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College Writing Skills (2005)-International 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 John Langan
발행년도 2004-10-16
판수 6판
페이지 608
ISBN 9780071114158
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 32,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • College Writing Skills (2005)-International


  • Highly regarded and used by countless students, this effective rhetoric/handbook is ideal for writing courses that focus on the essay. The sixth edition features Langan's renowned clear writing style and a wide range of writing assignments and activities that reinforce the four essentials of good writing: unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. College Writing Skills comes packaged with a free student CD-ROM, a free registration card for access to the Online Learning Center, and a free user's guide to help students gain the maximum benefit from the text and electronic materials. 

    "I long ago lost count of the number of instructors who have told me that the four bases really work. When you explain the four bases to students and make the bases really clear with a lot of activities, students get it." - John Langan.

    (*Indicates New Reading)

    CHAPTER 1: An Introduction to Writing
    Point and Support
    Structure of the Traditional Essay
    Benefits of Writing the Traditional Essay
    Writing as a Skill
    Writing as a Process of Discovery
    Writing as a Way to Communicate with Others
    Keeping a Journal
    Using a Computer
    Review Activities
    Using This Text
    CHAPTER 2: The Writing Process
    Writing a First Draft
    Review Activities
    CHAPTER 3: The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing
    Step 1: Begin with a Point, or Thesis
    Step 2: Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence
    Practice in Advancing and Supporting a Thesis
    CHAPTER 4: The Third Step in Essay Writing
    Step3: Organize and Connect the Specific Evidence
    Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles
    Practice in Organizing and Connecting Specific Evidence
    CHAPTER 5: The Fourth Step in Essay Writing
    Revising Sentences
    Editing Sentences
    Practice in Revising Sentences
    CHAPTER 6: Four Bases for Revising Essays
    Base 1: Unity
    Base 2: Support
    Base 3: Coherence
    Base 4: Sentence Skills
    Practice in Using the Four Bases

    CHAPTER 7: Introduction To Essay Development
    CHAPTER 8: Description
    Reading: Lou's Place, Beth Johnson
    CHAPTER 9: Narration
    Reading: The Yellow Ribbon, Pete Hamill
    CHAPTER 10: Examples
    Reading: Dad, Andrew H. Malcolm
    CHAPTER 11: Process
    Reading: How to Do Well On A Job Interview, Glenda Davis
    CHAPTER 12: Cause and Effect
    *Reading: Taming the Anger Monster, Anne Davidson
    CHAPTER 13: Comparison and Contrast
    *Reading: Born to Be Different? Camille Lewis
    CHAPTER 14: Definition
    Reading: Television Addiction, Marie Winn
    CHAPTER 15: Division and Classification
    Reading: Wait Divisions, Tom Bodett
    CHAPTER 16: Argumentation
    Reading: Ban The Things. Ban Them All., Molly Ivins

    CHAPTER 17: Taking Essay Exams
    CHAPTER 18: Writing a Summary
    CHAPTER 19: Writing a Report
    CHAPTER 20: Writing a Rsum and Job Application Letter
    CHAPTER 21: Using the Library and the Internet
    CHAPTER 22: Writing a Research Paper

    CHAPTER 23: Subjects and Verbs
    CHAPTER 24: Fragments
    CHAPTER 25: Run-ons
    CHAPTER 26: Regular and Irregular Verbs
    CHAPTER 27: Subject-Verb Agreement
    CHAPTER 28: Additional Information about Verbs
    CHAPTER 29: Pronoun Agreement and Reference
    CHAPTER 30: Pronoun Types
    CHAPTER 31: Adjectives and Adverbs
    CHAPTER 32: Misplaced Modifiers
    CHAPTER 33: Dangling Modifiers

    CHAPTER 34: Manuscript Form
    CHAPTER 35: Capital Letters
    CHAPTER 36: Numbers and Abbreviations

    CHAPTER 37: Apostrophe
    CHAPTER 38: Quotation Marks
    CHAPTER 39: Comma
    CHAPTER 40: Other Punctuation Marks

    CHAPTER 41: Spelling Improvement
    CHAPTER 42: Commonly Confused Words
    CHAPTER 43: Effective Word Choice
    CHAPTER 44: Editing Tests
    CHAPTER 45: ESL Pointers

  • John Langan has taught reading and writing at Atlantic Community College near Atlantic City, New Jersey, for over twenty years. The author of a popular series of college textbook on both reading and writing, he enjoys the challenge of developinging materials that teach skills in an especially clear and lively way. Before teaching, he earned advanced degrees in writing at Rutgers University and in reading at Glassboro State Collee. He also spent a year writing fiction.

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선택된 옵션

  • College Writing Skills (2005)-International