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Models and Computability: Invited Papers from Logic Colloquium '97 - European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Leeds, July 1997(1999) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 S. Barry CooperJohn K. Truss
발행년도 2010-08-05
판수 1판
페이지 430
ISBN 9780521635509
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 54,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Models and Computability: Invited Papers from Logic Colloquium '97 - European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Leeds, July 1997(1999)


  • Together, Models and Computability and its sister volume Sets and Proofs provide readers with a comprehensive guide to the current state of mathematical logic. All the authors are leaders in their fields and are drawn from the invited speakers at "Logic Colloquium '97" (the major international meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic). It is expected that the breadth and timeliness of these two volumes will prove an invaluable and unique resource for specialists, post-graduate researchers, and the informed and interested nonspecialist.
  • 1. Continuous functionals of dependent and transfinite types U. Berger; 2. Degree-theoretic aspects of computably enumerable reals C. S. Claude, R. Coles, P. H. Hertling and B. Khoussainov; 3. Simplicity and independence for pseudo-algebraically closed fields Z. Chatzidakis; 4. Clockwork or Turing universe? - remarks on causal determinism and computability S. B. Cooper; 5. A techniques-oriented survey of bounded queries W. Gasarch and F. Stephan; 6. Relative categoricity in abelian groups W. A. Hodges; 7. Computability and complexity revisited N. D. Jones; 8. Effective model theory: the number of models and their complexity B. Khoussainov and R. A. Shore; 9. A survey on canonical bases in simple theories B. Kim; 10. True approximations and models of arithmetic J. F. Knight; 11. On the topological stability conjecture L. Newelski; 12. A mahlo-universe of effective domains with totality D. Normann; 13. Logic and decision making D. E. Over; 14. The sheaf of locally definable scalars over a ring M. Y. Prest; 15. Human styles of quantificational reasoning L. J. Rips; 16. Recursion theoretic memories 1954?978 G. E. Sacks; 17. Fields definable in simple groups K. Tent; 18. A combinatory algebra for sequential functionals of finite type J. Van Oosten; 19. Model theory of analytic and smooth functions A. J. Wilkie
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  • Models and Computability: Invited Papers from Logic Colloquium '97 - European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Leeds, July 1997(1999)