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Floral Embroidery Designs CD-ROM and Book 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Dover
발행년도 2003-01-30
판수 1판
페이지 48
ISBN 9780486995366
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 21,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Floral Embroidery Designs CD-ROM and Book


  • This versatile collection of beautifully rendered floral motifs reproduced from a rare turn-of-the-century catalog of embroidery patterns can be adapted for use in a variety of art and craft projects. Among other images, the designs depict borders of wild roses and ox-eye daisies, sprays of narcissus, snowdrops, and primroses; and corners and centers featuring poppies and forget-me-nots. Patterns are conveniently arranged according to type (borders, allover patterns, etc.). Ideal for use in needlework, woodworking, leathercraft, much more. Dover Original. One CD-ROM and paperbound book. 262 black-and-white illustrations. Index of flowers.
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선택된 옵션

  • Floral Embroidery Designs CD-ROM and Book