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Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction 2nd 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Bruen,Forcinito, McQuillan
발행년도 2021-10-01
판수 2판
페이지 688
ISBN 9781119582427
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 72,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction 2nd




    A rich examination of the technologies supporting secure digital information transfers from respected leaders in the field

    As technology continues to evolve Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction: A Handbook for the 21ST Century is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the secure exchange of financial information. Identity theft, cybercrime, and other security issues have taken center stage as information becomes easier to access. Three disciplines offer solutions to these digital challenges: cryptography, information theory, and error-correction, all of which are addressed in this book.

    This book is geared toward a broad audience. It is an excellent reference for both graduate and undergraduate students of mathematics, computer science, cybersecurity, and engineering. It is also an authoritative overview for professionals working at financial institutions, law firms, and governments who need up-to-date information to make critical decisions. The book’s discussions will be of interest to those involved in blockchains as well as those working in companies developing and applying security for new products, like self-driving cars. With its reader-friendly style and interdisciplinary emphasis this book serves as both an ideal teaching text and a tool for self-learning for IT professionals, statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists, electrical engineers, and entrepreneurs.

    Six new chapters cover current topics like Internet of Things security, new identities in information theory, blockchains, cryptocurrency, compression, cloud computing and storage.  Increased security and applicable research in elliptic curve cryptography are also featured. The book also:

    • Shares vital, new research in the field of information theory
    • Provides quantum cryptography updates
    • Includes over 350 worked examples and problems for greater understanding of ideas.

    Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction guides readers in their understanding of reliable tools that can be used to store or transmit digital information safely.

