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A Writer's Workshop: Creating Paragraphs, building Essays(2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Brannan
발행년도 2006-01-01
판수 2 edition판
페이지 700
ISBN 9780071116848
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 10,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • A Writer's Workshop: Creating Paragraphs, building Essays(2006)


  • From paragraph to essay, no text builds better writing with such an active and collaborative approach. A Writer's Workshop helps hone writing through the detailed instruction - explanation, examples, student models, and activities - that students need.


    Chapter 1
    Practicing the writing process

    Chapter 2
    Making the most of reading


    Chapter 3
    Introducing the paragraph

    Chapter 4
    Revising paragraphs

    Chapter 5
    Picturing a place

    Chapter 6
    Telling your own story

    Chapter 7
    Illustrating through examplew

    Chapter 8 
    Creating and explaining groups

    Chapter 9
    Recognizing causes, explaining effects

    Chapter 10
    Explaining activities: doing them, understanding them

    Chapter 11
    Explaining similarities and differences


    Chapter 12
    Introducing the essay

    Chapter 13 
    Revising essays

    Chapter 14
    Expanding paragraphs into essays

    Chapter 15 
    Defining terms, clarifying ideas

    Chapter 16
    Writing persuasively

    Chapter 17
    Taking essay exam


    Chapter 18
    Creating sentence variety

    Chapter 19
    Choosing the most effective word


    Chapter 20 
    Working with sentence parts

    Chapter 21
    Coordination, subordination, and parallelism

    Chapter 22
    Run-Ons, comma splices, and sentence fragments

    Chapter 23
    Verbs: form and agreement

    Chapter 24
    Pronouns: Reference, agreement, and form

    Chapter 25
    Adjectives and adverbs: words that describe

    Chapter 26 
    Commas, other punctuation, and mechanics

    Chapter 27
    Spelling and sound-alike words

    Chapter 28
    ESL Conserns

    Additional readings

    Writing a research paper


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  • A Writer's Workshop: Creating Paragraphs, building Essays(2006)