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Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.I-IV 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
지은이 Sun Young Jang, Young Rock Kim 외
발행년도 2015-02-01
판수 1판
페이지 1334
ISBN 9788961058056
도서상태 구매가능
판매가격 400,000원
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.I-IV


  • ‘수학계의 올림픽’이라고도 불리는 세계수학자대회(International Congress of Mathematicians)에서는 최근 4년간 일어났던 중요한 수학적 업적들을 평가 및 시상하며, 다양한 수학 분야에 관한 토론 및 강연들이 열리는 전 세계 수학자들의 축제이다.
    2014년 이 대회가 서울에서 개회되었으며, 대회 기간 중에 수상한 필즈상, 가우스상, 첸상 등 수상자의 논문과 주요 강연 논문을 모아서 발간하였다.

  • Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.II
    1. Logic and Foundations
    Zoé Chatzidakis
    Model theory of difference fields and applications to algebraic dynamics 1
    Ilijas Farah
    Logic and operator algebras 15
    John Goodrick, Byunghan Kim, and Alexei Kolesnikov
    Amalgamation functors and homology groups in model theory 41
    François Loeser
    Definability in non-archimedean geometry 59
    Antonio Montalbán
    Computability theoretic classifications for classes of structures 79
    Sławomir Solecki
    Recent developments in finite Ramsey theory: foundational aspects and
    connections with dynamics 103

    2. Algebra
    Nicolás Andruskiewitsch
    On finite-dimensional Hopf algebras 117
    Guillermo Cortiñas
    Excision, descent, and singularity in algebraic K-theory 143
    Robert Guralnick
    Applications of the classification of finite simple groups 163
    Seok-Jin Kang
    Higher representation theory and quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality 179
    Martin Kassabov
    Finitely Generated Groups with Controlled Pro-algebraic Completions 203
    Olga Kharlampovich and Alexei Myasnikov
    Model theory and algebraic geometry in groups, non-standard actions and
    algorithmic problems 223
    Andrei S. Rapinchuk
    Towards the eigenvalue rigidity of Zariski-dense subgroups 247
    Karen E. Smith
    Local and global Frobenius splitting 271

    3. Number Theory
    Francis Brown
    Motivic periods and P1n{0; 1;1} 295
    Matthew Emerton
    Completed cohomology and the p-adic Langlands program 319
    Wee Teck Gan
    Theta correspondence: recent progress and applications 343
    Michael Harris
    Automorphic Galois representations and the cohomology of
    Shimura varieties 367
    Harald Andrés Helfgott
    The ternary Goldbach problem 391
    D. A. Goldston, J. Pintz, and C. Y. Yıldırım
    Small gaps between primes 419
    Zeev Rudnick
    Some problems in analytic number theory for polynomials
    over a finite field 443
    Peter Scholze
    Perfectoid spaces and their applications 461
    J.-L. Waldspurger
    Stabilisation de la partie géométrique de la formule des traces tordue 487
    Trevor D. Wooley
    Translation invariance, exponential sums, and Waring’s problem 505
    Umberto Zannier
    Elementary integration of differentials in families and
    conjectures of Pink 531
    Yitang Zhang
    Small gaps between primes and primes in arithmetic progressions
    to large moduli 557
    Tamar Ziegler
    Linear equations in primes and dynamics of nilmanifolds 569

    4. Algebraic and Complex Geometry
    Kai Behrend
    On the virtual fundamental class 591
    Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine and Bumsig Kim
    Quasimap theory 615
    Alexander Kuznetsov
    Semiorthogonal decompositions in algebraic geometry 635
    Davesh Maulik
    K3 surfaces in positive characteristic 661
    Mircea Mustaţă
    The dimension of jet schemes of singular varieties 673
    Keiji Oguiso
    Some aspects of explicit birational geometry inspired by
    complex dynamics 695
    Mark Gross and Bernd Siebert
    Local mirror symmetry in the tropics 723
    Yukinobu Toda
    Derived category of coherent sheaves and counting invariants 745
    Bertrand Toën
    Derived algebraic geometry and deformation quantization 769
    Misha Verbitsky
    Teichmüller spaces, ergodic theory and global Torelli theorem 793

