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Strategies for Business and Technical Writing, 6th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Kevin J Harty
발행년도 2007-12-14
판수 6판
페이지 432
ISBN 9780205562060
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Strategies for Business and Technical Writing, 6th


  • Strategies for Business and Technical Writing is a unique anthology of classic and contemporary reading selections from seasoned professionals in business, technical, and academic fields that teaches effective writing for the world of work and helps readers become better writers using specific techniques employed by successful communicators who are acknowledged leaders in their fields.
  • * - Indicates new selection Preface Introduction Part One: Process as Well as Product John Keenan, “Using PAFEO Planning” Michael E. Adelstein, “The Writing Process” Peter Elbow, “The Direct Writing Process for Getting Words on Paper” Linda Flower and John Ackerman, “Evaluating and Testing as You Revise” John S. Harris, “The Project Worksheet for Effective Writing Management” Part Two: Problems with Language Stuart Chase, “Gobbledygook” William Zinsser, “Writing in Your Job” Alan Siegel, “The Plain English Revolution” *Mark Mathewson, “A Critic of Plain Language Misses the Mark” University of Wisconsin-Extension Equal Opportunities Program Office and Department of Agricultural Journalism, “A Guide to Nonsexist Language” *Gwyneth Oloffson, “International Communication and Language” Part Three: Business and Technical Correspondence David V. Lewis, “Making Your Correspondence Get Results” Allan Glatthorn, “I Have Some Bad News for You” Harold K. Mintz, “How to Write Better Memos” John S. Fielden and Ronald E. Dulek, “How to use Bottom-Line Writing in Corporate Communications” *Janis Fisher Chan, “E-Mail: Present a Professional Image” Part Four: Reports and Other Longer Documents J. C. Mathes and Dwight W. Stevenson, “Audience Analysis: The Problem and a Solution” Richard W. Dodge, “What to Report” Christian K. Arnold, “The Writing of Abstracts” Vincent Vinci, “Ten Report Writing Pitfalls: How to Avoid Them” Walter E. Oliu, Charles T. Brusaw, and Gerald J. Alred, “Creating Tables and Illustrations” David W. Ewing, “Strategies for Persuasion” Philip C. Kolin, “Proposals” *Richard Johnson-Sheehan, “Writing Proposals with Style” Part Five: Resumes and Other Written Materials for a Job Search John L. Munschauer, “Writing Resumes and Letters in the Language of Employers” Steven Graber, “The Basics of a Cover Letter” *Margaret Riley Dikel and Frances E. Roehm, “Your Resume on the Internet” *Karl Weber and Rob Kaplan, “Follow-up Letters” Part Six: And Now a Word (or Two or Three) about Ethics Dorothy A. Winsor, “Communication Failures Contributing to the Challenger Accident: An Example for Technical Communicators” Darrell Huff, “How to Lie with Statistics” Dan Jones, “Determining the Ethics of Style” Carolyn D. Rude, “Legal and Ethical Issues in Editing” *Tyanna K. Herrington, “Law and Ethics: A Primer for the Digital Age”
  • This book is supposed to be a new edition but there are only a few articles that have changed. Some outdated ones still remain. Unfortunately, there aren't any standards for what constitutes a new edition. This is a shame because students pay more for books that are almost identical to previous editions.
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  • Strategies for Business and Technical Writing, 6th