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Principles of Public Speaking, 16th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 German Gronbeck Ehninger
발행년도 2006-04-26
판수 16 판
페이지 352
ISBN 9781845930257
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Principles of Public Speaking, 16th


  • Balancing skills and theory, Principles of Public Speaking emphasizes orality, Internet technology, and critical thinking as it encourages the reader to see public speaking as a way to build community in today's diverse world. Within a framework that emphasizes speaker responsibility, critical thinking and listening, and cultural awareness, this classic book uses examples from college, workplace, political, and social communication to make the study of public speaking relevant, contemporary, and exciting. This brief but comprehensive book also offers the reader the latest in using technology in speechmaking, featuring a unique and exciting integrated text and technology learning system.
  • I. PUBLIC SPEAKING AND CRITICAL LISTENING. 1. Study Public Speaking in Higher Education. Studying Public Speaking. Basic Elements in the Speechmaking Process. Ethical Responsibilities for Speakers. Your First Speech. 2. Getting Started. Selecting and Narrowing Your Subject. Determining Your Purposes and Central Idea. Analyzing the Audience and Occasion. Gathering Your Speech Material. Making an Outline. Practicing Aloud. Developing Confident Delivery. 3. Critical Listening. Hearing and Listening. Barriers to Good Listening. Practical Listening Techniques. Developing Skills for Critical Listening. 4. Public Speaking and Cultural Life. The Nature of Cultural Processes. Understanding Our Multicultural Society. Strategies for Negotiating Cultural Differences. II. PLANNING AND PREPARING YOUR SPEECH. 5. Understanding Your Audience. Analyzing Your Audience Demographically. Analyzing Your Audience Psychologically. Discovering Demographic and Psychological Factors. Using Audience Analysis in Speech Preparation. 6. Finding and Using Supporting Materials. Determining the Kinds of Supporting Materials You'll Need. Finding Supporting Materials. Deciding Where to Search for Supporting Materials. Sources of Supporting Materials. Forms of Supporting Materials. Functions of Supporting Materials. A Word about Plagiarism. 7. Organizing and Outlining Your Speech. Developing Your Speech Plan. Speech-Centered Patterns of Organization. Audience-Centered Patterns of Organization. Techniques for Creating Associative Coherence in Your Speech. Outlining Your Speech. 8. Beginning and Ending Your Speech. Capturing and Holding Attention. Beginning Your Speech. Ending Your Speech. III. PRESENTING YOUR SPEECH. 9. Wording Your Speech. Using Oral Style. Using Language Strategically. Creating an Atmosphere. 10. Delivering Your Speech. Working Within Oral Relationships. Selecting the Method of Presentation. Using Your Voice to Communicate. Using Your Body to Communicate. 11. Using Visual Aids. The Functions of Visual Aids. Types of Visual Support. Strategies for Selecting and Using Visual Aids. IV. TYPES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. 12. Speeches to Inform. Facts, Knowledge, and the Information Age. Essential Qualities of Informative Speeches. Sample Outline: Servicing Your Personal Computer. Tips for Developing Informative Speeches. Sample Outline: What Is Diabetes? Sample Speech: 밫he Geisha?by Joyce Chapman. 13. Speeches to Persuade. Selecting Motivational Appeals. Organizing Persuasive Speeches: The Motivated Sequence. Sample Outline: You뭨e Never Too Old to Learn ?Virtually! Sample Outline: The Chain Never Stops. 14. Argumentation and Critical Thinking. Rational Thinking and Talking: Argumentation. Argumentation. Evaluating Arguments. Sample Outline: The Danger of Chewing Tobacco. Detecting Fallacies in Reasoning. Tips for Developing Argumentative Speeches. 15. Speaking in Community Settings. Community-Based Special Occasion Speeches. Sample Introduction: 밒ntroducing a Classmate? Sample Speech: 밃 Toast to Leo Brecker? Sample Speech to Entertain: 밃 Case for Optimism? 16. Group-Based Speeches. Group Discussions. Presentations in Teams: Panels and Symposia. Responding to Questions and Objections. Credits. Index.
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  • Principles of Public Speaking, 16th