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Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers(2001) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Hairston
발행년도 2001-08-06
판수 6판
ISBN 9780321103154
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 42,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers(2001)


  • The best-selling Scott Foresman Handbook has proven again with this edition that it is still the most comprehensive and innovative writing handbook available. Examples of real writers at work gives this book human expression and reinforces key points about writing, style, and mechanics. Readers using The Scott Foresman Handbook will know what good writing means today and what they will need to know in the future. It incorporates the latest theories and technologies, including civic literacy, visual rhetoric, online research, and service learning and other emerging trends. Topics include the writing process (finding and exploring a topic, focus and organization, drafting and revising, editing and proofreading, and evaluation); writing for academic and public forums; style (crafting opening and closing paragraphs, what kinds of language to use, effective sentences, and stylish sentences); visual design (documents, web sites); grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; research and writing; and documentation. An excellent reference resource for anyone needing to learn effective writing skills, whether for college, business, or other areas.--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • PART I. WRITING PROCESSES. 1. What Does Writing Involve? 2. How Do You Find and Explore a Topic? 3. How Do You Focus and Organize a Writing Project? 4. How Do You Write a Draft? 5. How Do You Revise, Edit, and Proofread? 6. How Is Writing Evaluated? PART II. WRITING FOR ACADEMIC AND PUBLIC FORUMS. 7. How Do You Write in College? 8. How Do You Use Course Web Sites and Campus Writing Centers? 9. How Do You Write for the Public? 10. How Do You Read and Think Critically? 11. How Do You Interpret Visual Rhetoric? 12. How Can You Write Powerful Arguments? 13. How Do You Design an Oral or Multimedia Report? 14. How Do You Write About Literature? PART III. STYLE. 15. What Makes Paragraphs Work? 16. How Do You Craft Opening and Closing Paragraphs? 17. How Do You Manage Transition? 18. What Kinds of Language Can You Use? 19. How Do You Construct Effective Sentences? 20. How Do You Write Stylish Sentences? PART IV. DESIGN AND SHAPE OF WRITING. 21. What Is Visual Design? 22. How Do You Design Documents? 23. How Do You Create Web Sites? 24. Model Documents. PART V. GRAMMAR. 25. Questions About Subject-Verb Agreement? 26. Questions About Verb Tense, Voice, and Mood? 27. Questions About Verbals? 28. Questions About Plurals, Possessives, and Articles? 29. Questions About Pronoun Reference? 30. Questions About Pronoun Agreement? 31. Questions About Pronoun Case? 32. Questions About Pronoun Choices? 33. Questions About Modifiers? 34. Are You an ESL Writer? 35. ESL Questions About Verbs? 36. ESL Questions About Gerunds, Infinitives, Articles, or Number? PART VI. PUNCTUATION AND MECHANICS. 37. How Do You Punctuate Sentence Endings? 38. Questions About Sentence Boundaries: Fragments, Comma Splices, and Run-ons? 39. Questions About Commas? 40. Questions About Semicolons and Colons? 41. Questions About Quotation Marks and Ellipses? 42. Questions About Parentheses and Brackets? 43. Questions About Dashes, Hyphens, and Slashes? 44. Questions About Italics and Capitalization? 45. Questions About Abbreviations and Numbers? PART VII. RESEARCH AND WRITING. 46. How Do You Design a Research Project? 47. How Do You Find Information? 48. How Do You Evaluate Sources? 49. How Do You Use Sources Responsibly? 50. How Do You Handle Quotations? 51. How Do You Complete a Project? PART VIII. DOCUMENTATION. 52. What is Documentation? 53. How Do You Use MLA Documentation? 54. How Do You Use APA Documentation? 55. How Do You Use CMS Documentation? 56. How Do You Use CSE Documentation? 57. How Do You Use COS Documentation? Glossary of Terms and Usage. Credits. Index.
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  • Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers(2001)