  • Preface to the Second Edition xvii

    Acknowledgments for the Second Edition xxiii

    Book Website xxv

    About the Authors xxvii

    I Mainly Cryptography 1

    1 Historical Introduction and the Life and Work of Claude E. Shannon 3

    1.1 Historical Background 3

    1.2 Brief Biography of Claude E. Shannon 9

    1.3 Career 10

    1.4 Personal – Professional 10

    1.5 Scientific Legacy 11

    1.6 The Data Encryption Standard Code, DES, 1977–2005 14

    1.7 Post-Shannon Developments 15

    2 Classical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis 21

    2.1 Introduction 22

    2.2 The Caesar Cipher 22

    2.3 The Scytale Cipher 24

    2.4 The Vigen`ere Cipher 25

    2.5 Frequency Analysis 26

    2.6 Breaking the Vigen`ere Cipher, Babbage–Kasiski 27

    2.7 The Enigma Machine and Its Mathematics 33

    2.8 Modern Enciphering Systems 37

    2.9 Problems 37

    2.10 Solutions 39

    3 RSA, Key Searches, TLS, and Encrypting Email 47

    3.1 The Basic Idea of Cryptography 49

    3.2 Public Key Cryptography and RSA on a Calculator 53

    3.3 The General RSA Algorithm 56

    3.4 Public Key Versus Symmetric Key 60

    3.5 Attacks, Security, Catch-22 of Cryptography 62

    3.6 Summary of Encryption 65

    3.7 The Diffie–Hellman Key Exchange 66

    3.8 Intruder-in-the-Middle Attack on the Diffie–Hellman (or Elliptic Curve) Key-Exchange 69

    3.9 TLS (Transport Layer Security) 70

    3.10 PGP and GPG 72

    3.11 Problems 73

    3.12 Solutions 76

    4 The Fundamentals of Modern Cryptography 83

    4.1 Encryption Revisited 83

    4.2 Block Ciphers, Shannon’s Confusion and Diffusion 86

    4.3 Perfect Secrecy, Stream Ciphers, One-Time Pad 87

    4.4 Hash Functions 91

    4.5 Message Integrity Using Symmetric Cryptography 93

    4.6 General Public Key Cryptosystems 94

    4.7 Digital Signatures 97

    4.8 Modifying Encrypted Data and Homomorphic Encryption 99

    4.9 Quantum Encryption Using Polarized Photons 99

    4.10 Quantum Encryption Using Entanglement 102

    4.11 Quantum Key Distribution is Not a Silver Bullet 103

    4.12 Postquantum Cryptography 104

    4.13 Key Management and Kerberos 104

    4.14 Problems 106

    4.15 Solutions 107

    5 Modes of Operation for AES and Symmetric Algorithms 109

    5.1 Modes of Operation 109

    5.2 The Advanced Encryption Standard Code 111

    5.3 Overview of AES 114

    6 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) 125

    6.1 Abelian Integrals, Fields, Groups 126

    6.2 Curves, Cryptography 128

    6.3 The Hasse Theorem, and an Example 129

    6.4 More Examples 131

    6.5 The Group Law on Elliptic Curves 131

    6.6 Key Exchange with Elliptic Curves 134

    6.7 Elliptic Curves mod 134

    6.8 Encoding Plain Text 135

    6.9 Security of ECC 135

    6.10 More Geometry of Cubic Curves 135

    6.11 Cubic Curves and Arcs 136

    6.12 Homogeneous Coordinates 137

    6.13 Fermat’s Last Theorem, Elliptic Curves, Gerhard Frey 137

    6.14 A Modification of the Standard Version of Elliptic Curve Cryptography 138

    6.15 Problems 139

    6.16 Solutions 140

    7 General and Mathematical Attacks in Cryptography 143

    7.1 Cryptanalysis 143

    7.2 Soft Attacks 144

    7.3 Brute-Force Attacks 145

    7.4 Man-in-the-Middle Attacks 146

    7.5 Relay Attacks, Car Key Fobs 148

    7.6 Known Plain Text Attacks 150

    7.7 Known Cipher Text Attacks 151

    7.8 Chosen Plain Text Attacks 151

    7.9 Chosen Cipher Text Attacks, Digital Signatures 151

    7.10 Replay Attacks 152

    7.11 Birthday Attacks 152

    7.12 Birthday Attack on Digital Signatures 154

    7.13 Birthday Attack on the Discrete Log Problem 154

    7.14 Attacks on RSA 155

    7.15 Attacks on RSA using Low-Exponents 156

    7.16 Timing Attack 156

    7.17 Differential Cryptanalysis 157

    7.18 Attacks Utilizing Preprocessing 157

    7.19 Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys 159

    7.20 Implementation Errors and Unforeseen States 159

    7.21 Tracking. Bluetooth, WiFi, and Your Smart Phone 163

    7.22 Keep Up with the Latest Attacks (If You Can) 164

    8 Practical Issues in Modern Cryptography and Communications 165

    8.1 Introduction 165

    8.2 Hot Issues 167

    8.3 Authentication 167

    8.4 User Anonymity 174

    8.5 E-commerce 175

    8.6 E-government 176

    8.7 Key Lengths 178

    8.8 Digital Rights 179

    8.9 Wireless Networks 179

    8.10 Communication Protocols 180

    II Mainly Information Theory 183

    9 Information Theory and its Applications 185

    9.1 Axioms, Physics, Computation 186

    9.2 Entropy 186

    9.3 Information Gained, Cryptography 188

    9.4 Practical Applications of Information Theory 190

    9.5 Information Theory and Physics 192

    9.6 Axiomatics of Information Theory 193

    9.7 Number Bases, Erd¨os and the Hand of God 194

    9.8 Weighing Problems and Your MBA 196

    9.9 Shannon Bits, the Big Picture 200

    10 Random Variables and Entropy 201

    10.1 Random Variables 201

    10.2 Mathematics of Entropy 205

    10.3 Calculating Entropy 206

    10.4 Conditional Probability 207

    10.5 Bernoulli Trials 211

    10.6 Typical Sequences 213

    10.7 Law of Large Numbers 214

    10.8 Joint and Conditional Entropy 215

    10.9 Applications of Entropy 221

    10.10 Calculation of Mutual Information 221

    10.11 Mutual Information and Channels 223

    10.12 The Entropy of 224

    10.13 Subadditivity of the Function −x log 225

