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Ways of Reading(2007) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Durant
발행년도 2006-11-24
판수 3 edition판
페이지 377
ISBN 9780415346344
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 30,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Ways of Reading(2007)


  • Ways of Reading is a well-established core textbook that provides the reader with the tools to analyze and interpret the meanings of literary and non-literary texts. Six sections, split into self-contained units with their own activities and notes for further reading, cover: techniques and problem-solving language variation attributing meaning poetic uses of language narrative media texts. This third edition has been redesigned and updated throughout with many fresh examples and exercises, updated further reading suggestions and new material on electronic sources and the Internet, language and power, and drama.
  • Section 1: Basic Techniques and Problem Solving Unit 1: Asking Questions for Ways of Reading Unit 2: Using Information Sources Unit 3: Analysing Units of Structure Unit 4: Recognising Genre Section 2: Language Variation Unit 5: Language and Time Unit 6: Language and Place Unit 7: Language and Context: Register Unit 8: Language and Gender Unit 9: Language and Society Section 3: Attributing Meaning Unit 10: Metaphor Unit 11: Irony Unit 12: Juxtaposition Unit 13: Intertextuality and Allusion Unit 14: Authorship and Intention Unit 15: Positioning the Reader or Spectator Section 4: Poetic Form Unit 16: Rhyme and Sound Patterning Unit 17: Verse, Metre and Rhythm Unit 18: Parallelism Unit 19: Deviation Section 5: Narrative Unit 20: Narrative Unit 21: Narrative Point of View Unit 22: Speech and Narration Unit 23: Narrative Realism Section 6: Media - from Text to Performance Unit 24: Film and Prose Fiction Unit 25: Ways of Reading Drama Unit 26: Literature in Performance Glossary
  • Martin Montgomery is Director of the Scottish Centre for Journalism Studies; Nigel Fabb is Director of the Programme in Literary Linguistics; and Tom Furniss is Senior Lecturer in English Studies, all at the University of Strathclyde. Alan Durant is Professor  of Communication Studies at Middlesex University; and Sara Mills is Professor in the Department of English Studies at Sheffield Hallam University. The authors have written and edited numerous books on linguistics, communication studies, study skills, literary theory and cultural studies.
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  • Ways of Reading(2007)