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Sentence Dynamics 7th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Immel Sacks
발행년도 2007-08-03
판수 7판
페이지 400
ISBN 9780205574599
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Sentence Dynamics 7th


  • Sentence Dynamics empowers students to overcome roadblocks to correct writing with lucid definitions of sentence elements and an abundance of examples and exercises. Ample practice with sentence elements.  Sentence writing.  Sentence-level writing.
  • Preface. 1. Nouns and Pronouns. LESSON 1. Introduction to the Sentence. LESSON 2. Identifying Nouns. Common and Proper Nouns. LESSON 3. Singular and Plural Nouns. LESSON 4. Possessives. Rules for Writing Possessives. Special Forms of the Possessives. Plurals and Possessives. Noun Markers. LESSON 5. Personal Pronouns. Person, Number, Gender. Avoiding Shifts in Person. The Pronoun Who. Contractions. LESSON 6. Reflexive Pronouns. 2. Verbs. LESSON 1. Present and Past Tenses: Regular Verbs. Action Verbs. Linking Verbs. LESSON 2. Present and Past Tenses: Irregular Verbs. LESSON 3. Principal Forms of Verbs. LESSON 4. Auxiliary Verbs. Adverbs. Contractions. LESSON 5. Future Tense. Will and Would. LESSON 6. Perfect Tenses. Progressive Tenses. LESSON 7. Tense Shift Problems. 3. Understanding the Parts of The Sentence. LESSON 1. Subjects and Verbs. Commands and Requests. LESSON 2. Objects of Action Verbs. Object Pronouns. LESSON 3. Active and Passive Forms of the Verb. LESSON 4. Linking Verbs. The Verb Be. LESSON 5. Compound Subjects, Verbs, and Objects. Pronouns in Compound Subjects and Objects. LESSON 6. Contractions. Omitting Letters in a Verb. Omitting the I in Here is and There is. LESSON 7. Prepositional Phrases. Finding the Object of the Preposition. Commonly Used Prepositions. Prepositions of Two or More Words. Additional Help in Finding Subjects and Verbs. 4. Adjectives and Adverbs. LESSON 1. Adding Details with Adjectives. Adjectives. Functions of Adjectives. Position of Adjectives. Special Forms of Adjectives. Tests for Adjectives. Punctuating Adjectives Before a Noun. LESSON 2. Adding Details with Adverbs. Tests for Adverbs. Function of Adverbs. Position of Adverbs. LESSON 3. Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs. Comparison of Adjectives. Comparison of Adverbs. LESSON 4. Adding Detail with Verbal Phrases. Verbal Phrases and Prepositional Phrases. LESSON 5. Misplaced Modifiers and Dangling Modifiers. Misplaced Modifiers. Dangling Modifiers. 5. Main Clauses. LESSON 1. Identifying Main Clauses. LESSON 2. Connecting Main Clauses. The Simple Sentence. The Compound Sentence. Joining Main Clauses. Punctuation. LESSON 3. Parallel Structure. Faulty Parallelism. Punctuation. LESSON 4. Correcting Comma Splices and Run-On Sentences. 6. Subordinate Clauses. LESSON 1. Identifying Subordinate Clauses. Sentences with More Than One Subordinate Clause. LESSON 2. Using Subordinate Clauses. Using Subordination to Correct Comma Splices and Run-On Sentences. Punctuation. LESSON 3. Sentence Fragments. Four Types of Sentence Fragments. 7. Agreement. LESSON 1. Subjects and Verbs. LESSON 2. Subjects and Verbs-Four Difficult Patterns. Words That Come Between the Subject and the Verb. Reversed Order. Compound Subjects Joined by and. Compound Subjects Joined by or, Neither?or or Either?r. LESSON 3. Subjects and Verbs-Special Problems. Subjects That are Singular. Subjects That Can Be Singular or Plural. Collective Nouns. Nouns Ending in -s That Are Not Plural. Time, Money, and Weight. Titles. Names of Organizations and Businesses. Special Problems of Agreement. LESSON 4. Agreement of Pronoun and Antecedent. Words That Separate Antecedent and Pronoun. Compound Antecedents. Collective Nouns. Singular Words. Agreement of Who, Whom, Which, and That with Antecedents. Unclear Pronoun Reference. More Than One Possible Antecedent. No Specific Antecedent. 8. Commas. LESSON 1. Use a Comma Between Two Main Clauses Connected by a Coordinating Connective. LESSON 2.Use a Comma to Separate Items in a Series. LESSON 3.Use a Comma after Introductory Words and Phrases. LESSON 4.Use a Comma after Introductory Subordinate Clauses. LESSON 5.Use Commas to Separate Adjectives Before a Noun. LESSON 6.Use Commas to Enclose Words That Interrupt. LESSON 7.Use Commas to Set Off Words in Direct Address. LESSON 8. Use Commas to Set Off Nonessential Words, Phrases, and Clauses. LESSON 9.Use Commas to Set Off Direct Quotations. LESSON 10. Use Commas in Dates, Geographical Names, and Addresses. 9. Punctuation, Sentence Mechanics, and Usage. LESSON 1. End Punctuation. Period (.). Question Mark (?). Exclamation Point (!). LESSON 2. Semicolon and Colon. Semicolon (;). Colon (,). LESSON 3. Quotation Marks. Direct Quotations. Split Quotations. End Punctuation in Quotations. Quotations Within Quotations. LESSON 4. Hyphen and Dash. Hyphen (-). Dash (?. Sentence Mechanics. LESSON 1. Italics. LESSON 2. Capital Letters. LESSON 3. Abbreviations. LESSON 4. Numbers. USAGE. LESSON 1. A/An/And. Accept/Except. Advice/Advise. Affect/Effect. Already/All Ready. Mini Review 1. LESSON 2. Dessert/Desert. Its/It's. Know/No. Lead/Led. Loose/Lose. Mini Review 2. LESSON 3. Past/Passed. Personal/Personnel. Principal/Principle. Quiet/Quite. Suppose/Supposed. Then/Than. There/Their/They're. Mini Review 3. LESSON 4. Through/Though/Thought. To/Two/Too. Use/Used. Weather/Whether. Whose/Who's. Your/You're. Mini Review 4. 10. Writing A Paragraph. LESSON 1. Planning a Paragraph. Getting Started. Keeping a Journal. Listing Ideas. Freewriting. Clustering. Considering Your Readers. Outlining. LESSON 2. The Topic Sentence. Composing the Topic Sentence. Judging the Topic Sentence. Supporting the Topic Sentence. LESSON 3. Unity. LESSON 4. Organizing a Paragraph. Three Ways to Organize a Paragraph. Organizing with Transitional Words and Phrases. LESSON 5. Editing the Paragraph. Revision. Proofreading. Additional Topics for Writing Assignments. Additional Readings: 밯hat Is an American?? Glossary. Chart of Irregular Verbs. Index.
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  • Sentence Dynamics 7th