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견본신청 문의
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오탈자 문의

Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Palmer
발행년도 1999-05-07
판수 1 판
페이지 760
ISBN 9780262161831
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 97,920원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology


  • This book revolutionizes how vision can be taught to undergraduate and graduate students in cognitive science, psychology, and optometry. It is the first comprehensive textbook on vision to reflect the integrated computational approach of modern research scientists. This new interdisciplinary approach, called "vision science," integrates psychological, computational, and neuroscientific perspectives. The book covers all major topics related to vision, from early neural processing of image structure in the retina to high-level visual attention, memory, imagery, and awareness. The presentation throughout is theoretically sophisticated yet requires minimal knowledge of mathematics. There is also an extensive glossary, as well as appendices on psychophysical methods, connectionist modeling, and color technology. The book will serve not only as a comprehensive textbook on vision, but also as a valuable reference for researchers in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, optometry, and philosophy.

  • 1 An Introduction to Vision Science

    1.1 Visual Perception

    1.1.1 Defining Visual Perception

    1.1.2 The Evolutionary Utility of Vision

    1.1.3 Perception as a Constructive Act

    1.1.4 Perception as Modeling the Environment

    1.1.5 Perception as Apprehension of Meaning

    1.2 Optical Information

    1.2.1 The Behavior of Light

    1.2.2 The Formation of Images

    1.2.3 Vision as an "Inverse" Problem

    1.3 Visual Systems

    1.3.1 The Human Eye

    1.3.2 The Retina

    1.3.3 Visual Cortex

    2 Theoretical Approaches

    2.1 Classical Theories of Vision

    2.1.1 Structuralism

    2.1.2 Gestaltism

    2.1.3 Ecological Optics

    2.1.4 Constructivism

    2.2 A Brief History of Information Processing

    2.2.1 Computer Vision

    2.2.2 Information Processing Psychology

    2.2.3 Biological Information Processing

    2.3 Information Processing Theory

    2.3.1 The Computer Metaphor

    2.3.2 Three Levels of Information Processing

    2.3.3 Three Assumptions of Information Processing

    2.3.4 Representation

    2.3.5 Processes

    2.4 Four Stages of Visual Perception

    2.4.1 The Retinal Image

    2.4.2 The Image-Based Stage

    2.4.3 The Surface-Based Stage

    2.4.4 The Object-Based Stage

    2.4.5 The Category-Based Stage

    3 Color Vision: A Microcosm of Vision Science

    3.1 The Computational Description of Color Perception

    3.1.1 The Physical Description of Light

    3.1.2 The Psychological Description of Color

    3.1.3 The Psychophysical Correspondence

    3.2 Image-Based Color Processing

    3.2.1 Basic Phenomena

    3.2.2 Theories of Color Vision

    3.2.3 Physiological Mechanisms

    3.2.4 Development of Color Vision

    3.3 Surface-Based Color Processing

    3.3.1 Lightness Constancy

    3.3.2 Chromatic Color Constancy

    3.4 The Category-Based Stage

    3.4.1 Color Naming

    3.4.2 Focal Colors and Prototypes

    3.4.3 A Fuzzy-Logical Model of Color Naming


    4 Processing Image Structure

    4.1 Physiological Mechanisms

    4.1.1 Retinal and Geniculate Cells

    4.1.2 Striate Cortex

    4.1.3 Striate Architecture

    4.1.4 Development of Receptive Fields

    4.2 Psychophysical Channels

    4.2.1 Spatial Frequency Theory

    4.2.2 Physiology of Spatial Frequency Channels

    4.3 Computational Approaches

    4.3.1 Marr's Primal Sketches

    4.3.2 Edge Detection

    4.3.3 Alternative Computational Theories

    4.3.4 A Theoretical Synthesis

    4.4 Visual Pathways

    4.4.1 Physiologlcal Evidence

    4.4.2 Perceptual Evidence

    5 Perceiving Surfaces Oriented in Depth

    5.1 The Problem of Depth Perception

    5.1.1 Heuristic Assumptions

    5.1.2 Marr's 2.5-D Sketch

    5.2 Ocular Information

    5.2.1 Accormmodation

    5.2.2 Convergence

    5.3 Stereoscopic Information

    5.3.1 Binocular Disparity

    5.3.2 The Correspondence Problem

    5.3.3 Computational Theories

    5.3.4 Physiological Mechanisms

    5.3.5 Vertical Disparity

    5.3.6 Da Vinci Stereopsis

    5.4 Dynamic Information

    5.4.1 Motion Parallax

    5.4.2 Optic Flow Caused by a Moving Observer

    5.4.3 Optic Flow Caused by Moving Objects

    5.4.4 Accretion/Deletion of Texture

    5.5 Pictorial Information

    5.5.1 Perspective Projection

    5.5.2 Convergence of Parallel Lines

    5.5.3 Position Relative to the Horizon of a Surface

    5.5.4 Relative Size

    5.5.5 Familiar Size

    5.5.6 Texture Gradients

    5.5.7 Edge Interpretation

    5.5.8 Shading Information

    5.5.9 Aerial Perspective

    5.5.10 Integrating Information Sources

    5.6 Development of Depth Perception

    5.6.1 Ocular Information

    5.6.2 Stereoscopic Information

    5.6.3 Dynamic Information

    5.6.4 Pictorial Information

    6 Organizing Objects and Scenes

    6.1 Perceptual Grouping

    6.1.1 The Classical Principles of Grouping

    6.1.2 New Principles of Grouping

