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A Practical Guide to Classroom-based Assessment in L2 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 신유선
발행년도 2024-08-01
판수 1판
페이지 260
ISBN 9791160737349
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 21,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • A Practical Guide to Classroom-based Assessment in L2


  • 언어 학습 및 평가 분야의 교육자, 언어 평가 전문가, 학습자를 위해 설계되었습니다. 이는 L2 강의실에서 평가를 설계, 구현 및 해석하는 실제적인 측면에 관심이 있는 사람들을 위한 포괄적인 가이드 역할을 합니다.

    이 책의 특장점은 교실 기반 평가에 중점을 두고 실용성과 적용 가능성을 강조한다는 것입니다. 이는 이론적 통찰력과 실제 조언 사이의 균형을 제공하여 교사와 강사가 학습자의 다양한 요구 사항을 충족하도록 평가 방식을 맞춤화할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 또한, 동적 및 대안 평가를 포함하여 언어 평가의 최신 동향을 강조하여 보다 포괄적이고 효과적인 학습 환경을 조성합니다. 이 책이 언어 평가의 복잡성을 안내하고 전문적인 실습이나 학문적 연구를 풍부하게 하는 귀중한 자료가 되기를 바랍니다.

  • PART 1 Understanding Language Assessment

    UNIT 1. Purpose of Assessment

    Introduction of the Purpose of Assessment 2

    What is Assessment: Measurement, Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation 3

    The Importance of Assessment in L2 Learning 4

    Purpose of Assessment: Aptitude, Diagnostic, Placement, Achievement, and Proficiency Tests   6

    Exercises 10


    UNIT 2. Types of Language Assessment

    Introduction of the Types of Language Assessment 12

    Types of Language Assessment 13

    Formative vs. Summative Assessment 13

    Informal vs. Formal Assessment 14

    Norm-Referenced vs. Criterion-Referenced 15

    Discrete-point vs. Integrative Tests 15

    Direct vs. Indirect Testing 17

    Trends of Traditional, Alternative, and Dynamic Assessment 19

    Influencing Theories: Behavioral Psychology, Structural Linguistics, and Psychometric Structuralism 20

    Alternative Assessment 21

    Influencing Theories on Alternative Assessment: CLT 22

    Dynamic Assessment 24

    Influencing Theories on Dynamic Assessment: Vygotsky’s Theory and ZPD 26

    Relationships among Three Assessment Approaches 27

    Exercises 31


    UNIT 3. Quality of Assessment

    Introduction to Quality of Assessment 33

    Reliability Issues 34

    Rater Reliability 35

    Test Reliability 37

    Validity Issues 38

    Practicality 47

    Authenticity 48

    Fairness Issues 49

    The Relationship between Reliability and Validity 50

    Correlation in Language Assessment 52

    Exercises 56


    PART 2 Developing Assessment Tools in the classroom

    UNIT 4. Test Specification

    The introduction of the Test Specification 60

    What is Test Specification in L2 Testing? 61

    Writing Up Test Specification 64

    Illustrative Action Verbs for Defining Objectives 69

    Types of Test Items: Multiple-choice, Cloze test, Short-response, Essay 70

    Elicitation/Response Mode in Test Construction 73

    Exercises / 79


    UNIT 5. Descriptive Statistics

    Introduction to Descriptive Statistics in Test Analysis 81

    Types of Numerical Scales 82

    Descriptive Statistics 84

    The Concept of Normal Distribution 91

    Exercises 101


    UNIT 6. Developing Scoring Criteria

    Scoring of Performance-based Assessment 103

    Types of Scoring Methods 104

    Scoring in Classical Objective Tests 110

    Exercises 116


    UNIT 7. Teacher-made Criterion-referenced Tests and Standardized Norm-referenced Tests Introduction of the CRTs and NRTs 117

    Teacher-Made Criterion-Referenced Tests 118

    Standardized Norm-Referenced Tests 123

    Exercises 128


    PART 3 Assessing Language Ability

    UNIT 8. Assessing Listening

    Introduction to Assessing L2 Learners’ Listening Ability 130

    How to Assess L2 learners’ Listening Ability in the Classroom 131

    Nature of L2 Listening Ability 132

    Types of Listening Skills: Micro-skills and Macro-skills 133

    Types of L2 Listening Strategies 135

    How to Design an Effective Listening Task for L2 Learners 138

    Exercises 144


    UNIT 9. Assessing Reading

    Introduction to Assessing L2 Learners’ Reading Ability 145

    How to Assess L2 Learners’ Reading Ability in the Classroom 146

    Types of Reading Skills: Micro-skills and Macro-skills 150

    Types of Reading Strategies 152

    How to Design an Effective Reading Task for L2 Learners 154

    Exercises 163


    UNIT 10. Assessing Speaking

    Introduction to L2 Speaking Ability Assessment 165

    Nature of L2 Speaking Ability 166

    Types of Speaking Skills: Micro-skills and Macro-skills 167

    How to Design an Effective Speaking Task for L2 Learners 171

    Exercises 185


    UNIT 11. Assessing Writing

    Introduction to L2 Writing Ability Assessment 187

    Nature of L2 Writing Ability 188

    Types of Writing Genres 190

    Types of Writing Skills: Micro-skills, Macro-skills, and Writing Strategies 192

    How to Design an Effective Writing Task for L2 Learners 195

    Standardized Tests of Writing Tasks 202

    Exercises 207


    UNIT 12. Assessing Grammar and Vocabulary

    Introduction to Assessing L2 Learners’ Grammar and Vocabulary 209

    Assessing L2 Learners’ Grammar Ability 210

    How to Design an Effective Grammar Task for L2 Learners 213

    Assessing L2 Learners’ Vocabulary Ability 218

    How to Design an Effective Vocabulary Task for L2 Learners 220

    Effective Strategies to Integrate Grammar and Vocabulary Knowledge 225

    The Relationship between Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension 226

    The Relationship between Vocabulary and Writing Quality 228

    Exercises 232


    References 235

  • 신유선

    국립부경대학교 영어영문학과/영어교육대학원 졸업

    Indiana University at Bloomington TESOL 석사

    The University of Iowa at Iowa City ESL & Foreign Languages Education박사

    ) 국립순천대학교 영어교육과 교수

  • 학습자료

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

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  • 배송/교환정보



    교환/반품 정보


선택된 옵션

  • A Practical Guide to Classroom-based Assessment in L2