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Applying Multicultural and Global Concepts in the Classroom and Beyond (2001) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 S. Brown and M. Kysilka
발행년도 2001-09-11
판수 1판
페이지 224
ISBN 9780321053985
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Applying Multicultural and Global Concepts in the Classroom and Beyond (2001)


  • This uniquely practical book allows pre-service and practicing teachers with even the most limited background knowledge about multicultural and global education, to apply that knowledge in their classrooms, schools, and communities. The introductory chapter gives a general background review of multicultural and global education concepts and discusses the importance of teachers becoming involved in transforming their educational practice. The next six chapters investigate the classroom elements of teacher, students, environment, curriculum, instructions, and assessment for way to apply multicultural and global concepts. The final two chapters take readers beyond the classroom into the school and community. For pre-service and practicing teachers in grades K-12.
  • PART I. ESSENTIAL MULTICULTURAL AND GLOBAL UNDERSTANDINGS. 1. Essential Multicultural and Global Understandings. Defining Multicultural Education. Defining Global Education. Combining Multicultural Education and Global Education. Combining the Major Concepts of Multicultural Education and Global Education. Applying Multicultural and Global Education in the Classroom. PART II. APPLYING MULTICULTURAL AND GLOBAL CONCEPTS IN THE CLASSROOM. 2. The Teacher. Using a Concept Map for Self Investigation. Applying Multicultural and Global Strategies to Teachers' Lives. Applying Multicultural and Global Strategies to the Classroo 3. The Students. Using the Cultural Concept Map for Student Investigation. Honoring and Sharing Cultural Backgrounds. Reviewing Learning Styles. Applying Learning Styles to the Classroom. Examining Cultural Learning Style Examining Cultural Orientations. Examining Cultural Communication Styles. Applying Cultural Styles to the Classroom. 4. The Classroom Environment. Assessing the Physical Environment. Organizing the Physical Environment. Assessing the Socioemotional Environment. Organizing the Socioemotional Environment. 5. The Curriculum. Examining Multicultural and Global Education Concepts. Changing the General Curriculum. Working with Standards. Examining Textbooks. Choosing Other Resources. Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum. 6. The Instruction. Relating Multicultural and Global Concepts to Constructivist Instruction. Applying Learning Styles Knowledge to Instructional Strategies. Providing for Linguistically Diverse Students. Providing for Students with Special Needs. 7. The Assessment Comparing Traditional and Authentic Assessment. Working with Traditional Assessment. Working with Authentic Assessment. Examining Authentic Task and Assessment Combinations. Designing Authentic Assessment Tools. Aligning Assessment with Curriculum and Instruction. Applying Multicultural and Global Concepts to Assessment. PART III. APPLYING MULTICULTURAL AND GLOBAL CONCEPTS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM. 8. The School. Establishing a Welcoming Environment. Improving the Physical Environment . Improving the School Culture. Collaborating with Parents and Caregivers. Using the School as a Community Center. 9. The Community. Examining Community Concerns. Responding to Community Concerns. Finding Community Support . Connecting with Community Expertise and Leadership. Considering School-Business Connections. Becoming Politically Active. Helping to Transform the Community. Exploring Larger Communities.
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  • Applying Multicultural and Global Concepts in the Classroom and Beyond (2001)