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Flight Dynamics(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Robert F. Stengel
발행년도 2004-10-17
판수 1판
페이지 752
ISBN 9780691114071
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 48,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Flight Dynamics(2004)


  • Flight Dynamics takes a new approach to the science and mathematics of aircraft flight, unifying principles of aeronautics with contemporary systems analysis. While presenting traditional material that is critical to understanding aircraft motions, it does so in the context of modern computational tools and multivariable methods. Robert Stengel devotes particular attention to models and techniques that are appropriate for analysis, simulation, evaluation of flying qualities, and control system design. He establishes bridges to classical analysis and results, and explores new territory that was treated only inferentially in earlier books. This book combines a highly accessible style of presentation with contents that will appeal to graduate students and to professionals already familiar with basic flight dynamics. Dynamic analysis has changed dramatically in recent decades, with the introduction of powerful personal computers and scientific programming languages. Analysis programs have become so pervasive that it can be assumed that all students and practicing engineers working on aircraft flight dynamics have access to them. Therefore, this book presents the principles, derivations, and equations of flight dynamics with frequent reference to MATLAB functions and examples. By using common notation and not assuming a strong background in aeronautics, Flight Dynamics will engage a wide variety of readers. Introductions to aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, flying qualities, flight control, and the atmospheric and gravitational environment accompany the development of the aircraft's dynamic equations.

  • 1. Introduction 
    Elements of the Airplane 
    Airframe Components 
    Propulsion Systems 
    Representative Flight Vehicles 
    Light General Aviation Aircraft 
    Variable-Stability Research Aircraft 
    Business Jet Aircraft 
    Turboprop Commuter Aircraft 
    Small Commercial Transport Aircraft 
    Large Commercial Transport Aircraft 
    Supersonic Transport Aircraft 
    Fighter/Attack Aircraft 
    Bomber Aircraft 
    Space Shuttle 
    Uninhabited Air Vehicle 
    The Mechanics of Flight 
    References for Chapter 1 

    2. Exploring the Flight Envelope 
    The Earth's Atmosphere 
    Pressure, Density, and the Speed of Sound 
    Viscosity, Humidity, and Rain 
    Wind Fields and Atmospheric Turbulence 
    Kinematic Equations 
    Translational Position and Velocity 
    Angular Orientation and Rate 
    Airflow Angles 
    Summary of Axis Systems and Transformations 
    Forces and Moments 
    Alternative Axis Systems 
    Aerodynamic Forces and Moments 
    Static Aerodynamic Coefficients 
    Pitching Moment 
    Side Force 
    Yawing Moment 
    Rolling Moment 
    Ground Effect 
    Thrusting Characteristics of Aircraft Powerplants 
    Reciprocating Engines 
    Turboprop, Turbofan, and Turbojet Engines 
    Ramjet and Scramjet Engines 
    Steady Flight Performance 
    Straight-and-Level Flight 
    Steady Flight Envelope 
    Cruising Range 
    Gliding Flight 
    Climbing Flight 
    Maneuvering Envelope 
    Steady Turning Flight 
    References for Chapter 2 

    3. The Dynamics of Aircraft Motion 
    Momentum and Energy 
    Translational Momentum, Work, Energy, and Power 
    Energy-Changing Maneuvers 
    Angular Momentum and Energy 
    Dynamic Equations for a Flat Earth 
    Rigid-Body Dynamic Equations 
    Scalar Equations for a Symmetric Aircraft 
    Alternative Frames of Reference 
    Inertial Reference Frames 
    Body-Axis Reference Frames 
    Velocity- and Wind-Axis Reference Frames 
    Air-Mass-Relative Reference Frame 
    Direction Cosines and Quaternions 
    Acceleration Sensed at an Arbitrary Point 
    Dynamic Equations for a Round, Rotating Earth 
    Geometry and Gravity Field of the Earth 
    Rigid-Body Dynamic Equations 
    Aerodynamic Effects of Rotational and Unsteady Motion 
    Pitch-Rate Effects 
    Angle-of-Attack-Rate Effects 
    Yaw-Rate Effects 
    Roll-Rate Effects 
    Effects of Wind Shear and Wake Vortices 
    Aerodynamic Effects of Control 
    Elevators, Stabilators, Elevons, and Canards 
    Spoilers and Flaps 
    Other Control Devices 
    Isolated Control Surfaces 
    Trailing-Edge Flaps 
    Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations 
    Numerical Algorithms for Integration 
    Equations of Motion 
    Representation of Data 
    Trimmed Solution of the Equations of Motion 
    References for Chapter 3 