    6.1.3 Measuring Grouping Effects Quantitatively

    6.1.4 Is Grouping an Early or Late Process?

    6.1.5 Past Experience

    6.2 Region Analysis

    6.2.1 Uniform Connectedness

    6.2.2 Region Segmentation

    6.2.3 Texture Segregation

    6.3 Figure/Ground Organization

    6.3.1 Principles of Figure/Ground Organization

    6.3.2 Ecological Considerations

    6.3.3 Effects of Meaningfulness

    6.3.4 The Problem of Holes

    6.4 Visual Interpolation

    6.4.1 Visual Completion

    6.4.2 Illusory Contours

    6.4.3 Perceived Transparency

    6.4.4 Figural Scission

    6.4.5 The Principle of Nonaccidentalness

    6.5 Multistability

    6.5.1 Connectionist Network Models

    6.5.2 Neural Fatigue

    6.5.3 Eye Fixations

    6.5.4 The Role of Instructions

    6.6 Development of Perceptual Organization

    6.6.1 The Habituation Paradigm

    6.6.2 The Development of Grouping

    7 Perceiving Object Properties and Parts

    7.1 Size

    7.1.1 Size Constancy

    7.1.2 Size Illusions

    7.2 Shape

    7.2.1 Shape Constancy

    7.2.2 Shape Illusions

    7.3 Orientation

    7.3.1 Orientation Constancy

    7.3.2 Orientation Illusions

    7.4 Position

    7.4.1 Perception of Direction

    7.4.2 Position Constancy

    7.4.3 Position Illusions

    7.5 Perceptual Adaptation

    7.6 Parts

    7.6.1 Evidence for Perception of Parts

    7.6.2 Part Segmentation

    7.6.3 Global and Local Processing

    8 Representing Shape and Structure

    8.1 Shape Equivalence

    8.1.1 Defining Objective Shape

    8.1.2 Invariant Features

    8.1.3 Transformational Alignment

    8.1.4 Object-Centered Reference Frames

    8.2 Theories of Shape Representation

    8.2.1 Templates

    8.2.2 Fourier Spectra

    8.2.3 Features and Dimensions

    8.2.4 Structural Descriptions

    8.3 Figural Goodness and Pr?nanz

    8.3.1 Theories of Figural Goodness

    8.3.2 Structural Information Theory

    9 Perceiving Function and Category

    9.1 The Perception of Function

    9.1.1 Direct Perception of Affordances

    9.1.2 Indirect Perception of Function by Categorization

    9.2 Phenomena of Perceptual Categorization

    9.2.1 Categorical Hierarchies

    9.2.2 Perspective Viewing Conditions

    9.2.3 Part Structure

    9.2.4 Contextual Effects

    9.2.5 Visual Agnosia

    9.3 Theories of Object Categorization

    9.3.1 Recognition by Components Theory

    9.3.2 Accounting for Empirical Phenomena

    9.3.3 Viewpoint-Specific Theories

    9.4 Identifying Letters and Words

    9.4.1 Identifying Letters

    9.4.2 Identifying Words and Letters Within Words

    9.4.3 The Interactive Activation Model


    10 Perceiving Motion and Events

    10.1 Image Motion

    10.1.1 The Computational Problem of Motion

    10.1.2 Continuous Motion

    10.1.3 Apparent Motion

    10.1.4 Physiological Mechanisms

    10.1.5 Computational Theories

    10.2 Object Motion

    10.2.1 Perceiving Object Velocity

    10.2.2 Depth and Motion

    10.2.3 Long-Range Apparent Motion

    10.2.4 Dynamic Perceptual Organization

    10.3 Self-Motion and Optic Flow

    10.3.1 Induced Motion of the Self

    10.3.2 Perceiving Self-Motion

    10.4 Understanding Events

    10.4.1 Biological Motion

    10.4.2 Perceiving Causation

    10.4.3 Intuitive Physics

    11 Visual Selection: Eye Movements And Attention

    11.1 Eye Movements

    11.1.1 Types Of Eye Movements

    11.1.2 The Physiology Of The Oculomotor System

    11.1.3 Saccaadic Exploration Of The Visual Environment

    11.2 Visual Attention

    11.2.1 Early Versus Late Selection

    11.2.2 Costs and Benefits of Attention

    11.2.3 Theories of Spatial Attention

    11.2.4 Selective Attention to Properties

    11.2.5 Distributed versus Focused Attention

    11.2.6 Feature Integration Theory

    11.2.7 The Physiology of Attention

    11.2.8 Attention and Eye Movements

    12 Visual Memory and Imagery

    12.1 Visual Memory

    12.1.1 Three Memory Systems

    12.1.2 Iconic Memory

    12.1.3 Visual Short-Term Memory

    12.1.4 Visual Long-Term Memory

    12.1.5 Memory Dynamics

    12.2 Visual Imagery

    12.2.1 The Analog/Propositional Debate

    12.2.2 Mental Transformtions

    12.2.3 Image Inspection

    12.2.4 Kosslyn's Model of Imagery

    12.2.5 The Relation of Imagery to Perception

    13 Visual Awareness

    13.1 Philosophical Foundations

    13.1.1 The Mind-Body Problem

    13.1.2 The Problem of Other Minds

    13.2 Neuropsychology of Visual Awareness

    13.2.1 Split-Brain Patients

    13.2.2 Blindsight

    13.2.3 Unconscious Processing in Neglect and Balint's Syndrome

    13.2.4 Unconscious Face Recognition in Prosopagnosia

    13.3 Visual Awareness in Normal Observers

    13.3.1 Perceptual Defense

    13.3.2 Subliminal Perception

    13.3.3 Inattentional Blindsight

    13.4 Theories of Consciousness

    13.4.1 Functional Architecture Theories

    13.4.2 Biological Theories

    13.4.3 Consciousness and the Limits of Science 

  • Stephen E. Palmer is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute of Cognitive Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

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  • Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology