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Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Aaron Jaffe
발행년도 2005-03-17
판수 1 판
페이지 260
ISBN 9780521843010
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 95,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity


  • Aaron Jaffe investigates the relationship between two phenomena that arrived on the historical stage in the first decades of the twentieth century: modernist literature and modern celebrity culture. Jaffe systematically traces and theorizes the deeper dependencies between these two influential forms of cultural value. He examines the paradox that modernist authors, while rejecting mass culture in favor of elite cultural forms, reflected the economy of celebrity culture in their strategies for creating a market for their work. Through collaboration, networking, reviewing and editing each other's works, T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, among others, constructed their literary reputations and publicized the project of modernism. Jaffe uses substantial archival research to show how literary fame was made by exploiting the very market forces that modernists claimed to reject. This innovative study also illuminates the cultural impact and continued relevance of the modernist project.
  • 1 Imprimaturs 18 Difficult impressions 22 Within or behind or beyond or above 33 Modernist afterlife, proximate politics 39 Experiments in modernist vanitas 50 2 Adjectives 58 A well−regulated economy 63 The symptom of Eliot 72 Parody, plagiarism, protocols 80 Downstream modernism?88 3 Collaborative work 94 Worth introducing 103 Phallomorphosis 120 4 Promotional networking 137 5 Institutions, outrages, and postcards 169 1910 and⁄or 1914 179 Elongated noses 187 Blasting and blessing 192 Portraiture refigured 194 Epilogue 199 Notes 205 Index 239
  • Aaron Jaffe is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Louisville, Kentucky.
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  • Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity