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Steps to Writing Well, 11th 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Jean Wyrick
발행년도 2010-01-01
판수 11판
페이지 622
ISBN 9781439083956
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 25,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Steps to Writing Well, 11th


  • Reliable and straightforward, this text has helped thousands of students learn to write well. Jean Wyrick's rhetorically organized STEPS TO WRITING WELL, Eleventh Edition, is known for its friendly tone and the clear way it presents the basics of essay writing in an easy-to-follow progression of useful lessons and activities. Through straightforward advice and thoughtful assignments, the text gives students the practice they need to approach writing well-constructed essays with confidence. With Wyrick's precise instruction and the book's professional samples by both well-known classic and contemporary writers, STEPS TO WRITING WELL, Eleventh Edition, sets students on a solid path to writing success. Everything students need to begin, organize, and revise writing--from choosing a topic to developing the essay to polishing prose--is right here! In the eleventh edition, Wyrick updates and refines the book's successful approach, adding useful new discussions, readings, exercises, essay assignments, and visual images for analysis 

  • Part I
    1. Prewriting. 
    Getting Started (or Soup-Can Labels Can Be Fascinating). 
    Selecting a Subject. 
    Finding Your Essay's Purpose and Focus. 
    Pump-Primer Techniques. 
    After You've Found Your Focus. 
    Practicing What You've Learned. 
    Discovering Your Audience. 
    How to Identify Your Readers. 
    Practicing What You've Learned. 
    Keeping a Journal (Talking to Yourself Does Help). 
    Chapter 1 Summary.
    2. The Thesis Statement. 
    What Is a Thesis? What Does a "Working Thesis" Do? 
    Can a "Working Thesis" Change? 
    Guidelines for Writing a Good Thesis. 
    Avoiding Common Errors in Thesis Statements. 
    Practicing What You've Learned. 
    Using the Essay Map. 
    Practicing What You've Learned. 
    Chapter 2 Summary.

  • Jean Wyrick is Professor Emerita of English at Colorado State University, where she was director of composition for 11 years. She has more than 25 years of experience teaching writing, training writing teachers, and designing writing/writing-across-the-curriculum programs. Her other textbooks include THE RINEHART READER and DISCOVERING IDEAS. She has presented over 100 workshops and papers on the teaching of writing, American literature, American studies, and women's studies.
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  • Steps to Writing Well, 11th