    10.14 Entropy and Cryptography 225

    10.15 Problems 226

    10.16 Solutions 227

    11 Source Coding, Redundancy 233

    11.1 Introduction, Source Extensions 234

    11.2 Encodings, Kraft, McMillan 235

    11.3 Block Coding, the Oracle, Yes–No Questions 241

    11.4 Optimal Codes 242

    11.5 Huffman Coding 243

    11.6 Optimality of Huffman Coding 248

    11.7 Data Compression, Redundancy 249

    11.8 Problems 251

    11.9 Solutions 252

    12 Channels, Capacity, the Fundamental Theorem 255

    12.1 Abstract Channels 256

    12.2 More Specific Channels 257

    12.3 New Channels from Old, Cascades 258

    12.4 Input Probability, Channel Capacity 261

    12.5 Capacity for General Binary Channels, Entropy 265

    12.6 Hamming Distance 266

    12.7 Improving Reliability of a Binary Symmetric Channel 268

    12.8 Error Correction, Error Reduction, Good Redundancy 268

    12.9 The Fundamental Theorem of Information Theory 272

    12.10 Proving the Fundamental Theorem 279

    12.11 Summary, the Big Picture 281

    12.12 Postscript: The Capacity of the Binary Symmetric Channel 282

    12.13 Problems 283

    12.14 Solutions 284

    13 Signals, Sampling, Coding Gain, Shannon’s Information Capacity Theorem 287

    13.1 Continuous Signals, Shannon’s Sampling Theorem 288

    13.2 The Band-Limited Capacity Theorem 290

    13.3 The Coding Gain 296

    14 Ergodic and Markov Sources, Language Entropy 299

    14.1 General and Stationary Sources 300

    14.2 Ergodic Sources 302

    14.3 Markov Chains and Markov Sources 304

    14.4 Irreducible Markov Sources, Adjoint Source 308

    14.5 Cascades and the Data Processing Theorem 310

    14.6 The Redundancy of Languages 311

    14.7 Problems 313

    14.8 Solutions 315

    15 Perfect Secrecy: The New Paradigm 319

    15.1 Symmetric Key Cryptosystems 320

    15.2 Perfect Secrecy and Equiprobable Keys 321

    15.3 Perfect Secrecy and Latin Squares 322

    15.4 The Abstract Approach to Perfect Secrecy 324

    15.5 Cryptography, Information Theory, Shannon 325

    15.6 Unique Message from Ciphertext, Unicity 325

    15.7 Problems 327

    15.8 Solutions 329

    16 Shift Registers (LFSR) and Stream Ciphers 333

    16.1 Vernam Cipher, Psuedo-Random Key 334

    16.2 Construction of Feedback Shift Registers 335

    16.3 Periodicity 337

    16.4 Maximal Periods, Pseudo-Random Sequences 340

    16.5 Determining the Output from 2Bits 341

    16.6 The Tap Polynomial and the Period 345

    16.7 Short Linear Feedback Shift Registers and the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm 347

    16.8 Problems 350

    16.9 Solutions 352

    17 Compression and Applications 355

    17.1 Introduction, Applications 356

    17.2 The Memory Hierarchy of a Computer 358

    17.3 Memory Compression 358

    17.4 Lempel–Ziv Coding 361

    17.5 The WKdm Algorithms 362

    17.6 Main Memory – to Compress or Not to Compress 370

    17.7 Problems 373

    17.8 Solutions 374

    III Mainly Error-Correction 379

    18 Error-Correction, Hadamard, and Bruen–Ott 381

    18.1 General Ideas of Error Correction 381

    18.2 Error Detection, Error Correction 382

    18.3 A Formula for Correction and Detection 383

    18.4 Hadamard Matrices 384

    18.5 Mariner, Hadamard, and Reed–Muller 387

    18.6 Reed–Muller Codes 388

    18.7 Block Designs 389

    18.8 The Rank of Incidence Matrices 390

    18.9 The Main Coding Theory Problem, Bounds 391

    18.10 Update on the Reed–Muller Codes: The Proof of an Old Conjecture 396

    18.11 Problems 398

    18.12 Solutions 399

    19 Finite Fields, Modular Arithmetic, Linear Algebra, and Number Theory 401

    19.1 Modular Arithmetic 402

    19.2 A Little Linear Algebra 405

    19.3 Applications to RSA 407

    19.4 Primitive Roots for Primes and Diffie–Hellman 409

    19.5 The Extended Euclidean Algorithm 412

    19.6 Proof that the RSA Algorithm Works 413

    19.7 Constructing Finite Fields 413

    19.8 Pollard’s p − 1 Factoring Algorithm 418

    19.9 Latin Squares 419

    19.10 Computational Complexity, Turing Machines, Quantum Computing 421

    19.11 Problems 425

    19.12 Solutions 426

    20 Introduction to Linear Codes 429

    20.1 Repetition Codes and Parity Checks 429

    20.2 Details of Linear Codes 431

    20.3 Parity Checks, the Syndrome, and Weights 435

    20.4 Hamming Codes, an Inequality 438

    20.5 Perfect Codes, Errors, and the BSC 439

    20.6 Generalizations of Binary Hamming Codes 440

    20.7 The Football Pools Problem, Extended Hamming Codes 441

    20.8 Golay Codes 442

    20.9 McEliece Cryptosystem 443

    20.10 Historical Remarks 444

    20.11 Problems 445

    20.12 Solutions 448

    21 Cyclic Linear Codes, Shift Registers, and CRC 453

    21.1 Cyclic Linear Codes 454

    21.2 Generators for Cyclic Codes 457

    21.3 The Dual Code 460

    21.4 Linear Feedback Shift Registers and Codes 462

    21.5 Finding the Period of a LFSR 465

    21.6 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 466

    21.7 Problems 467

    21.8 Solutions 469

    22 Reed-Solomon and MDS Codes, and the Main Linear Coding Theory Problem (LCTP) 473

    22.1 Cyclic Linear Codes and Vandermonde 474

    22.2 The Singleton Bound for Linear Codes 476

    22.3 Reed–Solomon Codes 479

    22.4 Reed-Solomon Codes and the Fourier Transform Approach 479

    22.5 Correcting Burst Errors, Interleaving 481

    22.6 Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes, Ramanujan, and Berlekamp–Massey 482

    22.7 An Algorithm for Decoding and an Example 484

    22.8 Long MDS Codes and a Partial Solution of a 60 Year-Old Problem 487

    22.9 Problems 490

    22.10 Solutions 491

    23 MDS Codes, Secret Sharing, and Invariant Theory 493

    23.1 Some Facts Concerning MDS Codes 493

    23.2 The Case = 2, Bruck Nets 494

    23.3 Upper Bounds on MDS Codes, Bruck–Ryser 497

    23.4 MDS Codes and Secret Sharing Schemes 499

    23.5 MacWilliams Identities, Invariant Theory 500

    23.6 Codes, Planes, and Blocking Sets 501

    23.7 Long Binary Linear Codes of Minimum Weight at Least 4 504

    23.8 An Inverse Problem and a Basic Question in Linear Algebra 506

    24 Key Reconciliation, Linear Codes, and New Algorithms 507

    24.1 Symmetric and Public Key Cryptography 508

    24.2 General Background 509

    24.3 The Secret Key and the Reconciliation Algorithm 511

    24.4 Equality of Remnant Keys: The Halting Criterion 514

    24.5 Linear Codes: The Checking Hash Function 516

    24.6 Convergence and Length of Keys 518

    24.7 Main Results 521

    24.8 Some Details on the Random Permutation 530

    24.9 The Case Where Eve Has Nonzero Initial Information 530

    24.10 Hash Functions Using Block Designs 531

    24.11 Concluding Remarks 532

    25 New Identities for the Shannon Function with Applications 535

    25.1 Extensions of a Binary Symmetric Channel 536

    25.2 A Basic Entropy Equality 539

    25.3 The New Identities 541

    25.4 Applications to Cryptography and a Shannon-Type Limit 544

    25.5 Problems 545

    25.6 Solutions 545

    26 Blockchain and Bitcoin 549

    26.1 Ledgers, Blockchains 551

    26.2 Hash Functions, Cryptographic Hashes 552

    26.3 Digital Signatures 553

    26.4 Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies 553

    26.5 The Append-Only Network, Identities, Timestamp, Definition of a Bitcoin 556

    26.6 The Bitcoin Blockchain and Merkle Roots 556

    26.7 Mining, Proof-of-Work, Consensus 557

    26.8 Thwarting Double Spending 559

    27 IoT, The Internet of Things 561

    27.1 Introduction 562

    27.2 Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters 562

    27.3 Programmable Logic Controller 563

    27.4 Embedded Operating Systems 564

    27.5 Evolution, From SCADA to the Internet of Things 564

    27.6 Everything is Fun and Games until Somebody Releases a Stuxnet 565

    27.7 Securing the IoT, a Mammoth Task 567

    27.8 Privacy and Security 567

    28 In the Cloud 573

    28.1 Introduction 575

    28.2 Distributed Systems 576

    28.3 Cloud Storage – Availability and Copyset Replication 577

    28.4 Homomorphic Encryption 584

    28.5 Cybersecurity 585

    28.6 Problems 587

    28.7 Solutions 588

    29 Review Problems and Solutions 589

    29.1 Problems 589

    29.2 Solutions 594

    Appendix A 603

    A.1 ASCII 603

    Appendix B 605

    B.1 Shannon’s Entropy Table 605

    Glossary 607

    References 615

    Index 643

  • Aiden A. Bruen, PhD, was most-recently adjunct research professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University. He was professor of mathematics and honorary professor of applied mathematics at the University of Western Ontario from 1972-1999 and has instructed at various institutions since then. Dr. Bruen is the co-author of Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction: A Handbook for the 21st Century (Wiley, 2004).

    Mario A. Forcinito, PhD, is Director and Chief Engineer at AP Dynamics Inc. in Calgary. He is previously instructor at the Pipeline Engineering Center at the Schulich School of Engineering in Calgary. Dr. Forcinito is co-author of Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction: A Handbook for the 21st Century (Wiley, 2004).

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  • Cryptography, Information Theory, and Error-Correction 2nd