1. Introduction
Elements of the Airplane
Airframe Components
Propulsion Systems
Representative Flight Vehicles
Light General Aviation Aircraft
Variable-Stability Research Aircraft
Business Jet Aircraft
Turboprop Commuter Aircraft
Small Commercial Transport Aircraft
Large Commercial Transport Aircraft
Supersonic Transport Aircraft
Fighter/Attack Aircraft
Bomber Aircraft
Space Shuttle
Uninhabited Air Vehicle
The Mechanics of Flight
References for Chapter 1
2. Exploring the Flight Envelope
The Earth's Atmosphere
Pressure, Density, and the Speed of Sound
Viscosity, Humidity, and Rain
Wind Fields and Atmospheric Turbulence
Kinematic Equations
Translational Position and Velocity
Angular Orientation and Rate
Airflow Angles
Summary of Axis Systems and Transformations
Forces and Moments
Alternative Axis Systems
Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
Static Aerodynamic Coefficients
Pitching Moment
Side Force
Yawing Moment
Rolling Moment
Ground Effect
Thrusting Characteristics of Aircraft Powerplants
Reciprocating Engines
Turboprop, Turbofan, and Turbojet Engines
Ramjet and Scramjet Engines
Steady Flight Performance
Straight-and-Level Flight
Steady Flight Envelope
Cruising Range
Gliding Flight
Climbing Flight
Maneuvering Envelope
Steady Turning Flight
References for Chapter 2
3. The Dynamics of Aircraft Motion
Momentum and Energy
Translational Momentum, Work, Energy, and Power
Energy-Changing Maneuvers
Angular Momentum and Energy
Dynamic Equations for a Flat Earth
Rigid-Body Dynamic Equations
Scalar Equations for a Symmetric Aircraft
Alternative Frames of Reference
Inertial Reference Frames
Body-Axis Reference Frames
Velocity- and Wind-Axis Reference Frames
Air-Mass-Relative Reference Frame
Direction Cosines and Quaternions
Acceleration Sensed at an Arbitrary Point
Dynamic Equations for a Round, Rotating Earth
Geometry and Gravity Field of the Earth
Rigid-Body Dynamic Equations
Aerodynamic Effects of Rotational and Unsteady Motion
Pitch-Rate Effects
Angle-of-Attack-Rate Effects
Yaw-Rate Effects
Roll-Rate Effects
Effects of Wind Shear and Wake Vortices
Aerodynamic Effects of Control
Elevators, Stabilators, Elevons, and Canards
Spoilers and Flaps
Other Control Devices
Isolated Control Surfaces
Trailing-Edge Flaps
Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations
Numerical Algorithms for Integration
Equations of Motion
Representation of Data
Trimmed Solution of the Equations of Motion
References for Chapter 3
4. Methods of Analysis and Design
Local Linearization of Differential Equations
Stability and Control Derivatives
Incorporating Unsteady Aerodynamic Effects
Symmetric Aircraft in Wings-Level Flight
Longitudinal Equations of Motion
Lateral-Directional Equations of Motion
Stability-Axis Equations of Motion
Solution of Linear Differential Equations
Numerical Integration and State Transition
Static and Quasistatic Equilibrium Response to Inputs
Initial Response to Control Inputs
Controllability and Observability of Motions
Truncation and Residualization
Stability and Modes of Motion
Stability of Transient Response
Fourier and Laplace Transforms
Modes of Aircraft Motion
Phase Plane
Frequency-Domain Analysis
Transfer Functions and Frequency Response
Nyquist Plot and Nichols Chart
Root Locus
Dealing with Uncertainty
Random Variables and Processes
Dynamic Response to Random Inputs and Initial Conditions
Effects of System Parameter Variations
System Survey
Monte Carlo Evaluation
Stochastic Root Locus
Linear Aeroelasticity
Stress, Strain, and Material Properties
Monocoque and Semi-Monocoque Structures
Force and Moments on a Simple Beam
Static Deflection of a Simple Beam under Load
Vibrations of a Simple Beam
Coupled Vibrations of an Elastically Restrained Rigid Airfoil
Vibrations of a Complex Structure
The Four-Block Structure
Fuel Slosh
