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견본신청 문의
단체구매 문의
오탈자 문의

A Course in Phonetics, 6th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Ladforged & Johnson
발행년도 0000-00-00
판수 6판
페이지 322
ISBN 9781428231276
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 25,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • A Course in Phonetics, 6th


  • LPeter Ladefoged's "A Course in Phonetics" is the hallmark text for the study of linquistics. Retaining the trademark writing style and approach of previous editions, the Fifth Edition begins with technical terms required for describing speech and transcription symbols before moving on to the phonetics of English and other language 

    • Preface x

      Part I Introductory Concepts 1

      Chapter 1 Articulation and Acoustics 2

      Speech Production 2

      Sound Waves 6

      Places of Articulatory Gestures 8

      The Oro-Nasal Process 13

      Manners of Articulation 14

      Stop 14

      Oral Stop 14

      Nasal Stop 14

      Fricative 14

      Approximant 15

      Lateral (Approximant) 15

      Additional Consonantal Gestures 15

      The Waveforms of Consonants 17

      The Articulation of Vowel Sounds 19

      The Sounds of Vowels 21

      Suprasegmentals 23

      Exercises 29

      Chapter 2 Phonology and Phonetic Transcription 33

      The Transcription of Consonants 35

      The Transcription of Vowels 38

      Consonant and Vowel Charts 42

      Phonology 45

      Exercises 48

      Performance Exercises 52

      Part II English Phonetics 55

      Chapter 3 The Consonants of English 56

      Stop Consonants 57

      Fricatives 65

      Affricates 67

      Nasals 67

      Approximants 68

      Overlapping Gestures 69

      Rules for English Consonant Allophones 72

      Diacritics 77

      Exercises 77

      Performance Exercises 82

      Chapter 4 English Vowels 85

      Transcription and Phonetic Dictionaries

      Vowel Quality 87

      The Auditory Vowel Space 88

      American and British Vowels 89

      Diphthongs 92

      Rhotic Vowels 94

      Unstressed Syllables 96

      Tense and Lax Vowels 98

      Rules for English Vowel Allophones 100

      Exercises 102

      Performance Exercises 105

      Chapter 5 English Words and Sentences 107

      Words in Connected Speech 107

      Stress 111

      Degrees of Stress 113

      Sentence Rhythm 116

      Intonation 118

      Target Tones 127

      Exercises 131

      Performance Exercises 134

      Part III General Phonetics 135

      Chapter 6 Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types 136

      Airstream Mechanisms 136

      Slates of the Glottis 148

      Voice Onset Time 151

      Summary of Actions of theGlottis 156

      Exercises 157

      Performance Exercises 160

      Chapter 7 Consonantal Gestures 163

      Articulatory Targets 163

      Types of Articulatory Gestures 172

      Stops 172

      Nasals 174

      Fricatives 174

      Trills, Taps, and Flaps 175

      Laterals 178

      Summary of Manners of Articulation 180

      Exercises 181

      Performance Exercises 183

      Chapter 8 Acoustic Phonetics 187

      Source/Filter Theory 187

      Tube Models 190

      Perturbation Theory 192

      Acoustic Analysis 193

      Acoustics of Consonants 198

      Interpreting Spectrograms 204

      Individual Differences 212

      Exercises 215

      Chapter 9 Vowels and Vowel-like Articulations 217

      Cardinal Vowels 217

      Secondary Cardinal Vowels 222

      Vowels in Other Accents of English 224

      Vowels in Other Languages 226

      Advanced Tongue Root 228

      Rhotacized Vowels 229

      Nasalization 231

      Summary of Vowel Quality 232

      Semivowels 232

      Secondary Articulatory Gestures 234

      Exercises 237

      Performance Exercises 238

      Chapter 10 Syllables and Suprasegmental Features 243

      Syllables 243

      Stress 249

      Length 251

      Timing 252

      Intonation and Tone 254

      Stress, Tone, and Pitch Accent Languages 260

      Exercises 261

      Performance Exercises 263

      Chapter 11 Linguistic Phonetics 267

      Phonetics of the Community and of the Individual 267

      The International Phonetic Alphabet 268

      Feature Hierarchy 272

      A Problem with Linguistic Explanations 277

      Controlling Articulatory Movements 278

      Memory for Speech 281

      The Balance between Phonetic Forces 284

      Performance Exercises 286

      Appendix A Additional Material for Transciption 293

      Appendix B Suggestions for Contributors to the Journal of the International Phonetic Association 295

      Notes 299

      Glossary 305

      Further Reading 313

      Index 317
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  • A Course in Phonetics, 6th