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Language and Woman's Place(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Lakoff
발행년도 2004-07-22
판수 1판
페이지 309
ISBN 9780195167573
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 31,440원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Language and Woman's Place(2004)


  • The 1975 publication of Robin Tolmach Lakoff's Language and Woman's Place, is widely recognized as having inaugurated feminist research on the relationship between language and gender, touching off a remarkable response among language scholars, feminists, and general readers. For the past thirty years, scholars of language and gender have been debating and developing Lakoff's initial observations.

    Arguing that language is fundamental to gender inequality, Lakoff pointed to two areas in which inequalities can be found: Language used about women, such as the asymmetries between seemingly parallel terms like master and mistress, and language used by women, which places women in a double bind between being appropriately feminine and being fully human. Lakoff's central argument that "women's language" expresses powerlessness triggered a controversy that continues to this day.

    The revised and expanded edition presents the full text of the original first edition, along with an introduction and annotations by Lakoff in which she reflects on the text a quarter century later and expands on some of the most widely discussed issues it raises. The volume also brings together commentaries from twenty-six leading scholars of language, gender, and sexuality, within linguistics, anthropology, modern languages, education, information sciences, and other disciplines. The commentaries discuss the book's contribution to feminist research on language and explore its ongoing relevance for scholarship in the field.

    This new edition of Language and Woman's Place not only makes available once again the pioneering text of feminist linguistics; just as important, it places the text in the context of contemporary feminist and gender theory for a new generation of readers.

  • Part 1: Context
    1. Changing Places: Language and Woman's Place in Context, Mary Bucholtz
    2. ""Radical Feminist"" as Label, Libel, and Laudatory Chant: The Politics of Theoretical Taxonomies in Feminist Linguistics, Bonnie McElhinny
    3. Positioning Ideas and Gendered Subjects: ""Women's Language"" Revisited, Sally McConnell-Ginet
    4. Language and Woman's Place: Picking Up the Gauntlet, Anna Livia


    Part 2: Concepts
    5. Power, Lady, and Linguistic Politeness in Language and Woman's Place, Janet Holmes
    6. Cultural Patterning in Language and Woman's Place, Deborah Tannen
    7. The Good Woman, Penelope Eckert
    8. Language and Marginalized Places, Kira Hall


    Part 3: Femininities
    9. Exploring Woman's Language in Japan, Sachiko Ide
    10. ""Woman's Langugae and Martha Stewart: From a Room of One's Own to a Home of One's Own to a Corporation of One's Own, Catherine Davies
    11. Public Discourse and the Private Life of Little Girls: Language and Woman's Place and Language Socialization, Jenny Cook-Gumperz
    12. Mother's Place in Language and Woman's Place, Shari Kendall


    Part 4: Power
    13. Doing and Saying: Some Words on Women's Silence, Miriam Meyerhoff
    14. Computer-Mediated Communication and Woman's Place, Susan Herring
    15. Linguistics Discrimination and Violence against Women: Discursive Practices and Material Effects, Susan Ehrlich
    16. What Does a Focus on ""Men's Language"" Tell Us about Language and Woman's Place?, Scott Kiesling


    Part 5: Women's Place
    17. Gender, Identity, and ""Strong Language"" in a Professional Woman's Talk, Judith Mattson Beam and Barbara Johnstone
    18. The New Language and Place of Women in Japan: Reflections on Language and Woman's Place, Toshiko Matsumoto
    19. ""I'm Every Woman"": Black Women's (Dis)placement in Women's Language Study, Marcyliena Morgan
    20. The Anguish of Normative Gender: Sociolinguistic Studies among U.S. Latinas, Norma Mendoza-Denton
    21. Contradictions of the Indigenous Americas: Feminist Challenges to and from the Field, Sara Trechter


    Part 6: Sexualities
    22. Language and Woman's Place: Blueprint Studies of Gay Men's English, William L. Leap
    23. They Way We Wish We Were: Sexuality and Class in Language and Woman's Place, Rudolf P. Gaudio
    24. "I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar": The Importance of Linguistics Stereotype for Lesbian Identity Performances, Robin Queen
    25. As Much as We Use Language: Lakoff's

  • Robin Tolmach Lakoff is Professor of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley. Widely regarded as the founder of language and gender studies, she writes extensively about gender and power and is the author or coauthor of seven books and nearly one hundred articles.

    Mary Bucholz is Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She has coedited several books on language and gender and is the author of numerous articles on race, class, and youth identities.

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  • Language and Woman's Place(2004)