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Differential Geometry(1977) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Heinrich W. Guggenheimer
발행년도 1977-06-01
판수 1판
페이지 378
ISBN 9780486634333
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 21,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Differential Geometry(1977)


  • Designed for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate study, this text contains an elementary introduction to continuous groups and differential invariants; an extensive treatment of groups of motions in euclidean, affine, and riemannian geometry; and development of the method of integral formulas for global differential geometry.

  • Table of Contents for Differential Geometry
    Chapter 1. Elementary Differential Geometry
    1-1 Curves
    1-2 Vector and Matrix Functions
    1-3 Some Formulas
    Chapter 2. Curvature
    2-1 Arc Length
    2-2 The Moving Frame
    2-3 The Circle of Curvature
    Chapter 3. Evolutes and Involutes
    3-1 The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral
    3-2 Involutes and Evolutes
    3-3 Spiral Arcs
    3-4 Congruence and Homothety
    3-5 The Moving Plane
    Chapter 4. Calculus of Variations
    4-1 Euler Equations
    4-2 The Isoperimetric Problem
    Chapter 5. Introduction to Transformation Groups
    5-1 Translations and Rotations
    5-2 Affine Transformations
    Chapter 6. Lie Group Germs
    6-1 Lie Group Germs and Lie Algebras
    6-2 The Adjoint Representation
    6-3 One-parameter Subgroups
    Chapter 7. Transformation Groups
    7-1 Transformation Groups
    7-2 Invariants
    7-3 Affine Differential Geometry
    Chapter 8. Space Curves
    8-1 Space Curves in Euclidean Geometry
    8-2 Ruled Surfaces
    8-3 Space Curves in Affine Geometry
    Chapter 9. Tensors
    9-1 Dual Spaces
    9-2 The Tensor Product
    9-3 Exterior Calculus
    9-4 Manifolds and Tensor Fields
    Chapter 10. Surfaces
    10-1 Curvatures
    10-2 Examples
    10-3 Integration Theory
    10-4 Mappings and Deformations
    10-5 Closed Surfaces
    10-6 Line Congruences
    Chapter 11. Inner Geometry of Surfaces
    11-1 Geodesics
    11-2 Clifford-Klein Surfaces
    11-3 The Bonnet Formula
    Chapter 12. Affine Geometry of Surfaces
    12-1 Frenet Formulas
    12-2 Special Surfaces
    12-3 Curves on a Surface
    Chapter 13. Riemannian Geometry
    13-1 Parallelism and Curvature
    13-2 Geodesics
    13-3 Subspaces
    13-4 Groups of Motions
    13-5 Integral Theorems
    Chapter 14. Connections
    Answers to Selected Exercises

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  • Differential Geometry(1977)