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Structured Reading(1998) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Lynn Troyka
발행년도 1998-08-10
판수 5판
페이지 364
ISBN 9780136519775
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 20,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Structured Reading(1998)


  • For courses in Developmental Reading or College Reading. The highly regarded, exceptionally effective approach of Structured Reading is grounded in psycholinguistic theory and based on the principle that readers improve their skills not by reading about reading, but rather by guided, hands-on experience with reading. Throughout the text readers encounter essays from books, magazines, and texts. They use this material to develop their critical thinking, reading, and vocabulary skills.
  • How to Structure Your Reading. PART I. Thinking: Getting Started.  1. A Real Loss, Fern Kupfer.  2. The Death of a Farm, Amy Jo Keifer.  3. Tyranny of Weakness, Eda LeShan.  4. Darkness at Noon, Harold Krents.  5. My World Now, Anna Mae Halgrim Seaver.  6. My Mother's Blue Bowl, Alice Walker. PART II. Thinking: Getting Started.  7. Summer, Jonathan Schwartz (short story).  8. My Father, the No-Show, Quassan T. Castro.  9. The Girl with the Large Eyes, Julius Lester (folk tale). 10. You Are How You Eat, Enid Nemy. 11. Flour Children, Lexine Alpert. 12. The Magic Words Are, "Will You Help Me?" Michael Ryan. PART III. Thinking: Getting Started. 13. Genes and Behavior: A Twin Legacy, Constance Holden. 14. Every Kid Needs Some Manual Arts, William Raspberry. 15. Richard Cory, All Over Again, Roy Meador; Richard Cory, Edward Arlington Robinson (poem). 16. Escaping the Daily Grind for Life as a House Father, Rick Greenberg. 17. A New Dawn, Sam Moses. 18. Out of Their Element, Bob Akin. PART IV. Thinking: Getting Started. 19. Terror at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard. 20. Should a Wife Keep Her Name? Norman Lobsenz. 21. Restored to the Sea, Robin Micheli. 22. I Became Her Target, Roger Wilkins 23. She Made Her Dream Come True, Michael Ryan. 24. The Babies of Bedford, Jean Harris. PART V. Thinking: Getting Started. 25. How to Stay Alive, Art Hoppe. 26. Houses to Save the Earth, Seth Shulman. 27. Magnetism, Abraham Marcus and Charles M. Thomson. 28. Long-Term Memory, Joseph Calkin and Richard S. Perrotto. 29. A Personal Stress Survival Guide, Diana Hales 30. The Chaser, John Collier. Progress Charts. Guide to Dictionary Use. Vocabulary Index. General Index.
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  • Structured Reading(1998)