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Writing Research Papers [Spiral-bound] 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 James D. Lester
발행년도 2006-10-04
판수 12ed판
페이지 448
ISBN 9780321457998
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 68,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Writing Research Papers [Spiral-bound]


  • The definitive research paper guide, Writing Research Papers combines a traditional and practical approach to the research process with the latest information on electronic research and presentation.
  • Preface to the Instructor Preface to the Student Chapter 1 Writing from Research 1a Why Do Research? 1b Learning Format Variations 1c Understanding a Research Assignment Understanding the Terminology 1d Establishing a Schedule Chapter 2 Finding a Topic 2a Relating Your Personal Ideas to a Scholarly Problem Connecting Personal Experience to Scholarly Topics Speculating about Your Subject to Discover Ideas and to Focus on the Issues 2b Talking with Others to Find and Refine the Topic Personal Interviews Online Discussion Groups 2c Using the World Wide Web to Refine Your Topic Using an Online Subject Directory Using an Internet Key-word Search 2d Using the Library’s Electronic Databases to Find and Narrow a Subject 2e Using the Library’s Electronic Book Catalogs to Find a Topic 2f Expressing a Thesis Statement, Enthymeme, or Hypothesis 2g Drafting a Research Proposal The Short Proposal The Long Proposal Your Research Project Chapter 3 Finding and Filtering Electronic Sources 3a Beginning an Online Search 3b Reading an Online Address 3c Using a Search Engine Subject Directory Search Engines Robot-Driven Search Engines Metasearch Engines Specialized Search Engines Educational Search Engines Educational Search Engines Maintained by Libraries 3d Searching for Articles in Journals and Magazines Online Journals Online Magazines 3e Searching for Articles in Newspapers and Media Sources 3f Accessing E-Books 3g Using Listserv, Usenet, and Chat Groups E-mail News Groups Real-Time Chatting 3h Examining Library Holdings via Internet Access 3i Finding an Internet Bibliography 3j Conducting Archival Research on the Internet Go to the Library Go to an Edited Search Engine Go to a Metasearch Engine Use Search Engine Directories Go to a Listserv or UseNet Group Go to Newspaper Archives Your Research Project Chapter 4 Gathering Data in the Library 4a Launching the Search 4b Developing a Working Bibliography 4c Finding Books on Your Topic Using Your Library’s Electronic Book Catalog Using the Library’s Printed Bibliographies 4d Finding Articles in Magazines and Journals Searching the General Indexes to Periodicals Finding Indexes by Discipline in Appendix B Using the H. W. Wilson Indexes Searching for an Index to Abstracts Searching for Abstracts of Dissertations 4e Searching for a Biography 4f Searching for Articles in the Newspaper Indexes 4g Searching the Indexes to Pamphlet Files 4h Searching for Government Documents 4i Searching for Essays within Books 4j Using the Microforms Chapter 5 Conducting Research Outside the Library 5a Investigating Local Sources Interviewing Knowledgeable People Writing Letters and Corresponding by E-mail Reading Personal Papers Attending Lectures and Public Addresses 5b Investigating Government Documents 5c Examining Audiovisual Materials, Television, and Radio 5d Conducting a Survey with a Questionnaire 5e Conducting Experiments, Tests, and Observation Your Research Project Chapter 6 Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism 6a Using Sources to Enhance Your Credibility 6b Placing Your Work in Its Proper Context 6c Honoring Property Rights 6d Avoiding Plagiarism Common Knowledge Exceptions Correctly Borrowing from a Source 6e Sharing Credit in Collaborative Projects 6f Honoring and Crediting Sources in Online Classrooms 6g Seeking Permission to Publish Material on Your Web Site Your Research Project Chapter 7 Finding and Evaluating Sources 7a Finding Reliable Sources 7b Selecting a Mix of both Primary and Secondary Sources 7c Evaluating a Source Evaluating the Key Parts of an Article Evaluating the Key Parts of a Book Evaluating the Key Parts of an Internet Article 7d Outlining a Source 7e Summarizing a Source 7f Preparing an Annotated Bibliography 7g Preparing a Review of the Literature on Topic Your Research Project Chapter 8 Organizing Ideas and Setting Goals 8a Charting a Direction and Setting Goals Using a Basic, Dynamic Order to Chart the Course of Your Work Using Your Research Proposal to Direct Your Notetaking Listing Keywords and Phrases to Set Directions for Notetaking Writing a Rough Outline Using Questions to Identify Issues Setting Goals by Using Organizational Patterns Using Approaches across the Curriculum to Chart Your Major Ideas Using Your Thesis to Chart the Direction of Your Research 8b Using Academic Models (Paradigms) A General All-Purpose Model Paradigm for Advancing Your Ideas and Theories Paradigm for the Analysis of Creative Works Paradigm for Argument and Persuasion Papers Paradigm for Analysis of History Paradigm for a Comparative Study 8c Writing a Form...
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  • Writing Research Papers [Spiral-bound]