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Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education (2005) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Marschark and Spencer
발행년도 2005-08-18
판수 1판
페이지 506
ISBN 9780195189131
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 50,340원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education (2005)


  • The Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education is the definitive professional reference work in the field of deafness research. This volume covers all important aspects of deaf studies: language, social/psychological issues, neuropsychology, culture, technology, and education. Each chapter, written by an acknowledged authority in the field, contains a state-of-the-art review of an important aspect of research concerning individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. The book also includes comprehensive bibliographies and a glossary. The editors are from the two primary institutions for research and post-secondary education of deaf individuals and were founding editors of OUPs Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. The Handbook is intended for researchers, educators, educational administrators, service-providers such as audiologists, speech therapists, and school psychologists, as well as graduate students in the field of deaf studies.--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • I. Educational Issues 1. Perspectives on the History of Deaf Education, Harry G. Lang 2. Demographic and Achievement Characteristics of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students, Michael A. Karchmer and Ross E. Mitchell 3. Curriculum: Cultural and Communicative Contexts, Des Power and Gregory R. Leigh 4. Educational Consequences of Alternative School Placements, Michael S. Stinson and Thomas N. Kluwin 5. Early Intervention: Current Approaches to Family-Centered Programming, Marilyn Sass-Lehrer and Barbara Bodner-Johnson 6. Educational Programming for Deaf Children with Multiple Disabilities: Accommodating Special Needs, Harry Knoors and Mathijs P. J. Vervloed II. Literacy and Literacy Education 7. Processes and Components of Reading, Peter V. Paul 8. Approaches To Teaching Reading, Barbara R. Schirmer and Cheri Williams 9. Writing: Characteristics, Instruction, and Assessment, John A. Albertini and Sara Schley 10. Bilingualism and Literacy, Connie Mayer and C. Tane Akamatsu III. Cultural, Social, and Psychological Issues 11. Deaf Communities, Bencie Woll and Paddy Ladd 12. Peer Interactions of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children, Shirin D. Antia and Kathryn H. Kriemeyer 13. Social and Emotional Development of Deaf Children: Family, School, and Program Effects, Rosemary Calderon and Mark T. Greenberg 14. Parent-Infant Interactions: A Transactional Approach to Understanding the Development of Deaf Infants, Meg Traci and Lynne Sanford Koester 15. Mental Health and Deaf Adults, Irene W. Leigh and Robert Q. Pollard, Jr. IV. Language and Language Development 16. The Development of American Sign Language and Manually Coded English Systems, Brenda Schick 17. Development of Spoken Language by Deaf Children, Peter J. Blamey 18. Expressing Meaning: From Communicative Intent to Building a Lexicon, Amy R. Lederberg 19. The Role of Cued Speech in Language Development of Deaf Children, Jacqueline Leybaert & J?us Alegria 20. Formal and Informal Approaches to the Language Assessment of Deaf Children, Janet R. Jamieson 21. Assessing Children's Proficiency in Natural Signed Languages, Jenny L. Singleton and Samuel J. Supalla V. Signed Languages 22. Origins of Sign Languages, David F. Armstrong and Sherman Wilcox 23. Sign Language Structures, Susan D. Fischer and Harry van der Hulst 24. Modality and The Structure of Language: Sign Languages versus Signed Systems, Ronnie B. Wilbur 25. Interpreters and Interpreter Education, Christine Monikowski and Elizabeth A. Winston 26. The Neural Systems Underlying Sign Language, Karen Emmorey VI. Hearing and Speech Perception 27. Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition, Lynne E. Bernstein and Edward T. Auer, Jr. 28. Advances in the Genetics of Deafness, Kathleen S. Arnos and Arti Pandya 29. Technologies for Communication: Status and Trends, Judith E. Harkins and Matthew Bakke 30. Screening and Assessment of Hearing Loss In Infants, Barbara Cone-Wesson 31. Cochlear Implants: Issues and Implications, Patricia Elizabeth Spencer and Marc Marschark VII. Cognitive Correlates and Consequences of Deafness 32. Intellectual Assessment of Deaf People: A Critical Review of Core Concepts and Issues, Susan J. Maller 33. Cognitive Functioning In Deaf Adults and Children, Marc Marschark 34. Working Memory, Neuroscience, and Language: Evidence from Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals, Jerker R?nberg Epilogue--What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Should Know, Marc Marschark and Patricia Elizabeth Spencer Author Index Subject Index
  • Marc Marschark is at Rochester Institute of Technology. Patricia Elizabeth Spencer is at Gallaudet University.
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선택된 옵션

  • Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education (2005)