramatic Language (Arden Sharkespeare)