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Explorations in Topology: Map Coloring, Surfaces and Knots (2006) 요약정보 및 구매

사용후기 0 개
지은이 David Gay
발행년도 2007-08-07
페이지 352
ISBN 9780123708588
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.



  • This book gives students a rich experience with low-dimensional topology, enhances their geometrical and topological intuition, empowers them with new approaches to solving problems, and provides them with experiences that would help them make sense of a future, more formal topology course. The innovative story-line style of the text models the problems-solving process, presents the development of concepts in a natural way, and through its informality seduces the reader into engagement with the material. The end-of-chapter Investigations give the reader opportunities to work on a variety of open-ended, non-routine problems, and, through a modified Moore method, to make conjectures from which theorems emerge. The students themselves emerge from these experiences owning concepts and results. The end-of-chapter Notes provide historical background to the chapters ideas, introduce standard terminology, and make connections with mainstream mathematics. The final chapter of projects provides opportunities for continued involvement in research beyond the topics of the book. * Students begin to solve substantial problems right from the start * Ideas unfold through the context of a storyline, and students become actively involved * The text models the problem-solving process, presents the development of concepts in a natural way, and helps the reader engage with the material 
  • Chapter 1 : Acme does maps and considers coloring them Chapter 2 : Acme adds tours Chapter 3 : Acme ollects data from maps Chapter 4 : Acme collects more data, proves a theorem, and returns to coloring maps Chapter 5 : Acme's solicitor proves a theorem : the four-color conjeture Chapter 6 : Acme adds doughnuts to Its repertore Chapter 7 : Acme considers the mobius strip Chapter 8 : Acme creates new worlds : klein bottle and other surfaces Chapter 9 : Acme makes order out of chaos : surface sums and euler numbers Chapter 10 : Acme classifies surfaces Chapter 11 : Acme encounters the fourth demension Chapter 12 : Acme colors maps of surfaves : oeawood's estimate Chapter 13 : Acme gets all tied up with knots Chapter 14 : Where to go from here : projects
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