한국해양대학교 영어 교양 교재
해양과 관련된 환경, 경제, 문화와 바다 주변에서 살거나 일하는 사람들의 관심사와 주제를 다루고 있다.
각 단원은 전문 용어와 읽기를 포함하고 있으며, TOEIC에서 어휘, 독해, 읽기 등 문제가 수록되었다.
Welcome to “Ocean English”. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the wide variety of ways that people interact with the ocean. It will also help you improve your English communication ability.
The ocean is important to us in various ways. We use it for transportation, industry, food sources, recreation, and more. The twelve units in this textbook will introduce you to several topics that are the focus of everyday concern for people who live or work around the ocean ― things like the environment, the economy and cultural institutions. The topics for most of the units were inspired by fields of study within different departments at Korea Maritime and Ocean University.
Each unit incorporates practice in the four areas of language skill. The first half of each unit includes a reading accompanied by lists of both general purpose and technical vocabulary. There are both vocabulary and reading comprehension questions, which are in the style used by the TOEIC®. The second half of each unit is based on a dialogue that introduces a grammar point, which the students then practice in a conversation activity. Throughout the book, a series of writing activities introduces the elements of good email writing. Finally, each unit ends with material to promote open―ended discussion and interesting facts.