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Writing Public Policy(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Catherine F. Smith
발행년도 2005-03-10
판수 1 edition판
페이지 146
ISBN 9780195145076
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 22,680원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Writing Public Policy(2005)


  • Writing Public Policy is a hands-on, concise guide to writing and communicating in public policy processes. Designed to help students, practitioners, and other "doers" understand and perform common types of communication used in solving public problems, the book introduces the institutional democratic process in the U.S. and explains the standards and functions of communicating in the public sector. Coverage includes: * A general method for planning, composing, and assessing communications in a variety of real-life contexts and situations * Specific instructions for writing and speaking in public policy processes * Scenarios that illustrate the complexity in policy processes, highlighting their diversity of contexts--including state legislatures, non-profit organizations, federal government committees, special interest groups, and professional associations--the variety of actors involved, and the range of communication types produced * Commentary relating the scenarios and examples to the general method * Checklists of expected standards to enable communicators to assess their products Highly practical and accessible, Writing Public Policy demonstrates the skills and techniques needed to effectively communicate in the democratic process of making public policy. Ideal for courses in public policy studies, civic writing, and technical/business/legal writing, it is also an invaluable resource for practitioners--and students preparing for careers--in public policy, politics, government, public relations, law, journalism, social work, public health, or in any area concerned with public affairs.
  • Chapter 1. Public Policy Making Scenario What This Scenario Shows Chapter 2. Communication in the Process Standards Players and Their Roles A General Method of Communicating in a Public Process Two Checklists Chapter 3. Definition: Frame the Problem Three Scenarios How to Define a Policy Problem Four Examples Chapter 4. Legislative History: Know the Record Two Scenarios How to Conduct Legislative Research and Write a Legislative History Two Examples Chapter 5. Position Paper: Know the Arguments Two Scenarios How to Argue in a Position Paper Example Chapter 6. Petitions and Proposals: Request Action or Propose Policy Three Scenarios How to Ask for Action or Propose Policy on Behalf of a GroupThree Examples Chapter 7. Briefing Memo or Opinion Statement: Inform Policy Makers Two Scenarios How to Inform Policy Makers in a Briefing Memo or Opinion Statement Two Examples Chapter 8. Testimony: Witness in a Public Hearing Two Scenarios How to Deliver Oral Testimony Based on a Written Statement Two Examples Chapter 9. Written Public Comment: Influence Administration Two Scenarios How to Write a Public Comment Three Examples Conclusion: Ready to Change Framework, Function, and Form
  • Catherine F. Smith is at East Carolina University.
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  • Writing Public Policy(2005)