    5. Geometry
    Mohammed Abouzaid
    Family Floer cohomology and mirror symmetry 813
    Mikhail Belolipetsky
    Hyperbolic orbifolds of small volume 837
    Olivier Biquard
    Einstein 4-manifolds and singularities 853
    Fuquan Fang
    Non-negatively curved manifolds and Tits geometry 867
    Nancy Hingston
    Loop products, Poincaré duality, index growth and dynamics 881
    Jeremy Kahn and Vladimir Markovic
    The surface subgroup and the Ehrenepreis conjectures 897
    Aaron Naber
    The Geometry of Ricci Curvature 911
    André Neves
    New applications of Min-max Theory 939
    Yaron Ostrover
    When symplectic topology meets Banach space geometry 959
    Hans Ringström
    On the future stability of cosmological solutions to
    Einstein’s equations with accelerated expansion 983
    Natasa Sesum
    Solitons in geometric evolution equations 1001
    Gábor Székelyhidi
    Extremal Kähler metrics 1017
    Peter M. Topping
    Ricci flows with unbounded curvature 1033
    Stefan Wenger
    Isoperimetric inequalities and asymptotic geometry 1049
    Daniel T. Wise
    The cubical route to understanding groups 1075

    6. Topology
    Joseph Ayoub
    A guide to (étale) motivic sheaves 1101
    Charles Rezk
    Isogenies, power operations, and homotopy theory 1125
    Michael Entov
    Quasi-morphisms and quasi-states in symplectic topology 1147
    Benson Farb
    Representation stability 1173
    Søren Galatius
    Moduli spaces of manifolds 1197
    Michael A. Hill, Michael J. Hopkins, and Douglas C. Ravenel
    On the non-existence of elements of Kervaire invariant one 1219
    Tao Li
    Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds 1245
    John Rognes
    Algebraic K-theory of strict ring spectra 1259
    Thomas Schick
    The topology of positive scalar curvature 1285
    Constantin Teleman
    Gauge theory and mirror symmetry 1309

    Author Index

    Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.III
    7. Lie Theory and Generalizations
    Konstantin Ardakov
    ÒD-modules on rigid analytic spaces 1
    Yves Benoist
    Recurrence on the space of lattices 11
    Emmanuel Breuillard
    Diophantine geometry and uniform growth of finite and infinite groups 27
    Jonathan Brundan
    Schur-Weyl duality and categorification 51
    Uri Bader and Alex Furman
    Boundaries, rigidity of representations, and Lyapunov exponents 71
    Alexander Kleshchev
    Modular representation theory of symmetric groups 97
    Victor Ostrik
    Multi-fusion categories of Harish-Chandra bimodules 121
    Bertrand Rémy
    On some recent developments in the theory of buildings 143
    Nicolas Ressayre
    Some qualitative properties of branching multiplicities 165
    Michela Varagnolo and Eric Vasserot
    Double affine Hecke algebras and Hecke algebras associated with quivers 191

    8. Analysis and its Applications
    László Erdős
    Random matrices, log-gases and Hölder regularity 213
    Alessio Figalli
    Quantitative stability results for the Brunn-Minkowski inequality 237
    Kengo Hirachi
    Q and Q-prime curvature in CR geometry 257
    Tuomas Hytönen
    Advances in weighted norm inequalities 279
    Nets Hawk Katz
    The flecnode polynomial: a central object in incidence geometry 303
    Izabella Łaba
    Harmonic analysis and the geometry of fractals 315
    Chang-Shou Lin
    Mean field equations, hyperelliptic curves and modular forms 331
    Andrea Malchiodi
    Liouville equations from a variational point of view 345
    Adam W. Marcus, Daniel A. Spielman, and Nikhil Srivastava
    Ramanujan graphs and the solution of the Kadison–Singer problem 363
    Jill Pipher
    Carleson measures and elliptic boundary value problems 387
    Tom Sanders
    Roth’s theorem: an application of approximate groups 401
    Wilhelm Schlag
    Semilinear wave equations 425
    Sasha Sodin
    Several applications of the moment method in random matrix theory 451
    Roland Speicher
    Free probability and random matrices 477
    László Székelyhidi Jr.
    The h-principle and turbulence 503

