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견본신청 문의
단체구매 문의
오탈자 문의

Computer Organization(2nd, 1984) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 V.Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Safwat G. Zaky
발행년도 1996-01-01
판수 2판
페이지 590
ISBN 9780070663138
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 8,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Computer Organization(2nd, 1984)


  • This well-respected text for a first level course on computer organization has been thoroughly revised and updated. Computer Organization is suitable for a one-semester course in engineering or computer science programs and has a good mix if hardware- and software-oriented topics.The goal of the book is to illustrate the principles of computer organization by using a number of extensive examples drawn from commercially available computers. The authors feel this approach motivates the students and is the most practical. The machines discussed in Hamacher et. al. are the Motorola 680X0 and 683XX families, Intel 80X86 and Pentium families, ARM family, Sun Microsystems Sparc family, and DEC(Compaq) Alpha family. The 68000, Pentium, and ARM are used as detailed examples early in the book. 

  • Preface

    Chapter 1 Basic Structure of Computers

    1.1 Functional Units

    1.2 Basic Operational Concepts

    1.3 Bus Structures

    1.4 Distributed Computing

    1.5 Concluding Remarks

    Chapter 2 Addressing Methods and Machine Program Sequencing

    2.1 Memory Locations, Addresses, and Encoding of Information

    2.2 Main Memory Operations

    2.3 Instruction Formats and Instruction Sequencing

    2.4 Addressing Modes

    2.5 The PDP-11 Addressing Modes and Instructions

    2.6 Simple Input-Output Programming

    2.7 Pushdown Stacks

    2.8 Subroutines

    2.9 Concluding Remarks

    2.10 Problems

    2.11 References

    Chapter 3 Instruction Sets

    3.1 The PDP-11

    3.2 Limitations of Short Word-Length Machines

    3.3 High-Level Language Considerations

    3.4 The VAX-11

    3.5 The IBM 370

    3.6 The HP 3000

    3.7 Concluding Remarks

    3.8 Problems

    Chapter 4 The Processing Unit

    4.1 Some Fundamental Concepts 

    4.2 Execution of a Complete Instruction 

    4.3 Sequencing of Control Signals 

    4.4 Concluding Remarks

    4.5 Problems 

    Chapter 5 Microprogrammed Control

    5.1 Microinstructions

    5.2 Grouping of Control Signals

    5.3 Microprogram Sequencing

    5.4 Microinstructions with Next-Address Field

    5.5 Prefetching of Microinstructions

    5.6 Emulation

    5.7 Bit Slices

    5.8 Concluding Remarks

    5.9 Problems 

    Chapter 6 Input-Output Organization 

    6.1 Addressing of I/O Devices 

    6.2 Data Transfer 

    6.3 Synchronization 

    6.4 Interrupt Handling 

    6.5 I/O Interfaces 

    6.6 Standard I/O Interfaces 

    6.7 I/O Channels 

    6.8 Concluding Remarks 

    6.9 Problems 

    6.10 References 

    Chapter 7 Arithmetic 

    7.1 Number Representations 

    7.2 Addition of Positive Numbers 

    7.3 Logic Design for Fast Adders 

    7.4 Addition and Subtraction of Positive and Negative Numbe 

    7.5 Arithmetic and Branching Conditions 

    7.6 Multiplication of Positive Numbers 

    7.7 Signed-Operand Multiplication 

    7.8 Fast Multiplication 

    7.9 Integer Division 

    7.10 Floating-Point Numbers and Operations 

    7.11 Concluding Remarks 

    7.12 Problems 

    7.13. References

    Chapter 8 The Main Memory 

    8.1 Some Basic Concepts

    8.2 Semiconductor RAM Memories

    8.3 Memory System Considerations

    8.4 Semiconductor ROM Memories

    8.5 Multiple- Module Memories and Interleaving

    8.6 Cache Memories

    8.7 Virtual Memories

    8.8 Memory Management Requirements

    8.9 The VAX-11 Virtual Memory System

    8.10 Memory Management Hardware

    8.11 Concluding Remarks

    8.12 Problems

    8.13 References 

    Chapter 9 Computer Peripherals and Work Stations 

    9.1 I/O Devices 

    9.2 On-Line Storage 

    9.3 Personal Computers 

    9.4 Engincering Work Stations 

    9.5 Concluding Remarks 

    9.6 Problems 

    9.7 References 

    Chapter 10 Software 

    10.1 Languages and Translators

    10.2 Loaders

    10.3 Linkers

    10.4 Operating Systems

    10.5 Concluding Remarks

    10.6 Problems

    10.7 References 

    Chapter 11 Microprocessors 

    11.1 Families of Microprocessor Chips

    11.2 M6800 Microprocessor

    11.3 M6809 Microprocessor

    11.4 Input/Output in Microprocessor Systems

    11.5 Motorola M68000 Microprocessor

    11.6 Intel 8085 Microprocessor

    11.7 Single-Chip Microcomputers

    11.8 Applications of Microprocessors

    11.9 Concluding Remarks

    11.10 Problems

    11.11 References

    Chapter 12 Computer Communications 

    12.1 Communication with a Remote Terminal 

    12.2 Error Control 

    12.3 Multiterminal Configurations 

    12.4 Circuit and Message Switching 

    12.5 Local Area Networks 

    12.6 Concluding Remarks 

    12.7 Problems 

    12.8 References 


    A  Logic Circuits 

    A.1 Basic Logic Functions 

    A.2 Synthesis of Logic Functions Using AND, OR, and NOT Gates 

    A.3 Minimization of Logic Expressions 

    A.4 Synthesis with NAND and NOR Gates 

    A.5 Practical Implementation of Logic Gates 

    A.6 Flip-Flops 

    A.7 Registers 

    A.8 Shift Registers 

    A.9 Counters 

    A.10 Decoders 

    A.11 Multiplexers 

    A.12 Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) 

    A.13 Concluding Remarks 

    A.14 Problems 

    A.15 References 

    B  Instruction Set for PDP-11 Minicomputers 

    C  Instruction Set for Motorola 68000 Microprocessor 

    D  Character Codes and Number Conversion 

    D.1 Character Codes 

    D.2 Decimal to Binary Conversion 



  • V. Carl Hamacher

    Queens 대학교 컴퓨터 공학과 교수

    Zvonko G. Vranesic

    토론토 대학교 컴퓨터 공학과 교수

    Safwat G. Zakay

    토론토 대학교 컴퓨터 공학과 교수

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  • Computer Organization(2nd, 1984)