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Hard Times (2003) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

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지은이 Charles Dickens
발행년도 2004-04-15
판수 1판
페이지 512
ISBN 9780321107213
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 8,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Hard Times (2003)


  • Longman's new Cultural Editions Series, Hard Times, by Charles Dickens, edited by Jeff Nunokawa, includes Books 1-3 of Hard Times and contextual materials on the age of Dickens.
  • List of Illustrations. About Longman Cultural Editions. About This Edition. Introduction. Table of Dates. Hard Times, 1854. CONTEXTS Condition of England Benjamin Disraeli, from Sybil (1845). Friedrich Engels, from The Condition of the Working Class in 1844. Thomas Carlyle, from Past and Present (1843). Charles Dickens, On Strike (1854). Thomas Hood, selected poetry. Marx, Friedrich, and Engels, from The Communist Manifesto. Political Economy and its Discontents. Jeremy Bentham, from An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Chapter 1; Chapter 5. John Stuart Mill, Bentham; Coleridge. Carlyle, from Past and Present and Signs of the Times. Education. J.M. M'Culloch, from A Series of Lessons (1831). John Stuart Mill, from Autobiography. Charles Dickens, Matters Educational, from Our Mutual Friend (1865). Herbert Spencer, That Knowledge is of Most Worth?(1859). Victorian Reactions to Hard Times. Further Reading.
  • Gage McWeeny is Assistant Professor of English at Williams College, where he specializes in Victorian literature and culture. He is the author of articles that have appeared in _Victorian Poetry_ and _Critical Matrix_, and writes cultural criticism for BBC radio. He is currently at work on a book about social theory and Victorian literature called _The Comfort of Strangers: Sociality and Victorian LIterature_. Jeff Nunokawa specializes in English literature from about 1830 till about 1900 at Princeton University. His first book, The Afterlife of Property, studies how the novels of Dickens and Eliot labor to preserve the idea of secure possession by overseeing its transfer from the sphere of a cold and uncertain economy to a happier realm of romance. Tame Passions of Wilde: Styles of Manageable Desire excavates the aspiration to imagine a form of desire as intense as those that compel us, but as light as the daydream or thought experiment safely under our control. His current project is a book whose working title is "Eros and Isolation: Getting Away from Others in Nineteenth Century Literature." This book brings a range of social theory to bear on writers like Austen, C. Brontë, Thackeray, Dickens and Eliot to figure out why it’s so hard to break free, even for a little while, from the groups that surround and define us. Most generally, he is interested in the ways that various ideas of society clash and collaborate with one another. Before his day is done, he hopes to write a book about Henry James.
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  • Hard Times (2003)