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Basic Reading Skills Handbook (2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Harvey S. Wiener
발행년도 2005-07-21
판수 6판
페이지 576
ISBN 9780321198877
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 25,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Basic Reading Skills Handbook (2005)


  • The Basic Reading Skills Handbook, 6th edition, provides reading skills instruction, reference and practice for a first-level college reading course, in a convenient handbook format. The unique two-part format allows students to focus on skills they need the most and develop the skills in a meaningful context. Part One, the handbook provides basic reading skill instruction and exercises. Part Two, the anthology includes twelve high-interest readings and a casebook on "Romance, Love, and Marriage," so that students can apply newly learned skills. Both the handbook chapters and the attached anthology offer extensive exercises keyed to the handbook presentation.
  • HANDBOOK Unit One: Building Vocabulary 1. Recognizing Word Meanings 1a. Finding Out What Words Mean 1b. Remembering New Words 1c. Using Context Clues Exercises 1d. Considering Multiple Meanings Exercises Self-Test 2. Using Word Part Clues 2a. Compound Words Exercises 2b. Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots Exercises Self-Test 3. Using a Dictionary 3a. The Guide Words 3b. The Main Entry 3c. The Pronunciation Key 3d. The Parts of Speech 3e. Special Forms and Special Spellings 3f. The Meanings of the Word 3g. The History of the Word Exercises Self-Test Unit 1 Review Test Unit Two: Using Aids to Reading 4. Previewing the Parts of a Book Exercises Self-Test 5. Previewing Individual Selections Exercises Self-Test 6. Using Prereading Warm-Ups 6a. Making a List Exercises 6b. Making a Word Map Exercises 6c. Brainstorming Exercise 6d. Freewriting Exercise Self-Test 7. Using Visual Aids 7a. Reading with Visual Aids Exercises 7b. Visuals on the World Wide Web Exercises Self-Test Unit Two Review Test Unit Three: Understanding Main Ideas 8. Reading for the Main Idea 8a. Finding Key Ideas in Sentences Exercises 8b. Stating Paragraph Topics Exercises 8c. Finding Main Ideas in Paragraphs 8c(1). Stated Main Ideas Exercises 8c(2). Implied Main Ideas Exercises Self-Test 9. Main Ideas in Long Selections Exercises Self-Test Unit Three Review Test Unit Four: Finding Information 10. Reading for Information 10a. Finding Facts Exercises 10b. Sorting Out Major and Minor Details Exercises 10c. Noting Sequence 10c(1). Time Order 10c(2). Place Order 10c(3). Order of Importance Exercises Self-Test 11. Using SQ3R 11a. Survey Exercise 11b. Question Exercise 11c. Read 11d. Recite Exercises 11e. Review Exercises Self-Test Unit Four Review Test Unit Five: Interpreting What You Read 12. Interpreting Fact and Opinion Exercises Self-Test 13. Using Inference Exercises Self-Test Unit Five Review Test Unit Six: Writing To Read 14. Critical Reading 14a. Who Writes, and Where Is It Published 14b. What Facts Are Presented 14c. How the Authors Think Exercises Self-Test 15. Underlining, Listing, and Summarizing 15a. Underlining Exercises 15b. Listing Exercises 15c. Summarizing Exercises Self-Test 16. Keeping a Reading Journal Exercises Self-Test Unit Six Review Test READING SELECTIONS 1. Climates in the United States and Canadathomas Baerwald and Celeste Fraser 2. Teachings of Confucius iftikhar Ahmad, Herbert Brodsky, Marylee Susan Crofts, and Elizabeth Gaynor Ellis 3. Gunfire at Nighttaul Gordon 4. Angry Fathers Mel Lazarus 5. Please Straighten Out My Life Stephanie Winston 6. Changing Roles Alter Buying Behavior William M. Pride and O. C. Ferrell 7. Rock Roll Jean Folkerts and Stephen Lacy 8. Toughlove ann Denny 9. My World Now Anna Mae Halgrim Seaver 10. In Praise of the F Word Mary Sherry 11. How to Spell John Irving 12. Dealing with Interpersonal Conflict Roy M. Berko, Andrew D. Wolvin, and Darlyn R. Wolvin CASEBOOK: Romance, Love, and Marriage Love in the Marketplace: Four Advertisements Perfectmatch.com MUM, The Alluring Charm of Dainty Woman A Diamond is Forever Coca-Cola Zero to Romance in Three Minutes Flat뻊ara Song Cupid Academy Kisa Takeuchi Cullen Search for a Soul Mate, or Love the One You're With aren S. Peterson Bad Men Can Be Transformed by Women뭩 Love Bad Men Are Dangerous to the Women Who Love Them뻃inda Brannon Here Come the Brides! on Barrett The Importance of Marriage Is Being Overlooked뻃inda J. Waite Marriage: The State of the Union뻄ike Anton Self-Test Answer Key Test Score Summary Acknowledgments Author Index Subject Index
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선택된 옵션

  • Basic Reading Skills Handbook (2005)