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Students Must Write(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Barrass
발행년도 2005-07-21
판수 3판
페이지 208
ISBN 9780415358262
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 31,500원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Students Must Write(2005)


  • This third edition of the well-respected guide provides assistance for students of all subjects on how to write better. If students are to do well and progress in their chosen career they must develop the ability to write clearly, concisely and persuasively. This text helps students achieve this by providing them with valuable advice on how to: * make good notes * find information, cite sources and list references * write better coursework assignments * achieve higher grades in tests and examinations * prepare a well-organized dissertation, long essay, term paper, project report or thesis * write effective letters and applications. The text includes straightforward guidance on word choice and use, and on using numbers, tables, and illustrations to complement writing. Revised and updated, this edition acknowledges the increasing importance of computers as an aid to writing and discusses how they can be used to retrieve information and prepare coursework assignments. The exercises at the end of most chapters are there to consolidate new information and can be undertaken by students working alone or by tutors as a basis for group work. Written by an esteemed author with many years experience of helping students improve writing and other key skills, this book provides stimulating and eminently sensible guidance on how to write successfully.
  • 1.Judged by your writing 2.Four reasons for writing 3.How students should write 4.Answering questions in course work 5. Word Processing 6.Thoughts into words 7.Using words 8.Using numbers, tables and illustrations to compliment your words 9.Helping your readers 10.Finding information 11.Answering questions in examinations 12.Writing a dissertation, extended essay, term paper or project report Appendix 1: Punctuation Appendix 2: Spelling
  • Robert Barrass has many years’ experience of helping students on degree and diploma courses at the University of Sunderland to improve their writing and other key skills. His other highly successful books, also published by Routledge, include Writing at Work, Scientists Must Write and Study!
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선택된 옵션

  • Students Must Write(2005)