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Spring Into Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Barry J. Rosenberg
발행년도 2005-05-17
판수 1판
페이지 1012
ISBN 9780131498631
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Spring Into Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists


  • Preface. I. PLANNING TO WRITE. 1. The Quest. Technical Writing Theorems Technical Writing Can Be Creative Tell 'Em The Value of Technical Communication to You Comparing Technical Writing to Engineering and Science 2. Audience. General Education Level Experience and Expertise Breadth of Audience Native Language Native Culture Audience Motivation Medium and the Message Becoming the Audience Summary of Audience 3. Documentation Plans. Document Specifications (Doc Specs) Doc Specs: Sample Documentation Project Plans Documentation Project Plan: Sample Summary of Documentation Specifications II. WRITING: GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 4. Words. Jargon Consistency Verbs Adjectives and Adverbs Pronouns: He, She, and They Pronouns: You Pronouns: It and They Fluffy Phrases Commonly Confused Words Summary of Words 5. Sentences. Active Voice and Passive Voice Active Voice Is Better When Is Passive Voice Okay? Short = Sweet Causes of Long Sentences One Sentence = One Thought Parenthetical Clauses Summary of Sentences 6. Paragraphs and Sections. Sentence Transitions Paragraph Length Paragraph Transitions Sections Summary of Paragraphs and Sections 7. Lists. Bulleted Lists Elements in Bulleted Lists The Length of Each Element Numbered Lists Directions Introductions to Lists Parallel Lists Summary of Lists 8. Tables. Column Headers Units of Measure Arrangement of Columns and Rows Parallelism in Tables Amount of Text in Cells Rules Shading Captions Summary of Tables 9. Graphics Graphics Time Series Extra Detail in Online Graphics Before and After Callouts versus Embedded Text Graphics That Orient Readers Screenshots Color Blindness Block Diagrams Text That Supplements Figures Technical Photography Line Art Enhances Technical Photographs Big Picture First, Then Details Layout: Controlling Focus Layout: Keeping Eyes on the Page Layout: White Space Summary of Graphics 10. Professional Secrets. Explanations of Formula-Based Rules Examples Examples by Metaphor Examples for Programming Documentation Question-and-Answer Format Question-and-Answer Format Example In Other Words Tone Pace Footnotes and Other Digressions Beyond the Obvious Precision Descriptions The Hardest Part of Writing Summary of Professional Secrets III. WRITING: SPECIFIC KINDS OF DOCUMENTS. 11. Manuals. Manual Style: Cookbooks Cookbook Example: Installing the Carambola Server Manual Style: Tutorials Tutorial Example: Getting Started with HTML Manual Style: Guides Guide Example: Creating HTML Headers Manual Style: Reference Manuals Reference Example: The pr1me Utility Manual Style: Nonverbal Manuals Online Help: Overview Online Help: Best Practices Online Help Examples Release Notes Release Notes Example: Carambola Web Server Version 3.7 Prefaces Preface Example Glossaries Glossary Example: Tropical Weather Terms Tables of Contents Indexes Indexes: Providing Concise Entries Indexes: Permuting Terms Indexes: Providing Entries for Concepts Summary of Manuals 12. Web Sites. Plans Home Page: Specify Purpose and Audience Home : Engage the Reader's Imagination Home : Set the Tone Page Templates Navigators and Search Boxes Hyperlinks in Body Text Secondary Text in Web Sites PDF versus HTML Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Summary of Web Sites 13. Proposals. The Proposal before the Proposal Adherence to the Proposal Template Proposal Element: Cover Letters Proposal Element: Biographies Proposal Element: Abstracts Proposal Element: Contingency Plans Proposals for Revolutionary Ideas Research Proposals Research Proposals: Significance Statements Research Proposals: Objectives and Hypotheses Research Proposals: Design and Methods Book Proposals Book Proposal: Example Marketing Section Business Plans Summary of Proposals 14. Internal Planning Documents. Business Proposals Business Proposal: Example High-Level Technical Specs High-Level Technical Spec Example Low-Level Technical Specs Low-Level Technical Spec Example Summary of Internal Planning Documents 15. Lab Reports. Abstract Introduction Materials Experimental Procedure Results Discussion Conclusion References Summary of Lab Reports 16. PowerPoint Presentations. Organizing a Presentation: The Big Picture The Number of Slides The Opening Moments of a Presentation Introductory Slides: The Traditional Approach Introductory Slides: An Alternate Approach Body Slides: Pace and Variety Mechanics: Fonts and Backgrounds Body Slides: Effective Lists Audience: The Theory of Relativity Graphics The Complexity of a Graphic Question-and-Answer Sessions Different Kinds of Learners PowerPoint Speech: The Basics PowerPoint Speech: Lessons from the Pros PowerPoint Speech: Overcoming Fear Summary of PowerPoint Presentations 17. E-Mail. The Essence of the E-Mail Problem Before Hitting the Send Button... After the First Miscommunication... Summary of E-Mail IV. EDITING AND PRODUCING DOCUMENTS. 18. Editing and the Documentation Process. Editing: What Is It Really? Technical Editing a Peer's Work Technical Editing a Superior's Work Copyediting a Colleague's Document Copyediting Your Own Document Media for Technical Editing Bug-Tracking Systems A Process for Editing Beta Tests for Documentation Summary of Editing and the Documentation Process 19. Fonts and Typography. Serif and Sans-Serif Fonts Fixed-Width versus Variable-Width Fonts Serif and Sans-Serif in Hard Copy Serif and Sans-Serif in Soft Copy Font Height Italics and Boldface Consistency and Convention True-Type versus PostScript Fonts Summary of Fonts and Typography 20. Punctuation. Commas Dashes and Hyphens Semicolons Periods Colons Quotation Marks Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
  • Barry Rosenberg is the author of more than sixty corporate technical manuals, primarily on programming. An experienced instructor, Barry has taught everything from high school physics to weeklong corporate seminars on data structures. Most recently, he spent four semesters at MIT, where he taught advanced technical writing. Barry currently works as the documentation manager at 170 Systems.
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  • Spring Into Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists