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The Art of the Helicopter(2004) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 John Watkinson
발행년도 2003-12-17
판수 1판
페이지 416
ISBN 9780750657150
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 51,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • The Art of the Helicopter(2004)


  • The modern helicopter is a sophisticated device which merges a surprising number of technologies together. This wide range of disciplines is one of the fascinations of the helicopter, but it is also makes a complete understanding difficult. Those searching for an understanding of the helicopter will find The Art of the Helicopter invaluable. John Watkinson approaches every subject associated with the helicopter from first principles and builds up in a clearly explained logical sequence using plain English and clear diagrams, avoiding unnecessary mathematics. Technical terms and buzzwords are defined and acronyms are spelled out. Misnomers, myths and old wives tales (for there are plenty surrounding helicopters) are disposed of. Whilst the contents of the book are expressed in straightforward language there is no oversimplification and the content is based on established physics and accepted theory. The student of helicopter technology or aerodynamics will find here a concise introduction leading naturally to more advanced textbooks on the subject. * Designed to complement the instruction of PPL(H) flying training in order to assist helicopter pilots in-training to achieve their "wings". * Clear and simple diagrams aid verbal explanations to provide an easy to understand account of how helicopters are made, how they fly and how to fly them. * The only book to cover all the aspects of helicopter design, manufacture and performance in one volume.
  • Chapter 1. Introduction to Rotorcraft Chapter 2. Technical Background Chapter 3. Introduction to Helicopter Dynamics Chapter 4. Rotors in Practice Chapter 5. The Tail Chapter 6. Engines and transmissions Chapter 7. Other types of rotorcraft Chapter 8. Flight Instruments Chapter 9. Control and stability Chapter 10. Helicopter Performance Chapter 11. Flying Training Index.
  • John Watkinson is an independent international consultant in advanced applications of electronics to audiovisual and avionics systems. He is a Fellow of the AES, a member of the Society of Expert Witnesses, and the British Computer Society and is a chartered information systems practitioner. He presents lectures, seminars and training courses worldwide. He is the author of many other Elsevier books, including The Art of DigitalVideo, An Introduction to Digital Video, Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media, Television Fundamentals and The Art of the Helicopter.
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  • The Art of the Helicopter(2004)