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Encounters with Tadeusz Kantor(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Miklaszewski
발행년도 2005-09-30
판수 1판
페이지 192
ISBN 9780415372633
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 42,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Encounters with Tadeusz Kantor(2005)


  • An invaluable collection of documents and discussions of the work of one of the most significant theatre practitioners of the last fifty years. This unique set of reminiscences, written by one of the actors who worked closely with Kantor over a long period of time, ranges from the anecdotal to the theoretical. Kantor's work offers some of the most disconcerting allegories of Modernism and a quintessential expression of the unconscious during a bitter period of human history. Kantor's stern but affectionate guardianship of his troupe of travelling players comes off Miklaszewski's pages with warmth, humanity and humor.
  • Introduction The Legislator and the Renovator of Radical Ideas Towards the Impossible Theatre (Conversation, June 1972) Tadeusz Kantor Cloakroom (Film script, 1973-1974) Lovelies and Dowdies (Critical Commentary, 1974) Dead Class, or a New Treatise on Mannequins (Conversation, October 1975) A Gripping Since: Dead Class Around the World with Dead Class Kantor in Opposition to Himself (Conversaation, July 1980) Between Absolute Form and the Revelation of Feeling: Wielopole, Wielopole On the State of Things, the Avant-garde, Innovation, Luck, Truth, and Success (Conversation, June 1981) Cricotage under Villon Banner: Ou Sont les Neiges The Theatre is Art, First and Foremost (Conversation, November 1983) Let the Artists Die! (Notes from the year 1985) I The Master: A Documentary on the Making of Kantor Let the Artists Die! by Krzysztof Miklasewski (1985-1986) A Sixteen-minute Pre-premiere Ovation Did I Help or Did I Hinder? (Conversation, July 1986) Exegi Monumentum, or The Machine of Love and Death (Description in Dialogue form, July 1987) "Nothing Further? (Notes from conversations, March 1988) Between Love and Death (Kantor Farewell, 15 December 1990)
  • Krzysztof Miklaszewski is a major figure in the world of contemporary Polish cultural life and for thirteen years was an actor in Kantor's theatre between 1973 and 1986. As a presenter of arts programmes for Polish television he has directed numerous, significant, documentary films of theatrical and artistic activities. He is currently Artistic Director of the Theatre Rampa in Warsaw. The translator and editor, George Hyde lived and taught in Poland during and after the communist period. A Senior Research Fellow of the University of East Anglia, he is the author of numerous essays on Polish life and letters, and of several books and essays on Modernist writing. He translates from Polish and Russian, and is currently Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Kyoto Women's University, Japan.
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  • Encounters with Tadeusz Kantor(2005)