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Blair Handbook, The 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Fulwiler Hayakawa
발행년도 2006-01-19
판수 5판
페이지 926
ISBN 9780131935365
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 60,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Blair Handbook, The


  • This widely acclaimed handbook provides students with the most focus on critical thinking, writing process, particularly revision, and writing across the curriculum. The fifth edition of The Blair Handbook is the clearest and most accessible edition yet. It continues to explain and illustrate the qualities of good writing and the logic behind conventions of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. And it continues to insist that good writing results from imaginative composing, careful revising, and editing. At the same time, the new edition adds coverage of visual rhetoric, public forms of discourse, Writing Across the Curriculum, and writing for the world of work.
  • PART 1 Reading and Writing in College 1 Why Writing Matters a What is difficult about writing? b What do you enjoy about writing? c What surprises are in store? d Why is writing important? e What can you learn from the experience of others? f What else do you want to know about writing? 2 Reading Texts Critically a Reading to understand b Reading critically 3 Reading Images Critically a The elements of composition b Words c Color d Images of persuasion 4 The Writing Process a Describing writing as a process b Planning c Composing d Revising e Researching f Editing g English as a second language PART 2 Planning a Writing Project 5 Analyzing the Rhetorical Situation a Knowing the purpose b Addressing audiences c Understanding the situation d Adopting a voice 6 Keeping Journals a Understanding journals b Keeping journals in college c Suggestions for using journals 7 Strategies for Invention and Discovery a Brainstorming b Freewriting c Looping d Asking reporters’ questions e Outlining f Clustering g Talking PART 3 Composing 8 Writing from Experience a Character b Subject c Perspective d Setting e Sequence of events f Theme g Sample student essay 9 Writing to Explain a Topic b Thesis c Strategies d Organization e Neutral perspective f Sample student essay 10 Arguing and Persuading a Elements of argument b Issue c Analysis d Position e Argument f Organization g Sample student essay 11 Writing About Literature a Interpretive essays b Exploring texts c Interpretive communities d Interpretations e Different literary genres f Sample student essay 12 Writing Creative Nonfiction a Lists b Snapshots c Playful sentences d Repetition/refrain e Double voice 13 Writing Essay Examinations a Understanding questions b Writing good answers PART 4 Revising 14 The Revising Process a Understanding revising b Planning c Revising strategies 15 Focused Revising a Limiting b Adding c Switching d Transforming e Experimenting 16 Responding to Writing and Peer Review a Asking for help b Giving responses c Writing responses d Responding through conferences e Responding in writing groups PART 5 Presenting and Publishing 17 Designing Documents a Objectives of design b Layout c Typography d Graphics e Illustrations 18 Writing for the Internet a Writing for the Web b E-mail, newsgroups, and instant messages c Weblogs 19 Writing for the World a Reports b Pamphlets and brochures c Newsletters d Press releases e Advocacy 20 Portfolios and Publishing Class Books a Writing portfolios b Course portfolios c Story portfolios d Publishing class books 21 Making Oral Presentations a The assignment b Speaking texts c Speaking in public d Creative options PART 6 Writing with Research 22 Writing Research Papers a Understanding research b Working with a thesis c Keeping a research log d Finding your way 23 Conducting Library Research a Planning library research b Finding sources of information c Taking notes 24 Conducting Internet Research a Search engines b Limiting your search c Search strategies d E-mail, lists, and newsgroups 25 Conducting Field Research a Planning b Interviewing c Surveying d Observing 26 Evaluating Research Sources a Evaluating library sources b Evaluating Internet sources c Evaluating field sources 27 Using Research Sources a Controlling sources b Organizing sources c Integrating information d Paraphrasing and summarizing e Incorporating visual images 28 Avoiding Plagiarism a What plagiarism is b What plagiarism is not c Recognizing and avoiding plagiarism PART 7 Writing in the Disciplines 29 Understanding the College Curriculum a Differences among disciplines b Similarities among disciplines 30 MLA: Writing in Languages and Literature a Aims b Style c Writing about texts d &nbs...
  • A composition teacher with more than 35 years experience teaching writing, Toby Fulwiler highlights the need for writers to gain confidence in their voices and ideas as well as to practice in a variety of formats and conventions. A practicing journalist with more than 25 years of experience writing and editing for newpapers, Alan Hayakawa understands the importance of conventional correctness and appreciates the way different writing situations and new technologies demand different approaches. For this reason, The Blair Handbook devotes time to both the whys and the hows of good writing. Students who know how to analyze and address individual rhetorical situations are more likely to succeed both across the curriculum and in the world beyond college. 
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선택된 옵션

  • Blair Handbook, The