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The Writing Process: A Concise Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook (2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 John M. Lannon
발행년도 2006-02-06
판수 9판
페이지 592
ISBN 9780321355706
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Writing Process: A Concise Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook (2006)


  • This writing guide/reader/handbook demystifies writing by presenting the writing process as a series of critical thinking decisions about audience and purpose. Widely admired for its clear, readable style, The Writing Process focuses on writing as decision-making, with a wealth of student samples in various draft stages and a strong collection of professional readings–essays, fiction, poetry, memoirs, and cartoons–to illustrate writing strategies. Helps readers understand the writing process. Writing process, research process. Anyone who wants to learn to write well.
  • I. THE PROCESS DECISIONS IN PLANNING, DRAFTING, AND REVISING 1. Decisions in the Writing Process 2. Decisions in Planning 3. Decisions in Drafting 4. Decisions in Revising II. SPECIFIC REVISION STRATEGIES 5. Revising the Content: Writing Something Worthwhile 6. Revising the Paragr3aphs: Shaping for Readers?Access 7. Revising the Sentences: Writing with Style 8. Revising the Words and Phrases: Fine-Tuning III. ESSAYS FOR VARIOUS GOALS 9. Decisions about Reading for Writing 10. Helping Others See: Description 11. Helping Others Share an Experience: Narration 12. Providing Examples: Illustration 13. Explaining Parts and Categories: Division and Classification 14. Explaining Steps and Stages: Process Analysis 15. Explaining Why It Happened or What Will Happen: Cause-and-Effect Analysis 16. Explaining Similarities or Differences: Comparison and Contrast 17. Explaining the Exact Meaning: Definition 18. Using Multiple Strategies in a Persuasive Argument 19. Special Issues in Persuasion IV. THE RESEARCH PROCESS 20. Thinking Critically about the Research Process 21. Asking Questions and Finding Answers 22. Recording, Evaluating, and Interpreting Your Findings 23. Documenting Your Sources 24. Composing the Research Report 25. Case Study: A Sample Research Project V. ADDITIONAL READINGS AND MODELS FOR WRITING Description and Narration Illustration Division and Classification Process Analysis Cause-and-Effect Analysis Comparison and Contrast Definition Argument VI. A BRIEF HANDBOOK Common Sentence Errors Effective Punctuation Effective Mechanics Appendix A. Format Guidelines for Submitting Your Manuscript Appendix B. Useful Web Sites and Electronic Library Resources
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  • The Writing Process: A Concise Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook (2006)