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Learning How to Learn(2006) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Peter Dudley
발행년도 2006-10-12
판수 1 판
페이지 112
ISBN 9780415400268
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Learning How to Learn(2006)


  • Learning how to learn is an essential preparation for lifelong learning. This book offers a set of in-service resources to help teachers develop new classroom practices informed by sound research. It builds on previous work associated with 멹ormative assessment?or 멲ssessment for learning? However, it adds an important new dimension by taking account of the conditions within schools that are conducive to the promotion, in classrooms, of learning how to learn as an extension of assessment for learning. Among the materials included you will find: an introductory in-service session self-evaluation questionnaires an action planning activity workshops tools for school development a network mapping activity guidance about different ways of using the resources teachers descriptions of ways they have used of adapted them references to further information and advice. In addition, there is a support website and examples of how individual schools have used or adapted these materials to maximise their benefits.
  • Preface Acknowledgements Introduction - about this book Learning how to learn through assessment for learning 1 How this book of organised 2 Part 1 Getting started Overview Background reading Assessment for learning : what it is and what research says about it Introducing the ideas and deciding a direction for development Learning how to learn through assessment for learning Planning for learning how to learn through assessment for learning Staff questionnaire A : Classroom assessment practices and values Part 2 Going deeper Overview The workshops Materials Workshop 1 : Developing classroom talk through questioning Workshop 2 : Feedback Workshop 3 : Sharing criteria with learners Workshop 4 : Self-assessment and peer-assessment Workshop 5 : How people learn Part 3 Learning across and beyond the school Overview Dimensions of teachers` learning Dimensions of school management systems Reflecting on the survey data Exploring school cultures A culture of shared leadership Exploring teaching Adapting tools Materials Tool 1: Staff questionnaire B: Professional learning practices and values Tool 2: Staff questionnaire C: School management practices and systems Tool 3: Reflecting on the survey data Tool 4: Snowballing: indicators of an LHTL culture Tool 5: The matrix Tool 6: Through the eyes of the NQT Tool 7: Critical incident analysis Tool 8: Leadership density analysis Tool 9: Leadership tasks Tool 10: Peer observation Tool 11: Recasting outcomes Tool 12: Network-mapping Form for generating descriptive analysis of network maps Part 4 Developing and sharing practice Developing AfL practice `Traffic lights` Pupil conferences Appendix About the learning How to Learn project Resources on the project website Index
  • University of London, UK Deaprtment of Education, King's College London, UK University of Cambridge, UK. Colin Conner works in education, UK. Peter Dudley works at Capita Education Services, Bedford, UK. Alison Fox is at the Open University, UK. Leslie Honour, is at the Institute of Education, University of Reading, UK. Robert McCormick is Professor at the Faculty of Education and Language Studies, Open University, UK. King's College London, UK.
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  • Learning How to Learn(2006)