Introduction to Flying Qualities and Flight Control Systems
Cognitive/Biological Models and Piloting Action
Aircraft Flying Qualities
Linear-Quadratic Regulator
Steady-State Response to Command Input
Implicit Model-Following and Integral Compensation
Optimal State Estimation
Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Regulator
Design for Stochastic Robustness
References for Chapter 4
5. Longitudinal Motions
Longitudinal Equations of Motion
Reduced-Order Models of Long-Period Modes
Second-Order Phugoid-Mode Approximation
Effects of Compressibility
Effects of Altitude Variation
Effects of Wind Shear
Reduced-Order Model of the Short-Period Mode
Second-Order Approximation
Effects of Compressibility and High Angle of Attack
Coupled Phugoid/Short-Period Dynamics
Residualized Phugoid Mode
Fourth-Order Model
Longitudinal Flying Qualities
Control Mechanisms, Stick-Free Stability, and Trim
Elevator Control Mechanism
Short-Period/Control-Mechanism Coupling
Control Force for Trimmed Flight
Elevator Angle and Stick Force per g
"Tail-Wags-Dog" Effect
Longitudinal Aeroelastic Effects
Truncated and Residualized Elastic-Body Models
Coupling of the Short Period with a Single Elastic Mode
References for Chapter 5
6. Lateral-Directional Motions
Lateral-Directional Equations of Motion
Reduced-order Model of the Dutch Roll Mode
Reduced-order Model of Roll and Spiral Modes
Coupled Lateral-Directional Dynamics
A Truncated Dutch roll/Roll Model
Residualized Lateral-Directional Models
Fourth-Order Model
Lateral-Directional Flying Qualities
Control Mechanisms, Nonlinearity, and Time Delay
Rudder Control Mechanism
Dutch roll/Rudder Coupling
Quasi-linear Representation of Nonlinearity
Quasi-linear Root Locus Analysis
Roll-Spiral/Aileron Coupling
Spoiler Nonlinearity and Time Delay
Lateral-Directional Aeroelastic Effects
Equilibrium Response to Control
Eigenvalues and Root Locus Analysis of Parameter Variations
Response to Initial Conditions and Step Control Inputs
References for Chapter 6
7. Coupled Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Motions
Small-amplitude Motions
Effects of Rotating Machinery
Asymmetric Inertial and Aerodynamic Properties
Asymmetric Flight Condition and Constant Angular Rate
Coupling Controls
Inertial Coupling of Pitch and Yaw Motions
Fifth-Order Model of Coupled Dynamics
Truncated and Residualized Fourth-Order Models
Response to Controls During Steady Rolling
Multiple Equilibrium Points
Second-order Examples of Multiple Equilibria
Effects of Cross-Coupling and Control on Rolling Equilibrium
Flight at High Angle of Attack
High-Angle-of-Attack Aerodynamics and Control Effects
Fully Developed Spins
Simulated Motions of a Business Jet Aircraft
Stability of High-Angle-of-Attack Maneuvers
Pilot-Aircraft Interactions
Gain-Scheduled Stability and Command Augmentation
Adaptive Neural Network Control
Robust Nonlinear-Inverse-Dynamic Control
References for Chapter 7
Constants, Units, and Conversion Factors
Mathematical Model and Six-Degree-of-Freedom Simulation of a Business Jet Aircraft
Main Program for Analysis and Simulation (FLIGHT)
Low-Angle-of-Attack, Mach-Dependent Model (LoAeroModel)
High-Angle-of-Attack, Low-Subsonic Model (HiAeroModel)
Supporting Functions
Equations of Motion (EoM)
Cost Function for Aerodynamic Trim (TrimCost)
Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
Linear System Matrices (LinModel)
Wind Field (WindField)
Atmospheric State (Atmos)
Linear System Survey
Main Program for Analysis and Simulation (SURVEY)
Supporting Functions
Reduced-Order Models (LonLatDir)
Transient Response (Trans)
Static Response (Static)
Controllability and Observability (ConObs)
Natural Frequency (NatFreq)
Stability and Modes of Motion (StabMode)
Paper Airplane Program
Bibliography of NASA Reports Related to Aircraft Configuration Aerodynamics