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Academic Reading (2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Kathleen T. McWhorter
발행년도 2006-07-27
판수 6판
페이지 544
ISBN 9780321364791
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Academic Reading (2006)


  • Reading comprehension and critical thinking strategies for reading in the major academic disciplines such as social sciences, business, humanities and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, health and allied medical, and the technical fields. Written in consultation with teachers from across each discipline. Reading comprehension and critical thinking strategies for reading in the major academic disciplines such as social sciences, business, humanities and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, health and allied medical, and the technical fields. Advanced reading courses covering a wide range of disciples textbooks and journals. Academic Reading is an advanced reading text that provides reading comprehension and critical thinking strategies for reading in the major academic disciplines, and has been written in consultation with teachers from across each discipline.
  • I. FUNDAMENTALS OF READING STRATEGIES. 1. Strategies for Active Reading. 2. Fundamental Comprehension Skills. 3. Essential Vocabulary Skills. II. CRITICAL READING STRATEGIES. 4. Evaluating the Author's Message. 5. Evaluating the Author's Techniques. 6. Reading and Evaluating Arguments. III. ACADEMIC READING STRATEGIES. 7. Patterns of Academic Thought. 8. Learning from Textbooks. 9. Using Writing to Learn. 10. Reading Graphics. 11. Reading Online. 12. Reading Research, Reference, and Collateral Assignments. (Available online only) 13. Reading in the Social Sciences. 14. Reading in Business. 15. Reading in the Humanities and Arts. 16. Reading Mathematics. 17.Reading in the Natural Sciences. 18. Reading in Technical and Applied Fields. Academic Success. Credits. Index.
  • Biography "Kathleen T. McWhorter is the author of more than a dozen textbooks designed to help students succeed in college. Born in a rural farm community in Upstate New York, she went on to receive her Ed.D. from SUNY Buffalo. For 34 years she taught at Niagara County Community College in Sanborn, NY, where she is professor emerita of humanities. Through her textbooks Dr. McWhorter has helped an estimated 500,000 students improve their reading, writing, and thinking skills.
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  • Academic Reading (2006)