1. The Big Picture: Approaching Reading As a Process.
2. Building Vocabulary.
3. Understanding Main Ideas.
4. Indentifying Supporting Details and Using Relationships Among Ideas.
5. Reading Multi-Paragraph Selections.
6. Reading Graphics.
7. Understanding the Author's Point of View.
8. Organizing the Information You Need.
9. Becoming a More Critical Reader.
1. First Amendment Freedoms.
First Amendment Freedoms, Burns, Peltason, Cronin, Magleby, O'Brien, and Light. Five Tests of Your Freedoms, USA Weekend. State of the First Amendment 2003, Ken Paulson. How Much Religious Freedom Is Too Much?, Charles Haynes. 'Free' and Other 4-Letter Words, Ken Paulson. Dilbert, Scott Adams. Well, Would You Rather Have an Unfree Press?, Bill Thompson. Our Right to Petition, Adam Newton.
2. Today's Workplace.
Tomorrow's Jobs, U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Editorial Cartoon, Brad McMillan. Managing Human Resources and Labor Relations, Griffin and Ebert. Judgment Day, Kim Clark. Stop Stereotyping: Overcoming Your Worst Diversity Enemy, Sondra Thiederman. What Should I Do With My Life?, Po Bronson. Money and Motivation, Thomas Petzinger.
3. Violence and Crime.
The Moral Circle, James Garbarino. Crime and Violence, Kornblum and Julian. Four R's, Don Wright. A Well-Regulated Controversy, Justin Fernandez. Hatred: Too Close for Comfort, Jack Levine. Much Ado about Violence, Charles Gordon. Why Rocky III?, Mike Messner. Prologue: New Year's Eve, Greg Lichtenberg.
4. Biodiversity.
Imagine, Chris Howes. Is Earth Experiencing a Biodiversity Crisis?, Belk and Borden. The Politics of Biodiversity, Julie Majeres. Editorial Cartoon, Steve Greenberg. A Grizzly Future, Todd Wilkinson. Sustainable Agriculture Depends on Biodiversity, Kevin Parris. The Silent Casualties of War, Paul Richards and Louise Sperling.
Jane L. McGrath earned her undergraduate degree and M.A. in education and mass communications and her Ed.D. in reading education from Arizona State University. During her more than twenty-five years with the Maricopa Colleges, McGrath taught a variety of reading, English, journalism, and computer applications courses. She was named Innovator of the Year by the Maricopa Colleges and the League for Innovation in Community Colleges for Project Read-Aloud, a college-community service program, and has received Outstanding Citizen awards from the cities of Tempe and Phoenix, Arizona, for her community service activities. McGrath's other books include Basic Skills and Strategies for College Reading: A Text with Thematic Reader, second edition, and Strategies for Critical Reading. In addition to her work in reading education, McGrath and her husband Larry write for the high-performance automotive industry. Their work has appeared in magazines such as Drag Racing Today and Circle Track, and their monthly column appears in Performance Racing Industry.