    9. Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations
    Viviane Baladi
    Linear response, or else 525
    Luigi Chierchia and Gabriella Pinzari
    Metric stability of the planetary N-body problem 547
    Sylvain Crovisier
    Dynamics of C1-diffeomorphisms: global description and prospects for
    classification 571
    Albert Fathi
    Weak KAM Theory: the connection between Aubry-Mather theory and
    viscosity solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 597
    Jens Marklof
    The low-density limit of the Lorentz gas: periodic, aperiodic and random 623
    Carlos Gustavo T. de A. Moreira
    Fractal geometry and dynamical bifurcations 647
    Mark Pollicott
    Zeta functions for Anosov flows 661
    Frédéric Faure and Masato Tsujii
    Resonances for geodesic flows on negatively curved manifolds 683
    Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien
    Recent developments in interval dynamics 699

    10. Partial Differential Equations
    Thierry Bodineau, Isabelle Gallagher, and Laure Saint-Raymond
    From molecular dynamics to kinetic theory and hydrodynamics 721
    Mihalis Dafermos
    The mathematical analysis of black holes in general relativity 747
    Panagiota Daskalopoulos
    Ancient solutions to geometric flows 773
    Robert L. Jerrard
    Quantized vortex filaments in complex scalar fields 789
    Ki-Ahm Lee
    Homogenization theory in nonlinear partial differential equations 811
    Robert J. McCann
    Academic wages, singularities, phase transitions and pyramid schemes 835
    Pierre Raphaël
    On singularity formation in Hamiltonian evolution equations 849
    Luis Silvestre
    Regularity estimates for parabolic integro-differential equations
    and applications 873
    Sergiu Klainerman, Igor Rodnianski, and Jérémie Szeftel
    The resolution of the bounded L2 curvature conjecture
    in general relativity 895
    András Vasy
    Some recent advances in microlocal analysis 915
    Juncheng Wei
    Geometric approaches to semilinear elliptic equations 941
    Shih-Hsien Yu
    Duality in Boltzmann equation and its applications 965

    11. Mathematical Physics
    Anton Alekseev
    Three lives of the Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable system 983
    Ivan Corwin
    Macdonald processes, quantum integrable systems and
    the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class 1007
    Bertrand Duplantier
    Liouville Quantum Gravity, KPZ and Schramm-Loewner Evolution 1035
    Bertrand Eynard
    An overview of the topological recursion 1063
    Vladimir V. Fock
    Cluster varieties and integrable systems 1087
    Anton A. Gerasimov
    Archimedean Langlands duality and exactly solvable quantum systems 1097
    Seung-Yeal Ha
    Lyapunov functional approach and collective dynamics of some interacting
    many-body systems 1123
    Rinat Kedem
    Fermionic spectra in integrable models 1141
    Sandrine Péché
    Deformed ensembles of random matrices 1159
    Robert Seiringer
    Structure of the excitation spectrum for many-body quantum systems 1175
    Samson L. Shatashvili
    Gauge theory angle at quantum integrability 1195
    Jörg Teschner
    Quantization of moduli spaces of flat connections and Liouville theory 1223

    Author Index 1247

    Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.IV

    12 Probability and Statistics
    Sourav Chatterjee
    A short survey of Stein’s method  1
    Geoffrey R. Grimmett
    Criticality, universality, and isoradiality  25
    Martin Hairer
    Singular stochastic PDEs  49
    Takashi Kumagai
    Anomalous random walks and diffusions: From fractals to random media  75
    Kenneth Lange and Kevin L. Keys
    The proximal distance algorithm  95
    Michel Ledoux
    Heat flow, geometric and functional inequalities  117
    Russell Lyons
    Determinantal probability: Basic properties and conjectures  137
    Terry Lyons
    Rough paths, signatures and the modelling of functions on streams  163
    Timo Seppäänen
    Variational formulas for directed polymer and percolation models  185
    Vladas Sidoravicius
    Criticality and Phase Transitions: five favorite pieces  199
    Alexandre B. Tsybakov
    Aggregation and minimax optimality in high-dimensional estimation  225
    Báint Virá
    Operator limits of random matrices  247
    Martin J. Wainwright
    Constrained forms of statistical minimax: Computation, communication, and privacy   273

    13 Combinatorics
    Maria Chudnovsky
    Coloring graphs with forbidden induced subgraphs  291
    David Conlon
    Combinatorial theorems relative to a random set  303
    Jacob Fox
    The graph regularity method: variants, applications, and alternative methods  329
    Michael Krivelevich
    Positional games  355
    Daniela Kün and Deryk Osthus
    Hamilton cycles in graphs and hypergraphs: an extremal perspective  381
    Marc Noy
    Random planar graphs and beyond  407
    Grigori Olshanski
    The Gelfand-Tsetlin graph and Markov processes  431
    Jáos Pach
    Geometric intersection patterns and the theory of topological graphs  455
    Angelika Steger
    The determinism of randomness and its use in combinatorics  475
    Van H. Vu
    Combinatorial problems in random matrix theory  489