    4. Methods of Analysis and Design 
    Local Linearization of Differential Equations 
    Stability and Control Derivatives 
    Incorporating Unsteady Aerodynamic Effects 
    Symmetric Aircraft in Wings-Level Flight 
    Longitudinal Equations of Motion 
    Lateral-Directional Equations of Motion 
    Stability-Axis Equations of Motion 
    Solution of Linear Differential Equations 
    Numerical Integration and State Transition 
    Static and Quasistatic Equilibrium Response to Inputs 
    Initial Response to Control Inputs 
    Controllability and Observability of Motions 
    Truncation and Residualization 
    Stability and Modes of Motion 
    Stability of Transient Response 
    Fourier and Laplace Transforms 
    Modes of Aircraft Motion 
    Phase Plane 
    Frequency-Domain Analysis 
    Transfer Functions and Frequency Response 
    Nyquist Plot and Nichols Chart 
    Root Locus 
    Dealing with Uncertainty 
    Random Variables and Processes 
    Dynamic Response to Random Inputs and Initial Conditions 
    Effects of System Parameter Variations 
    System Survey 
    Monte Carlo Evaluation 
    Stochastic Root Locus 
    Linear Aeroelasticity 
    Stress, Strain, and Material Properties 
    Monocoque and Semi-Monocoque Structures 
    Force and Moments on a Simple Beam 
    Static Deflection of a Simple Beam under Load 
    Vibrations of a Simple Beam 
    Coupled Vibrations of an Elastically Restrained Rigid Airfoil 
    Vibrations of a Complex Structure 
    The Four-Block Structure 
    Fuel Slosh 
    Introduction to Flying Qualities and Flight Control Systems 
    Cognitive/Biological Models and Piloting Action 
    Aircraft Flying Qualities 
    Linear-Quadratic Regulator 
    Steady-State Response to Command Input 
    Implicit Model-Following and Integral Compensation 
    Optimal State Estimation 
    Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Regulator 
    Design for Stochastic Robustness 
    References for Chapter 4 

    5. Longitudinal Motions 
    Longitudinal Equations of Motion 
    Reduced-Order Models of Long-Period Modes 
    Second-Order Phugoid-Mode Approximation 
    Effects of Compressibility 
    Effects of Altitude Variation 
    Effects of Wind Shear 
    Reduced-Order Model of the Short-Period Mode 
    Second-Order Approximation 
    Effects of Compressibility and High Angle of Attack 
    Coupled Phugoid/Short-Period Dynamics 
    Residualized Phugoid Mode 
    Fourth-Order Model 
    Longitudinal Flying Qualities 
    Control Mechanisms, Stick-Free Stability, and Trim 
    Elevator Control Mechanism 
    Short-Period/Control-Mechanism Coupling 
    Control Force for Trimmed Flight 
    Elevator Angle and Stick Force per g 
    "Tail-Wags-Dog" Effect 
    Longitudinal Aeroelastic Effects 
    Truncated and Residualized Elastic-Body Models 
    Coupling of the Short Period with a Single Elastic Mode 
    References for Chapter 5 

    6. Lateral-Directional Motions 
    Lateral-Directional Equations of Motion 
    Reduced-order Model of the Dutch Roll Mode 
    Reduced-order Model of Roll and Spiral Modes 
    Coupled Lateral-Directional Dynamics 
    A Truncated Dutch roll/Roll Model 
    Residualized Lateral-Directional Models 
    Fourth-Order Model 
    Lateral-Directional Flying Qualities 
    Control Mechanisms, Nonlinearity, and Time Delay 
    Rudder Control Mechanism 
    Dutch roll/Rudder Coupling 
    Quasi-linear Representation of Nonlinearity 
    Quasi-linear Root Locus Analysis 
    Roll-Spiral/Aileron Coupling 
    Spoiler Nonlinearity and Time Delay 
    Lateral-Directional Aeroelastic Effects 
    Equilibrium Response to Control 
    Eigenvalues and Root Locus Analysis of Parameter Variations 
    Response to Initial Conditions and Step Control Inputs 
    References for Chapter 6 

    7. Coupled Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Motions 
    Small-amplitude Motions 
    Effects of Rotating Machinery 
    Asymmetric Inertial and Aerodynamic Properties 
    Asymmetric Flight Condition and Constant Angular Rate 
    Coupling Controls 
    Inertial Coupling of Pitch and Yaw Motions 
    Fifth-Order Model of Coupled Dynamics 
    Truncated and Residualized Fourth-Order Models 
    Response to Controls During Steady Rolling 
    Multiple Equilibrium Points 
    Second-order Examples of Multiple Equilibria 
    Effects of Cross-Coupling and Control on Rolling Equilibrium 
    Flight at High Angle of Attack 
    High-Angle-of-Attack Aerodynamics and Control Effects 
    Fully Developed Spins 
    Simulated Motions of a Business Jet Aircraft 
    Stability of High-Angle-of-Attack Maneuvers 
    Pilot-Aircraft Interactions 
    Gain-Scheduled Stability and Command Augmentation 
    Adaptive Neural Network Control 
    Robust Nonlinear-Inverse-Dynamic Control 
    References for Chapter 7 

    Constants, Units, and Conversion Factors 
    Mathematical Model and Six-Degree-of-Freedom Simulation of a Business Jet Aircraft 
    Main Program for Analysis and Simulation (FLIGHT) 
    Low-Angle-of-Attack, Mach-Dependent Model (LoAeroModel) 
    High-Angle-of-Attack, Low-Subsonic Model (HiAeroModel) 
    Supporting Functions 
    Equations of Motion (EoM) 
    Cost Function for Aerodynamic Trim (TrimCost) 
    Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) 
    Linear System Matrices (LinModel) 
    Wind Field (WindField) 
    Atmospheric State (Atmos) 
    Linear System Survey 
    Main Program for Analysis and Simulation (SURVEY) 
    Supporting Functions 
    Reduced-Order Models (LonLatDir) 
    Transient Response (Trans) 
    Static Response (Static) 
    Controllability and Observability (ConObs) 
    Natural Frequency (NatFreq) 
    Stability and Modes of Motion (StabMode) 
    Paper Airplane Program 
    Bibliography of NASA Reports Related to Aircraft Configuration Aerodynamics

  • Robert F. Stengel is Professor and former Associate Dean of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University, where he also directs the Program on Robotics and Intelligent Systems. He is the author of "Optimal Control and Estimation". He was a principal designer of the Apollo Lunar Module manual control logic.

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  • Flight Dynamics(2004)