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A Mirror in the Roadway : Literature and the Real World(2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Morris Dickstein
발행년도 2005-05-08
판수 1 edition판
페이지 320
ISBN 9780691119960
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 34,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • A Mirror in the Roadway : Literature and the Real World(2005)


  • In a famous passage in The Red and the Black, the French writer Stendhal described the novel as a mirror being carried along a roadway. In the twentieth century this was derided as a naïve notion of realism. Instead, modern writers experimented with creative forms of invention and dislocation. Deconstructive theorists went even further, questioning whether literature had any real reference to a world outside its own language, while traditional historians challenged whether novels gave a trustworthy representation of history and society. In this book, Morris Dickstein reinterprets Stendhal's metaphor and tracks the different worlds of a wide array of twentieth-century writers, from realists like Theodore Dreiser, Sinclair Lewis, Edith Wharton, and Willa Cather, through modernists like Franz Kafka and Samuel Beckett, to wildly inventive postwar writers like Saul Bellow, Günter Grass, Mary McCarthy, George Orwell, Philip Roth, and Gabriel García Márquez. Dickstein argues that fiction will always yield rich insight into its subject, and that literature can also be a form of historical understanding. Writers refract the world through their forms and sensibilities. He shows how the work of these writers recaptures--yet also transforms--the life around them, the world inside them, and the universe of language and feeling they share with their readers. Through lively and incisive essays directed to general readers as well as students of literature, Dickstein redefines the literary landscape--a landscape in which reading has for decades been devalued by society and distorted by theory. Having begun with a reconsideration of realism, the book concludes with several essays probing the strengths and limitations of a historical approach to literature and criticism.

  • Preface ix
    Acknowledgments xvii
    Introduction: A Mirror in the Roadway 1

    American Realism: The Sense of Time and Place
    The City as Text: New York and the American Writer 17
    The Second City (Chicago Writers) 36
    Upton Sinclair and the Urban Jungle 41
    A Radical Comedian (Sinclair Lewis) 51
    The Magic of Contradictions: Willa Cather's Lost Lady 60

    A Different World: From Realism to Modernism
    The Authority of Failure (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 77
    Edmund Wilson: Three Phases 89
    A Glint of Malice (Mary McCarthy) 96
    Silence, Exile, Cunning 104
    The Modern Writer as Exile 104
    An Outsider in His Own Life (Samuel Beckett) 115
    Kafka in Love 119
    Hope against Hope: Orwell and the Future 126
    Magical Realism 137
    The Pornography of Power 137
    A Fishy Tale (Günter Grass) 140
    Talking Dogs and Pioneers (S. Y. Agnon) 144

    Postwar Fiction in Context: Genealogies
    Sea Change: Céline in America 153
    The Complex Fate of the Jewish American Writer 168
    The Face in the Mirror: The Eclipse of Distance
    in Contemporary Fiction 184
    Ordinary People: Carver, Ford, and Blue-Collar Realism 199
    Textures of Memory 209
    Late Bellow: Thinking About the Dead 209
    Saints and Sinners: William Kennedy's Albany Cycle 214

    Reading and History
    Damaged Literacy: The Decay of Reading 223
    Finding the Right Words (Irving Howe) 234
    The Social Uses of Fiction (Martha Nussbaum) 243
    The Limits of Historicism: Literary Theory
    and Historical Understanding 248
    Sources 259
    Index 271


  • Morris Dickstein is Distinguished Professor of English at the City University of New York Graduate Center and a widely published literary and cultural critic. His work has appeared in the "New York Times Book Review", the "Times Literary Supplement", "Partisan Review", "The Nation", and the "Chronicle of Higher Education". His books include "Gates of Eden: American culture in the 1960's", nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award in criticism, and "Leopards in the Temple", a study of postwar American fiction.

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  • A Mirror in the Roadway : Literature and the Real World(2005)