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College Writing Resources (2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Elizabeth C. Long
발행년도 2006-10-04
판수 1판
페이지 850
ISBN 9780321172235
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 25,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • College Writing Resources (2006)


  • College Writing Resources is a complete resource for essay- and bridge-level writing courses, providing strong, clear writing instruction to guide students in the process and an unmatched amount of exercises. The author uses a successful writing framework throughout the text to show students how to check their work for the elements of good writing at every stage of development. College Writing Resources is a complete resource for essay- and bridge-level writing courses, providing strong, clear writing instruction to guide students in the process and an unmatched amount of exercises. Successful writing framework integrated throughout the text, Appealing four-color design with more than 75 color photos and 30 diagrams , Cultural literacy themein each chapter, A companion Lab Manual provides additional reinforcement.
  • I. GETTING STARTED 1. Your Strengths as a Writer 2. Having a Reader and a Reason: Understanding Audience and Purpose 3. The Bases of Good Writing: The Four Cs II. THE WRITING PROCESS 4. Prewriting 5. Drafting: Writing a Rough Draft 6. Making Changes: Revision 7. Editing: Checking for Correctness III. THE ELEMENTS OF GOOD WRITING 8. Essay Paragraphs and the Thesis Statement 9. Supporting Your Ideas 10. Organizing and Linking Ideas 11. Sensitive Language 12. Confusing Words 13. Choosing the Best Word 14. Improving Your Spelling 15. Varying Your Sentences 16. Format IV. STRATEGIES FOR ESSAY DEVELOPMENT 17. Providing Illustrations and Examples 18. Narrating an Event or Story 19. Describing a Scene, Person, or Object 20. Classifying and Dividing 21. Explaining a Process 22. Comparison and Contrast 23. Cause and Effect Development 24. Definition 25. Arguing a Position 26. Using More than One Organizational Strategy V. WRITING FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES 27. Writing an In-Class Essay 28. Writing Summaries and Reports 29. Writing to Get a Job VI. RESEARCH 30. Searching for, Evaluating, and Integrating Information 31. Writing a Research Essay VII. WRITING CORRECT SENTENCES Grammar diagnostic 32. Prepositional Phrases 33. Subjects and Verbs 34. Clauses 35. Run-On Sentences 36. Fragments 37. Regular Verbs 38. Irregular Verbs 39. Subject-Verb Agreement 40. Verb Tense and Tense Consistency 41. Pronoun Types 42. Pronoun Agreement 43. Adjectives and Adverbs 44. Misplaced Modifiers 45. Dangling Modifiers Punctuation Diagnostic 46. Commas 47. Apostrophes 48. Quotation Marks 49. Other Punctuation Marks 50. Capitalization 51. Abbreviations and Numbers 52. ESL Tips VIII. READINGS Readings for Informed Writing Our Identities READING 1 Liked for Myself, Maya Angelou READING 2 Taving the Home from Martha Stewart, Elizabeth Austin READING 3 The Misery of Silence, Maxine Hong Kingston READING 4 Respectable addiction, Michael Kinsman READING 5 Labor, Richard Rodriguez READING 6 밐earing the Sweetest Songs, Nicolette Toussaint Our World READING 7 To Tiny, So Sweet . . . So Mean, Richard Conniff READING 8 Creatures That Haunt the Americas, Constance Garca-Barrio READING 9 Four Kinds of Reading, Donald Hall READING 10 Caught in the Catty Corner, Nanci Hellmich READING 11 Poor Winnie the Pooh. Not even he is safe from rampant Therapism, Ben MacIntyre READING 12 Two Gentlemen of the Pines, John McPhee Our Values READING 13 Whose Life is it, Anyway? Mary Battiata READING 14 Reason to Forgive, Pat Burson READING 15 Petty Crime, Outrageous Punishment: Why the Three-Strikes Law Doesn't Work, Carl M. Cannon
  • Elizabeth "Betsy" Cloninger Long has been involved in different aspects of education nearly her whole life. From coaching high school track and cross country to working as the Director of Education for Sacramento's Saint HOPE Academy -- an organization dedicated to helping at-risk African-American students -- Betsy has sought to motivate and teach students of all abilities, interests, and backgrounds. Teaching first as an adjunct faculty member at Sacramento City College in 1989 and then as a full-time instructor beginning in 1996, Betsy has been highly involved in high school articulation projects, seeking to make high school students' transition to college smoother. She has also served as a presenter at statewide high school education seminars, offering pedagogical and personal insight into how writing can be more relevant to successful and struggling students. Betsy's other pet project is civility, and she has presented civility-oriented workshops ("Just Say Please") at Sacramento City College. Her first textbook -- A Civil Word -- seeks to make civility an integrated part of the composition classroom. Betsy lives in Sacramento with her husband and three daughters.
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  • College Writing Resources (2006)