    14 Mathematical Aspects of Computer Sciences
    Boaz Barak and David Steurer
    Sum-of-squares proofs and the quest toward optimal algorithms  509
    Mark Braverman
    Interactive information and coding theory  535
    Andrei A. Bulatov
    Counting constraint satisfaction problems  561
    Julia Chuzhoy
    Flows, cuts and integral routing in graphs - an approximation algorithmist’s perspective  585
    Craig Gentry
    Computing on the edge of chaos: Structure and randomness in encrypted computation  609
    Ryan O’Donnell
    Social choice, computational complexity, Gaussian geometry, and Boolean functions  633
    Ryan Williams
    Algorithms for circuits and circuits for algorithms: Connecting the tractable and intractable  659
    Sergey Yekhanin
    Codes with local decoding procedures  683

    15 Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
    Réi Abgrall
    On a class of high order schemes for hyperbolic problems   699
    Annalisa Buffa
    Spline differential forms  727
    Yalchin Efendiev
    Multiscale model reduction with generalized multiscale finite element methods  749
    Chi-Wang Shu
    Discontinuous Galerkin method for time-dependent convection dominated partial differential equations  767
    Denis Talay
    Singular stochastic computational models, stochastic analysis, PDE analysis, and numerics  787
    Ya-xiang Yuan
    A review on subspace methods for nonlinear optimization  807

    16 Control Theory and Optimizaiton
    Friedrich Eisenbrand
    Recent results around the diameter of polyhedra  829
    Monique Laurent
    Optimization over polynomials: Selected topics  843
    Adrian S. Lewis
    Nonsmooth optimization: conditioning, convergence and semi-algebraic models  871
    Luc Robbiano
    Carleman estimates, results on control and stabilization for partial differential equations  897
    Pierre Rouchon 
    Models and feedback stabilization of open quantum systems  921
    Jiongmin Yong
    Time-inconsistent optimal control problems  947

    17 Mathematics in Science and Technology
    Weizhu Bao
    Mathematical models and numerical methods for Bose-Einstein condensation  971
    Andrea Braides
    Discrete-to-continuum variational methods for Lattice systems  997
    Eric Cancè
    Mathematical models and numerical methods for electronic structure Calculation  1017
    Anna C. Gilbert
    Sparse analysis  1043
    Miguel Colom, Gabriele Facciolo,Marc Lebrun, Nicola Pierazzo, Martin Rais,
    Yi-Qing Wang, and Jean-Michel Morel 
    A mathematical perspective of image denoising  1061
    Barbara Niethammer
    Scaling in kinetic mean-field models for coarsening phenomena  1087
    Hinke M. Osinga
    Computing global invariant manifolds: Techniques and applications  1101
    B. Daya Reddy
    Numerical approximation of variational inequalities arising in elastoplasticity  1125
    Andrew M. Stuart
    Uncertainty quantification in Bayesian inversion  1145
    Thaleia Zariphopoulou
    Stochastic modeling and methods in optimal portfolio construction  1163

    18 Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics
    Éienne Ghys
    The internet and the popularization of mathematics  1187
    Güter M. Ziegler and Andreas Loos
    Teaching and learning “What is Mathematics”  1203

    19 History of Mathematics
    Qi Han
    Knowledge and power: A social history of the transmission of mathematics   1217
    between China and Europe during the Kangxi reign (1662-1722)
    Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze
    One hundred years after the Great War (1914–014): A century of
    breakdowns, resumptions and fundamental changes in international
    mathematical communication   1231
    Dominique Tournè
    Mathematics of engineers: Elements for a new history of numerical analysis  1255

    Author Index. 1275

    Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.I 
    I권의 내용은 기조강연 및 메달리스트에 대한 논문, 개회식, 폐회식 자료가 들어 있습니다. 
    II-IV권의 내용은 2014 세계수학자대회에 강연했던 178편의 논문과 초청강연 모음집입니다.

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  • Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Seoul 2014 Vol.I-IV