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Susan Glaspell: Her Life and Times(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Linda Ben-Zvi
발행년도 2005-05-26
판수 1판
페이지 476
ISBN 9780195115062
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 55,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Susan Glaspell: Her Life and Times(2005)


  • Venturesome feminist, historian Nancy Cott's term, perfectly describes Susan Glaspell (1876-1948), America's first important modern female playwright, winner of the 1931 Pulitzer Prize for drama, and one of the most respected novelists and short story writers of her time. In her life she explored uncharted regions and in her writing she created intrepid female characters who did the same. Born in Davenport, Iowa, just as America entered its second century, Glaspell took her cue from her pioneering grandparents as she sought to rekindle their spirit of adventure and purpose. A journalist by age eighteen, she worked her way through university as a reporter. In 1913 she and her husband, fellow Davenport iconoclast George Cram "Jig" Cook, joined the migration of writers from the Midwest to Greenwich Village, and were at the center of the first American avant-garde. Glaspell was a charter member of its important institutions--the Provincetown Players, the Liberal Club, Heterodoxy--and a close friend of John Reed, Mary Heaton Vorse, Max Eastman, Sinclair Lewis, and Eugene O'Neill. Her plays launched an indigenous American drama and addressed pressing topics such as women's suffrage, birth control, female sexuality, marriage equality, socialism, and pacifism. Although frail and ethereal, Glaspell was a determined rebel throughout her life, willing to speak out for those causes in which she believed and willing to risk societal approbation when she found love. At the age of thirty-five, she scandalized staid Davenport when she began an affair with then-married Jig Cook. After his death in Delphi, where they lived for two years, she began an eight-year relationship with a man seventeen years her junior. Youthful in appearance, she remained youthful and undaunted in spirit. "Out there--lies all that's not been touched--lies life that waits," Claire Archer says in The Verge, Glaspell's most experimental play. The biography of Susan Glaspell is the exciting story of her personal exploration of the same terrain.
  • PART I: Midwest Beginnings (1876-1907) 1. A Town Springs Up 2. Families In Fact and Fiction 3. Society Girls 4. Delphic Days 5. ""Murder, She Wrote"": The Genesis of Trifles 6. Chicago PART II: Susan and Jig (1907-1913) 7. A Greek Out of Time 8. The Monist Society 9. Letters to Mollie 10. Travel at Home and Abroad 11. Though Stone Be Broken 12. Staging Area for the Future Interlude 1: Greenwich Village 1913, "The Joyous Season" PART III: The Provincetown Players (1914-1922) 13. A Home by the Sea 14. War and Peace15. A Theatre on a Wharf 16. Summer 1916, Two Playwrights 17. A New Kind of Theatre 18. "Fire from Heaven" on MacDougal Street 19. Here Pegasus was Hitched 20. Inheritors 21. The Verge and Beyond 22. The End of the Dream Interlude 2: Delphi 1922-1924, "The Road to the Temple" PART IV: Going On (1924-1948) 23. Picking Up the Pieces 24. Novel Times 25. Alison's House 26. Break Up 27. The Federal Theatre Project 28. A Different War 29. Completing the Circle Bibliography Notes
  • Linda Ben-Zvi is Professor of Theatre Studies at Tel Aviv University and Professor Emerita of English and Theatre at Colorado State University.
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  • Susan Glaspell: Her Life and Times(2005)