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Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches To Classical and World Myths (2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Thury and Devinney
발행년도 2005-02-10
판수 1판
페이지 722
ISBN 9780195158892
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 74,340원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches To Classical and World Myths (2004)


  • Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths introduces students to a wide range of myths from various critical perspectives. Featuring original texts from sources around the world, it includes readings from Greek and Roman classics (by Homer, Hesiod, Ovid, and other writers); Nordic mythology (by Snorri Sturluson); Hindu culture (The Ramayana); and from such ancient works as The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible. Selections from Native-American sources and fairy tales and stories from Africa, Germany, and the United States are also included. In addition, authors Eva Thury and Margaret Devinney draw comparisons between classical myths and such contemporary cultural phenomena as The X Files, Star Trek, and Mother Goose. They also incorporate readings by Carl Jung, Levi-Strauss, Victor Turner, and other scholars who consider mythic material from different analytical perspectives. Finally, works by Milton, Keats, Updike, and Joyce are presented as examples of modern literary texts with mythological roots. The selections are organized into seven topical sections: myths of creation and destruction; hero and trickster myths; ritual and myth; myths and dreams; folktale and myth; modern American myths; and myths and literature. Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches to Classical and World Myths employs an innovative pedagogical structure to help students unravel the complex web of literary allusions often found in mythological texts. Extensive marginal notes provide cross-references and explanations of terms and culture-specific concepts, while a glossary of deities, suggested readings for each chapter, and more than 200 illustrations, photographs, and maps further enhance the volume. Ideal for courses in classical and world mythology, this text can also be used in world culture, world literature, and comparative religion courses. An Instructor's Manual and a Student's Website featuring chapter objectives and summaries, key terms, study questions, self-tests, and off-site links of interest will accompany the book.--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • PART 1. INTRODUCTION TO STUDYING MYTH 1. What is Myth? 2. Ways of Understanding Myth PART 2 A. MYTHS OF CREATION AND DESTRUCTION 3. Greek Creation Stories 4. Ovid's Creation Story 5. Biblical Creation Stories 6. The Prose Edda's Creation Stories 7. Native American Creation Stories from the Southwestern United States 8. African Creation Stories PART 2 B. MYTHS OF CREATION AND DESTRUCTION 9. Ragnarok 10. Biblical Flood Stories 11. Ovid's Flood Story PART 3. HEROES AND TRICKSTERS 12. The Hero with a Thousand Faces: The book by Joseph Campbell, discussed by Dave Whomsley 13. The Epic of Gilgamesh 14. A Levi-Straussian Analysis of The Epic of Gilgamesh--G.S. Kirk 15. The Ramayana 16. Heroes in The Prose Edda--Snorri Sturluson 17. Oedipus the King--Sophocles 18. The Structural Study of Myth--Claude Levi-Strauss 19. Raven: A Native American Trickster 20. The Mwindo Epic 21. African and African-American Trickster Stories 22. Prometheus: The Greek Trickster 23. Looking Back at Heroes: The Different Versions of a Myth PART 4. RITUAL AND MYTH 24. Ritual--Victor Turner 25. Demeter and Persephone: The Homeric Hymn to Demeter 26. Isis and Osiris 27. Deciphering a Meal--Mary Douglas 28. The Rituals of Northern Europe--H.R. Ellis Davidson 29. Heracles and Dionysus PART 5. MYTHS AND DREAMS 30. Man and His Symbols--C.G. Jung 31. How to Perform a Jungian Analysis of a Myth or Fairy Tale PART 6. FOLKTALE AND MYTH 32. The Morphology of the Folktale--Vladimir Propp 33. A Proppian Analysis of The Wizard of Oz 34. Household Tales--Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm 35. ""Cupid and Psyche""--Apuleius 36. Using Multiple Analyses to Highlight Different Aspects of the Same Tale PART 7. MODERN AMERICAN MYTHS 37. A Study of the Construction of the Daniel Boone Myth 38. Star Trek and The X-Files: The Changing Views of Science and Religion PART 8. MYTH AND LITERATURE 39. Mythological Themes in Poetry 40. Mythological Themes in Native American Literature 41. Mythological Themes in Modern Narrative Glossary of Gods, Heroes, and Antiheroes Art Credits Index
  • Eva M. Thury is at Drexel University. Margaret Devinney is at Temple University.
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  • Introduction to Mythology: Contemporary Approaches To Classical and World Myths (2004)