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Reading Skills Handbook (2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Harvey S. Wiener
발행년도 2005-08-10
판수 9판
페이지 640
ISBN 9780321199249
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Reading Skills Handbook (2005)


  • Reading Skills Handbook, 9/e, teaches the essential reading and study skills required for success in college . The cornerstone of the Wiener/Bazerman System, Reading Skills Handbook, 9/e, retains the features that have made it a bestseller for more than twenty-five years: flexible format, high-interest readings, clear explanations, and a multitude of practice exercises. The step-by-step approach encourages students to move with confidence from simple to more complex skills. An anthology of readings helps students apply newly learned skills in selections drawn from books, magazines, and newspapers and including essays, articles, textbook pages, journals, fiction, photographs, illustrations, cartoons, advertisements, and Web sites—in short, the wide range of reading opportunities available to today’s readers at home or on the job.
  • Preface HANDBOOK Introduction Unit One: Getting Started 1. The Reading Process: An Overview 1a. What to Do Before You Read Exercises 1b. What to Do While You Read Exercises 1c. What to Do After You Read Exercises 2. Building a Strong Vocabulary 2a. How to Find Out What Words Mean 2b. How to Remember New Words 2c. Context Clues to Word Meanings Exercises 2d. Word Part Clues to Meaning 2d(1) Important Prefixes 2d(2) Important Roots 2d(3) Important Suffixes Exercises 2e. Denotation and Connotation Exercises 2f. Shades of Meaning Exercises Self-Test Unit One Review Test Unit Two: Comprehension 3. Reading Aids 3a. Prereading 3a(1). Making a List 3a(2). Drawing a Word or Concept Map 3a(3). Doing Freewriting 3a(4). Raising Questions Exercises 3b. Skimming Exercises 3c. Previewing a Selection Exercise 3d. Previewing the Parts of a Book Exercises Self-Test 4. Visual Aids 4a. Photographs 4b. Diagrams 4c. Word Charts 4d. Statistical Tables 4e. Graphs 4f. Internet Web Sites Exercises Self-Test 5. Reading for the Main Idea 5a. Key Ideas in Sentences Exercises 5b. Topics and Main Ideas in Paragraphs Exercises 5b(1). Stated Main Ideas Exercises 5b(2). Implied Main Ideas Exercises Self-Test 6. Reading for Information 6a. Fact-Finding Exercises 6b. Major Details, Minor Details Exercises Self-Test 7. Recognizing Paragraph Patterns 7a. Ordering of Ideas 7a(1). Time Order (Chronology) 7a(2). Place Order 7a(3). Order of Importance Exercises 7b. Listing of Details Exercises 7c. Classification Exercises 7d. Comparison and Contrast Exercises 7e. Cause and Effect Exercises Self-Test Unit Two Review Test Unit Three: Interpretation and Evaluation 8. Making Inferences Exercises Self-Test 9. Understanding Figurative Language Exercises Self-Test 10. Drawing Conclusions and Predicting Outcomes Exercises Self-Test 11. Generalizing Exercises Self-Test 12. Evaluating Ideas 12a. Fact and Opinion Exercises 12b. Evidence Exercises 12c. The Writer's Technique 12c(1). Style 12c(2). Tone 12c(3). Mood 12c(4). Purpose 12c(5). Point of View Exercises 12d. Techniques That Twist the Truth Exercises Self-Test Unit Three Review Test Unit Four The Basic Study Skills 13. Writing for Reading 13a. Underlining and Highlighting Exercises 13b. Taking Notes Exercises 13c. Outlining Exercise 13d. Summarizing Paragraphs Exercise 13e. Summarizing Long Passages Exercise 13f. Your Opinion: Keeping a Journal Exercise Self-Test 14. Understanding Exam Questions 14a. Preparing for Examinations Exercise 14b. Short-Answer Questions Exercises 14c. Essay Questions Exercise Self-Test Unit Four Review Test Appendix: Using a Dictionary Ap-a. The Guidewords Ap-b. The Main Entry Ap-c. The Pronunciation Key Ap-d. The Parts of Speech Ap-e. Special Forms and Special Spellings Ap-f. The Meanings of the Word Ap-g. The History of the Word Ap-h. Word Usage READING SELECTIONS Introduction 1. Six Keys to Quicker Learning Patricia Skalka 2. Foul Shots rogelio R. Gomez 3. How I'll Become an American Milos Vamos 4. How to Write a Business Letter malcolm Forbes 5. Bilingual Education Loan Littlefield Cook and Greg Cook 6. My Husband's Nine Wives Elizabeth Joseph 7. Chupa Chups: Sweetening the World, One Country at a Time William M. Pride and O.C. Ferrel 8. The Struggle to Be an All American Girl Elizabeth Wong 9. The Infant Grows Attached Douglas A. Bernstein, Louis A. Penner, Alison Clarke-Stewart, and Edward J. Roy 10. Underground Dads wil Haygood 11. In My Father's House David Masello 12. When Real Food Isn's an Option Donald G. McNeill Jr. 13. The Chaser John Collier 14. Looking Forward, Looking Back Robert DeBlois 15. An Introduction to SociologyRichard T. Shaefer and Robert P. Lamm 16. Balancing the Babies and the Books alimah Abdullah 17. Street Gangs steven A. Barkan and George Bryjak 18. To Make a DNA Print Cassandra Franklin-Barbajosa 19. Apostles of the Faith That Books Matter Vivian Gornick 20. Minority Student Richard Rodriguez CASEBOOK Eating to Live, Living to Eat Obese America scott Stantis Call the Ford Agency Henry Bliss How to Lose Weight and Whether You Should carole Wade and Carol Tavris Three Advertisements: Cookies & M&Ms, Tropicana Healthy Heart, Got Milk? Ballparks: Big Leagues, Bitty Burgers Julie Scelfo My Big Fat American Child Atlantic Monthly Anorexia NervosaFamilydoctor.org Don't Blame the EaterDavid Zinczenco Self-Test Answer Key Test Score Summary Acknowledgments Author Index Subject Index
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선택된 옵션

  • Reading Skills Handbook (2005)