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Thrust for Flight(2nd, 1992) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Thomson
발행년도 1992-08-17
판수 1판
페이지 240
ISBN 9780582082809
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 5,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Thrust for Flight(2nd, 1992)


  • This updated second edition, written as a companion to "Flight Without Formulae", examines the mechanics and theory of flight and the various components of piston engine and turbine driven aircraft. It aims to explain simply, without mathematical jargon, how an aircraft flies. This second edition has been revised and covers new aspects of the technology in this field. It also has a new plate section which contains photographs of some engines still in the experimental stages of design. The book also contains 100 questions to aid student revision.

  • The need for thrust; forces on an aircraft in flight
    propellers and jet propulsion
    propellers, jets and rockets compared
    source of thrust
    efficient propulsion in a fluid
    optimum angle of attack
    propeller blades
    variable pitch and constant speed propellers
    reversible pitch propellers
    blade tip speed
    propeller reduction gears
    number of blades required
    contra rotating propellers
    altitude effects
    variable pitch and constant speed mechanisms
    the engine cycles
    the importance of compression
    two strokes and four strokes
    the practical four stroke engine
    poppet valve mechanisms
    sleeve valves
    inertia of moving parts
    balancing the reciprocating parts
    torsional oscillations
    turboprops - an introduction
    turbofans, ducted fans and by-pass engines - an introduction
    the gas turbine cycle
    the compression process
    compression ratios and pressure ratios
    the effect of altitude on engine power
    the centrifugal supercharger
    exhaust turbines
    two-stage superchargers
    compression in the gas turbine
    compression by RAM
    compressor intake losses
    compressor characteristics
    the two-stage centrifugal compressor
    axial compressors
    compressor velocity diagrams
    free vortex flow
    constant reaction blades
    stall and surge
    starting the airflow
    adjustable guide vanes
    blow-off valves
    two spool compressors
    temperature effects
    fuels and combusion
    combustion in the piston engine
    detonation and octane ratings
    gas turbine fuels
    supplying the fuel to the combustion chambers
    the simple carburettor
    compensating devices
    correction for altitude; icing
    supplying the fuel to the gas turbine
    combustion in the gas turbine
    burners and combustion changers
    power, power limitations and power boostings
    transmission dynamometers
    radial and in-line piston engines
    expansion in the gas turbine
    effect of free vortex flow on blade shape
    limiting conditions at the turbine
    radial flow turbines
    jet pipes
    boosting the thrust
    adjustable jet pipe nozzles
    thrust reversal
    water/methanol injection
    engine cooling
    supercharger controls
    automatic boost control
    controls for the aircraft turbine
    limiting the speed; pressure control
    anti-surge devices
    temperature control
    re-heat control
    electrical fuel control systems
    jet pipe temperature control
    complete electrical control
    control for a two spool engine with re-heat
    propulsion controls for supersonic flight

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선택된 옵션

  • Thrust for Flight(2nd, 1992)